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Update 4.3 - do NOT update!
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Question: Will you update to 4.0?
hell yeah
no ill wait for wiibrew to find a workaround
no, even if wiibrew find a workaround the update doesnt interest me

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Author Topic: 4.0/4.1 update  (Read 36213 times)
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« Reply #135 on: August 30, 2009, 12:36:59 PM »

Um, I am ADHD, so I need all the explanations to my questions in one neat little post if ever possible. I apologize for my lack of patience. ^^;

I have only softmodded it. The only things I have are HBC and two Gecko OS's and savestate loader/unloaders. If I update my Wii, will I still be able to hack Animal crossing, and use codes for that and other games with my SD card?

And if I update to 4.0, will I be able to hack VC games without the danger of having to downgrade my Wii? (Doing lots of fancy stuff like this to my expensive and beloved Wii makes my brain feel like teeth rubbing on a dinner plate, since I am generally poor.)

Again, sorry for asking anything that was already asked... I just need special explaining at times.

If your Wii is virgin other than HBC.. then updating to 4.1 will not top HBC and Gecko OS from working (Hacking Animal Crossing will work) however, hacking channels will only work if you use a custom IOS!


Karma: 0
Posts: 3

« Reply #136 on: August 30, 2009, 01:49:02 PM »

1.) Aww, rightious!!!

2.) Is a custom IOS downloaded or is it a hardware chip? If it's downloaded, I would love to do so. Because I keep fearing my memories of the Gameshark Pro would be just memories. If not, will there be a soft way to do so? If I have to wait until the right stuff is achieved first, I will. But will it be possible?

Edit: I looked around the internet and it seems the IOS is handled like an actual ROM is as far as legality. What I want to know is though, is that what KINDS of custom IOS are there? Is there one specific one just for old games hacking?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 10:05:03 PM by WiiKirby » Logged
Sr. Member

Karma: 18
Posts: 254

« Reply #137 on: September 14, 2009, 10:54:24 AM »

@ssbbdude found this maybe it could help check the description

Post Merge: September 14, 2009, 07:12:32 PM
i used winiakos firmware updater it says i have 2.2u now instead of 4.0 lol
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 07:12:32 PM by 12201 » Logged

for updates of codes ive released or am going to release follow my twitter

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