The only reason I want to update my 3.2u to at least 4.0 is for the sd menu!
I need more blocks for my channels.
So I hope someone can make it possible to make a sd menu wad
or app for Homebrew or something.
I wouldn't update through nintendo. Ever. It will take you straight to 4.3V2. However, I was also wondering if it
is possible to update to 4.0/4.1 from a 3.2U using various apps such as NUS downloader and wads, etc. I have never used this method, so I don't know. 111, do you know how/if this is possible? And @vanish once/if you update, never, ever downgrade.
DOP-Mii can allow you to update or downgrade the System Menu. I'm not sure exactly what it updates, though. If you want to update to System Menu 4.0, then I would just use that program. For System Menu 4.1, you can do the same thing, or use a game like New Super Mario Brothers Wii to update to it.
Technically, yes, you can update the System Menu by using a program like
wadImport, but
I would not recommend this method. You would need the following files...
IOS60 v6174System Menu 4.0 OR
System Menu 4.1Keep several things in mind, however...
1. If you do this,
you MUST install IOS60 v6174 first. If you install the System Menu first, YOU WILL BRICK! Also, remember that we are talking about System Menu 4.0 and 4.1 here.
Make absolutely sure that you have IOS60v6174, and NOT IOS60v6400. IOS60v6400 is a stub IOS, which means that it is basically a placeholder on the Wii, and does not do anything. If you install IOS60v6400 and then System Menu 4.0/4.1, YOU WILL BRICK!
3. Make sure that you have the correct region System Menu.
4. I am not sure how this will affect Preloader/Priiloader.
Also, remember that IOS60v6174 is used by System Menu 4.0 and 4.1.
System Menu 4.2 uses
IOS70v6687, and
System Menu 4.3 (version one and version two) uses
Again, watch out for stub IOSes, and ALWAYS INSTALL THE IOS FIRST! Use the following page for information on System Menu version, and what IOS they use..., I would not recommend the wadImport method. However, if you decide to try it, I would recommend using BootMii to make a NAND backup, and install it as boot2 if you can. This way, if something goes wrong, you can restore to where you were before. See the "BootMii" section of this guide for information on how to do that...,6843.0.htmlAlso, remember that an official update to System Menu 4.2 will give you boot2v4, which will remove BootMii. Boot2v4 may also prevent you from using a NAND backup to go back to 3.2U. If you are on Boot2v3 or lower, I would recommend staying there if possible.