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Author Topic: Rules  (Read 17475 times)
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
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I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« on: November 02, 2008, 03:27:49 PM »

Okay, the rules.. most of it has already been said by Nuke.. however.. to clear them up.. and to make them visible again!

1. Posting cheat codes of whatever type is fine. What's forbidden however is: Posting codes which give you advantage over other player in WiFi mode. Therefore the typical "Force custom stage in Wi-Fi" code or so for Smash Bros is completely fine as it'll only work if all players activate it - if all players have to cheat they know the others are cheating - a speed up code for Wifi for Mario Kart however is NOT!
2. Suggesting cheat codes to hackers is fine as long as those hackers allow in an official topic. But please do not expect them to take the codes, they are not paid. Therefore: we do not call this code requests, it's suggestions! So: don't start whining if people do not do your suggestions!
3. If a code does not work.. maybe it's because your Gecko OS version is too old. The code handler has changed a few times. If you use Ocarina. Yes, your code handler is old!
4. Search for codes using the search function!

1. While showing off (screenshots/videos), porting (US -> PAL), or using other people cheat codes for new codes (like filling in typical XX values or including them in new codes) we politely ask you to credit the original hacker as well.
2. Copying cheat codes by other hackers of different forums is only allowed if the respective hacker allows it!

1. New Wii update? New HBC update? Most likely we posted about it. Check the "News" on top of the forums. If they are big and fat you'll know there were some critical changes by Team Twiizers or Nintendo - and whether you should update or not. As a general advice: if you want to use cheating for the future, you're generally not advised to update!
2. NO PIRACY requests or offers. Talking about modchips in general.. is fine.. where to get them.. or how to back up your own games... where to obtain copies.. where to obtain WADs.. where to obtain WiiWare or VC... Search somewhere else.
3. We do not have anything to do with the Backup Loader, USB Loaders and related. While these backup loader are based on Gecko OS loader code they are inofficial releases!

1. No linking of illegal files is allowed. Illegal files include but are not limited to:
  • Roms and ISOs of any case
  • Nintendo property files (IOS files, Nintendo channels (even those which are freely downloadable because the Nintendo license forbids distributing other than the Wii Shop) like WiiWare and VC games, all channels derived from Nintendo channels (currently this includes all channels except for the Homebrew channel))
  • Cracks of any type
2. Linking to webpages hosting these kinda files can hardly be checked. The administrators and moderators nor any other members can be held responsible for external links - links pointing to warez sites will probably be removed anyway but noone of us can be held responsible for any links being posted!
3. No linking to backup loaders, USB loaders or related!

1. Use the search function if your questions have already been answered before.
2. Be friendly - flaming will result in banning.
3. Off-topic discussion is currently not allowed - topics went too far off before, sorry!
4. Bumping time of own topics shouldn't be below 24 hours. And only ONE bump please. If really noone is answering.. either they cannot or they do not want answer.
5. Long term bumps are not allowed if there is nothing new to tell (like "OHNOES THIS IS AWESOME"). If you have however constructive suggestions or ideas or you found a code for a very old game whose topics still exist. Bump them then! It's still better than creating a new topic on the same subject.
6. For your own safety: handle your personal data securely. Moderators will most likely remove post data like telephone numbers or addresses and related if you post them. E-Mail Addresses, Real Life Names , Messenger contacts are of your own risk. You can decide in your own profile whether your e-mail address is supposed to be public or not. If you post your password.. a moderator will most likely remove it but you'd still deserve the idiot award for even posting it!
7. No super size fonts or so. No super size images. Posts should maintain a readable level.
8. English language only! At least try to use proper grammar. Everyone forgives non-English speakers if they have problems but at least try. (Amendment: You may use other languages ONLY if you post an English Translation with it!)

1. General questions about Wii and homebrew stuff belong in the Help section.
2. Questions about hacking (how to make codes, not how to use them!) belong in the Wii Game Hacking Help.
3. If you have a question about a code or if a code does not work as it should then you have to post in the Support section (or WiiWare/VC support section), but before you make a new thread please make sure that there is not already a thread for that game.
4. If you have a code request then you have to search for a thread for that game in the support section, if there is not already a thread for this game then you can make a new thread if there are already some codes for that game.
5. If you post in the wrong section then your thread will be moved or removed.
6. If you post is removed then the mods/admin had a good reason to do so, so dont complain about removed posts/threads because it was most likely your own fault.

1. Some user insults you via PM: Forward your messages to a moderator.. these are: Link, Foxx, James0x57, SMK, hetoan2, Romaap and dcx2. We'll take care of them. Please do not just post "this user insults me, ban him" - moderators cannot read other user's PMs and even for admins it is quite hard to dig out your messages using the database!
2. Some user insults others in postings or misbehaves: use the "Report to moderator" function if no moderator has taken action yet. We get e-mails and we'll immediately react.

How these rules are treated depends on the moderators and administrators. Generally, in case it's your first time you'll get a warning or in worst cases a temporary ban - and your topic (if you were starting it) will most likely be locked! However: even if it's just the first time.. major rule breaking will result in an instant forever ban!

Other than that: Have fun posting!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 05:54:28 PM by James0x57 » Logged

Sr. Member

Karma: 12
Posts: 368

« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 10:21:10 PM »

question: if wifi codes arent allowed if they give you the advantage, how come the "have any item mod *works anywhere" code for mario kart is allowed?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 10:23:17 PM by Austin » Logged

Spoiler for Hiden:
Legendary Member

Karma: 89
Posts: 1793

« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 01:03:06 PM »

because that one is made to be used in offline GP's and Time Trials (I think)
The Twilight Hacker
Full Member

Karma: 14
Posts: 243

« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2008, 03:04:44 PM »

question: if wifi codes arent allowed if they give you the advantage, how come the "have any item mod *works anywhere" code for mario kart is allowed?
You are advertising for a copy-cat forum in your signature that is allowing wifi-cheats, you know that right?

If someone helped you press the thank you button.
Sr. Member

Karma: 12
Posts: 368

« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 05:16:34 PM »

You are advertising for a copy-cat forum in your signature that is allowing wifi-cheats, you know that right?
its not really a copy-cat forum. yes we do support wifi but not ones that could ruin it. dont reply to this. we dont need another spammed rules thread!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 03:30:35 AM by Austin » Logged

Spoiler for Hiden:
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2008, 08:39:52 AM »

1. Posting cheat codes of whatever type is fine. What's forbidden however is: Posting codes which give you advantage over other player in WiFi mode. Therefore the typical "Force custom stage in Wi-Fi" code or so for Smash Bros is completely fine as it'll only work if all players activate it - if all players have to cheat they know the others are cheating - a speed up code for Wifi for Mario Kart however is NOT!

@Austin: if that's the case for you, fine. People don't realize Wi-Fi codes are generally not forbidden here either. The only codes forbidden are those putting you into an advantage over other players. Other codes are fine by me. If that's the same for you, cool!

that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2008, 08:55:58 AM »

updated some rules about allowed/non-allowed attachments!

Sum Miles Christi
Hero Member

Karma: 24
Posts: 784


« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2008, 09:10:43 PM »

Thanks Link. Although some signature guidelines would be nice. Smiley

Red Sox vs. Yankees 4/4/2k10 Season Opener
Red Sox: 9 Yankees: 7 Final!
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2008, 03:28:03 PM »

Thanks Link. Although some signature guidelines would be nice. Smiley

True but were there already major signature problems.. I haven't seen any but rules can always be adjusted ^^

Sum Miles Christi
Hero Member

Karma: 24
Posts: 784


« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2008, 12:52:59 AM »

Thanks Link. Although some signature guidelines would be nice. Smiley

True but were there already major signature problems.. I haven't seen any but rules can always be adjusted ^^
Ok, cool Smiley

Red Sox vs. Yankees 4/4/2k10 Season Opener
Red Sox: 9 Yankees: 7 Final!
Radical Hacker

Karma: 1
Posts: 34 bassboy64_99
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 01:34:39 AM »

will try to follow them

that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2009, 10:27:22 AM »


Sr. Member

Karma: 12
Posts: 368

« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2009, 05:57:04 PM »

1. Some user insults you via PM: Forward your messages to a moderator.. these are: Link, Foxx, James0x57, Romaap and SMK. We'll take care of them. Please do not just post "this user insults me, ban him" - moderators cannot read other user's PMs and even for admins it is quite hard to dig out your messages using the database!
Just a notice: you need to update this part in my opinion...
you do know what, right?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:06:00 PM by Link » Logged

Spoiler for Hiden:
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2009, 06:06:35 PM »

Oops, yes, thank you.. and I accidently edited it in your post now.. sorry about that, I normally do not edit user posts but this time I misclicked!

Legendary Member

Karma: 89
Posts: 1793

« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2009, 05:19:59 PM »

I added something about where to post Smiley i hope you dont mind that I edited your post Tongue
Is it correct or do you think something should be added/changed/deleted?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 05:21:43 PM by Romaap » Logged
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