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Author Topic: 3.4 Update  (Read 66539 times)
Jr. Member

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« Reply #330 on: March 24, 2009, 07:40:05 AM »

You would think Nintendo would have more important things to do rather than blocking gamecube action replays.They spend all this time trying to block action replay's etc when they should be concentrating on getting the storage solution problem sorted out and better games etc.
that dev there
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« Reply #331 on: March 24, 2009, 07:49:52 AM »

You would think Nintendo would have more important things to do rather than blocking gamecube action replays.They spend all this time trying to block action replay's etc when they should be concentrating on getting the storage solution problem sorted out and better games etc.

Main reason: the block is easy.. my inspections on ARs is that Datel never changed the apploader... and they only change game IDs.. if you look at MIOS, you'll find a list of all to be checked game IDs - these are the ARs, Freeloaders and whatever.. the system recognizes: aha, game ID match.. checks if it has a Datel apploader and block.. as long as Datel does not adjust their apploader, they just have to add game IDs to their list.

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« Reply #332 on: March 24, 2009, 10:14:20 AM »

Nintendo bothered to block 2 other versions that datel released with an MIOS v6 and a v8 already.

i don't think it's that hard.

Check out my site with codes obviously...

and youtube...
Not the Radioactive Mongoose of Darkness

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« Reply #333 on: April 26, 2009, 04:42:59 PM »

Nintendo bothered to block 2 other versions that datel released with an MIOS v6 and a v8 already.

i don't think it's that hard.

I didn't have to update at all to have the Wii get ticked when I try to use my GC AR. Straight out of the box, I played one game (didn't update) and then popped in my AR - it rejected it.

And now I find out that I'm going to have to hunt down a different version of the Load-Mii-Shop-Update program, because the one I have doesn't work (freezes in the middle of the process). I was using the one they said was compatible with HBC! Oh well. Maybe there's a more recent version. But until then, I can't use the shop channel, and my Wii Points (those things aren't cheap) are completely useless. Just so long as it's not a well laid trap by ninjas... ;P

Heads Up: Always double check, when you're buying a game with multiple versions, that the disk is the version you want to buy. I've ended up with the wrong disk more than once.
that dev there
Hero Member

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« Reply #334 on: April 26, 2009, 05:12:13 PM »

I assume you have a new Wii.. many Wiis as of now are shipped with software versions above or equal 3.0 (fabric Wiis currently even have 3.4 if i recall correctly).. if you have one of those.. AR won't work!

Not the Radioactive Mongoose of Darkness

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« Reply #335 on: April 26, 2009, 05:39:56 PM »

I assume you have a new Wii.. many Wiis as of now are shipped with software versions above or equal 3.0 (fabric Wiis currently even have 3.4 if i recall correctly).. if you have one of those.. AR won't work!

I got my Wii in the middle of May 2008. I'm not sure what version it would have been in that case.

Heads Up: Always double check, when you're buying a game with multiple versions, that the disk is the version you want to buy. I've ended up with the wrong disk more than once.
that dev there
Hero Member

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« Reply #336 on: April 26, 2009, 05:50:45 PM »

I'd guess 3.1 but I cannot be sure!

So yes, your Wii already blocked the Action Replay then

Not the Radioactive Mongoose of Darkness

Karma: 0
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« Reply #337 on: April 26, 2009, 06:16:13 PM »

Yes, and I started in the whole home brew scene shortly after I got the Wii, but I only started having problems in December. The code manager issues were just the ones that stood out the most, I guess, because I was shocked when suddenly a program that worked excellently (much more than I had expected it to at the time), just suddenly became unrecognizable. I've reinstalled the program at least four times, from different sources and different versions, and none of them work. Like someone at some point said, it's possible that it's a compatibility issue with the version of HBC I'm running now, as opposed to the version I had when Code Manager still worked.

I've also been unable to get Code Downloader to download anything at all, but that's a mostly unrelated topic, other than the fact that they have connected uses. I've scratched my head about a lot of odd things going on with Home Brew apps that don't want to behave, but this is the only one that flat out became unrecognizable that I couldn't easily fix through reinstalling it.

Heads Up: Always double check, when you're buying a game with multiple versions, that the disk is the version you want to buy. I've ended up with the wrong disk more than once.
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