Thanks for the translation Arudo
Rune Factory Oceans NTSC-J
Freak Master Code
00534F33 4A393900
Skill Gauge gain Multiplier
0425ABC0 1F5A00xx
0425ABC4 48000008
02=2x 32=50x 64=100x C8=200x
Skill Gauge when increased will instantly Level Up
0425ABD4 60000000
Skill Gauge Level Max
0425ABE4 3BA00063
Main Character All Skills Maxed
08A67132 00000063
002F0004 00000000
Friendship Gain Multiplier
04217464 1FA400xx
38A001F5 042174B0
xx = 02 (2x) 32=50x 64=100x
Max Friendship
04217190 A0630088
00000300 28608042
C2217190 00000002
398001F5 B1830088
A0630088 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Press 1+2 at the Relationship Screen to Max out Friendship
Move the Cursor to the Character you wish to Max out friendship on and press 1+2 to do so.
Time Passage Speed Modifier
042174E4 388001F5
Max Money/Gold
04A670C4 05F5E0FF
When Selling an Item at a Store Money Maxed
60000000 04049678
040496F8 60000000
Pressing Z+Up to Gain 99 of an Item
040225C4 88040003
00002008 28608042
C20225C4 00000002
99840003 39800063
00000000 88040003
E0000000 80008000
Put the Cursor on top of the Item you wish to Multiply in the Ruck Sack screen
EXP Gain Multiplier
C202EF48 00000002
1C8400xx 7C052214
00000000 60000000
xx = 0002 32=50x 64=100x C8=200x
Max EXP Gain
C202EF48 00000002
3D800099 388C967F
7C052214 00000000
Main Character HP never decreases
04035888 801B0034
Main Character RP never decreases
04035898 A81B003C
Yumiru HP never decreases
0404A338 60000000
Yumiru RP never decreases
0404A36C 60000000
The Max affection code don´t work for me
Can somebody create a moon jump code and a walkthroug the walls code? thanks!