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Author Topic: System Menu 4.3 - 06/21/2010  (Read 143971 times)
Sr. Member

Karma: 33
Posts: 438

« Reply #165 on: August 25, 2010, 01:24:52 AM »

If you are looking to install IOS58 on 4.3, you could probably download it with NUS Downloader (pack it into a WAD file), and then use WadImport to install it.

I don't know anything about the USB loaders, and I'm pretty sure that discussion of such things are against the forum rules, anyway.

Karma: 1
Posts: 45

« Reply #166 on: August 26, 2010, 06:07:36 PM »

A new version of the HackMii Installer has been released.  The main update with this version is that the Homebrew Channel has had USB improvements on all IOS versions, and now has USB 2.0 support if you have IOS58 installed.  IOS58 is used by the Wii game Your Shape.  Use the IOS58 Installer to download IOS58 to your console.  In addition, I'm guessing that NUS Downloader will also work, although you will need another program (like a WAD Manager) to install it to your Wii console.  You can read more about this from the following link...

If I download IOS58, will it get rid of the Homebrew Channel (like updating to 4.3U)?  Does it matter where I download IOS58 from?

Karma: 1
Posts: 39

« Reply #167 on: August 26, 2010, 07:39:19 PM »

A new version of the HackMii Installer has been released.  The main update with this version is that the Homebrew Channel has had USB improvements on all IOS versions, and now has USB 2.0 support if you have IOS58 installed.  IOS58 is used by the Wii game Your Shape.  Use the IOS58 Installer to download IOS58 to your console.  In addition, I'm guessing that NUS Downloader will also work, although you will need another program (like a WAD Manager) to install it to your Wii console.  You can read more about this from the following link...

If I download IOS58, will it get rid of the Homebrew Channel (like updating to 4.3U)?  Does it matter where I download IOS58 from?

it will not if you updated your homebrew Channel to the latest version.
Sr. Member

Karma: 33
Posts: 438

« Reply #168 on: August 26, 2010, 07:51:18 PM »

A new version of the HackMii Installer has been released.  The main update with this version is that the Homebrew Channel has had USB improvements on all IOS versions, and now has USB 2.0 support if you have IOS58 installed.  IOS58 is used by the Wii game Your Shape.  Use the IOS58 Installer to download IOS58 to your console.  In addition, I'm guessing that NUS Downloader will also work, although you will need another program (like a WAD Manager) to install it to your Wii console.  You can read more about this from the following link...

If I download IOS58, will it get rid of the Homebrew Channel (like updating to 4.3U)?  Does it matter where I download IOS58 from?

No, IOS58 alone would not delete the Homebrew Channel.  Only System Menu 4.3 deletes the Homebrew Channel (IOS58 and System Menu 4.3 are separate files).

I downloaded IOS58 with the IOS58 installer, and it seemed to install fine, although I have not tested a USB drive on the Homebrew Channel yet.  If your Wii is not connected to the internet, then you can download IOS58 v6175 with the NUS Downloader (pack it into a WAD file), and you should be able to install it to your console with wadImport.

EDIT:  Only the latest version of the HackMii Installer supports USB 2.0 with IOS58.  You should probably install IOS58 before installing the latest version of the Homebrew Channel.  Otherwise, the Homebrew Channel will select a different IOS version to use.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 07:56:28 PM by 111 » Logged

Karma: 1
Posts: 45

« Reply #169 on: August 28, 2010, 06:18:36 PM »

A new version of the HackMii Installer has been released.  The main update with this version is that the Homebrew Channel has had USB improvements on all IOS versions, and now has USB 2.0 support if you have IOS58 installed.  IOS58 is used by the Wii game Your Shape.  Use the IOS58 Installer to download IOS58 to your console.  In addition, I'm guessing that NUS Downloader will also work, although you will need another program (like a WAD Manager) to install it to your Wii console.  You can read more about this from the following link...

If I download IOS58, will it get rid of the Homebrew Channel (like updating to 4.3U)?  Does it matter where I download IOS58 from?

No, IOS58 alone would not delete the Homebrew Channel.  Only System Menu 4.3 deletes the Homebrew Channel (IOS58 and System Menu 4.3 are separate files).

I downloaded IOS58 with the IOS58 installer, and it seemed to install fine, although I have not tested a USB drive on the Homebrew Channel yet.  If your Wii is not connected to the internet, then you can download IOS58 v6175 with the NUS Downloader (pack it into a WAD file), and you should be able to install it to your console with wadImport.

EDIT:  Only the latest version of the HackMii Installer supports USB 2.0 with IOS58.  You should probably install IOS58 before installing the latest version of the Homebrew Channel.  Otherwise, the Homebrew Channel will select a different IOS version to use.

Okay, I am still a little bit confused on this stuff.  How do I get my Wii to think that it has 4.3U (even though it doesn't), so that it won't try and update when I try using future 1st party Wii games?  I basically want to be able to play future Wii games without needing to install 4.3U.

Sr. Member

Karma: 33
Posts: 438

« Reply #170 on: August 29, 2010, 05:16:10 PM »

To do that, you may want to look into Priiloader or StartPatch.  I've personally never used either program, so I can't offer help with them.  However, they can do what you want.  I usually just run newer games through Gecko/GeckoOS to bypass the whole update, and only install the IOS that the game needs.

Karma: 1
Posts: 45

« Reply #171 on: August 29, 2010, 06:24:58 PM »

To do that, you may want to look into Priiloader or StartPatch.  I've personally never used either program, so I can't offer help with them.  However, they can do what you want.  I usually just run newer games through Gecko/GeckoOS to bypass the whole update, and only install the IOS that the game needs.

So as long as I always load Wii games via Gecko (either with or without codes), the game won't try and update the Wii to 4.3U?  That's great news!  Thanks.
Sr. Member

Karma: 33
Posts: 438

« Reply #172 on: August 29, 2010, 08:37:06 PM »

No, it won't update to 4.3 or higher.  It will only install the IOS that is needed.  For example, I am on 3.0U, and can run Super Mario Galaxy 2 just fine.  The Super Mario Galaxy 2 disc includes IOS56v5405.  However, I've found that it works just fine with IOS56v4890.

GeckoOS 1.07b can run some games without installing any IOS at all.  For example, Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Brothers Brawl each use IOS36.  I have never had IOS36 on my console, but with GeckoOS 1.07b, I can run both of those games just fine.  I've found that gives an Error 002 on newer games (such as Super Mario Galaxy 2), however.

With this method, however, you can't run newer Wii games through the Disc Channel, unless you use the Rebooter to block the disc updates.

Karma: 1
Posts: 45

« Reply #173 on: August 29, 2010, 10:21:38 PM »

No, it won't update to 4.3 or higher.  It will only install the IOS that is needed.  For example, I am on 3.0U, and can run Super Mario Galaxy 2 just fine.  The Super Mario Galaxy 2 disc includes IOS56v5405.  However, I've found that it works just fine with IOS56v4890.

GeckoOS 1.07b can run some games without installing any IOS at all.  For example, Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Brothers Brawl each use IOS36.  I have never had IOS36 on my console, but with GeckoOS 1.07b, I can run both of those games just fine.  I've found that gives an Error 002 on newer games (such as Super Mario Galaxy 2), however.

With this method, however, you can't run newer Wii games through the Disc Channel, unless you use the Rebooter to block the disc updates.

Awesome!  Thanks for the info.  I'll load games via Gecko from now on.


Karma: 0
Posts: 30

« Reply #174 on: September 05, 2010, 05:35:12 PM »

Okay - I rented Metroid: Other M yesterday to give it a whirl; loaded it through Gecko OS to avoid the system update. I headed out a couple of hours ago to do some errands and my brother asked if he could play it. I assumed he meant on -his- Wii downstairs, so I said "Yes". I come back home to find him playing it on my console - and he loaded it through the disc channel and updated me to 4.3. Fortunately I had updated my Homebrew Channel and still have my apps, but I've lost the ability to launch WiiWare/Virtual Console channels through Gecko OS and the "Launch Rebooter" option is gone; all I have is "Launch Game", "Config Options", "About" and "Exit" on the Gecko screen. Is there -any-thing I can do to get my WW/VC cheats back?
Computer Engineer
Legendary Member

Karma: 165
Posts: 3468

« Reply #175 on: September 05, 2010, 06:01:10 PM »

Kamen - I just helped one of the forum members restore channel cheats to their 4.3

The short version:

  • Make sure your Wii is connected to wifi
  • Download and run DOP Mii v13
  • Select "Install IOS36 (v3351) w/FakeSign"
  • It should hold your hand and install IOS41 v3348
  • then it will downgrade IOS15 to v257
  • then it will ask you what you want to patch in IOS36.  You MUST select Identify, as that is what Gecko OS uses to re-load channels with access to savegames, etc
  • I'm not sure what the NAND permission patch is good for...maybe reading save games that can't be copied?  You don't need it, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt
  • then it will upgrade IOS15 back to v1031


Karma: 0
Posts: 30

« Reply #176 on: September 05, 2010, 07:05:41 PM »

I tried this and got ">> ERROR! No Usable IOSes found to downgrade IOS15."
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 07:11:51 PM by KamenRiderGumo » Logged
Computer Engineer
Legendary Member

Karma: 165
Posts: 3468

« Reply #177 on: September 05, 2010, 07:17:35 PM »

Did you use Dop Mii v13?  ....or do you happen to have a Korean Wii? 


Karma: 0
Posts: 30

« Reply #178 on: September 05, 2010, 07:29:50 PM »

I had v12 and upgraded to v13 before trying this; and no - I have a US Wii.
Computer Engineer
Legendary Member

Karma: 165
Posts: 3468

« Reply #179 on: September 05, 2010, 07:38:31 PM »

v13 should automatically install IOS41 so that it can downgrade IOS15.

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