I want create jesus mode code for SMG2,how to create it ?:
nes asm (super mario 64):
lui $a0, 0x8034
lh $a0, 0xB1E6($a0) ; Load water level
mtc1 $a0, $f6 ; Move it to cop1
cvt.s.w $f4, $f6 ; Convert it to a floating point number
c.lt.s $f18, $f4
bc1f end ; if (waterlevel > ground_y)
mov.s $f18, f4 ; ground_y = waterlevel
j 0x8038176C
swc1 $f18, 0x0000($t8) ; Taken from the break out location
j 0x8038176C
swc1 $f18, 0x0000($t8) ; Taken from the break out location
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
810000A2 3120
810000A4 4604
810000A6 903C
810000AC 4500
810000AE 0002
810000B4 4600
810000B6 2486
810000B8 080E
810000BA 05DB
810000BC E712