A little bit of boredom led to this... but hopefully it'll make some sense to someone.
The RAM addresses jump around whenever you start up the game, so you're never certain if your RAM write codes will work.
Anyway I made some lists of what order the weapons/gear/items whatever with a general address that I used.
Here goes. I lamely attempted to translate it. Some things I can't read or figure out wtf they are so yeah.
The items go in the following order in the memory: They sit somewhere in the 8100000 region.
*Update* The list has more 'stuff' that I neglected earlier so I had to remake my notes.
Debug Item
Stat Boosters that appear on the field
Materials (for upgrading)
Key Items
Color Materials
Effect Materials
Threads/Alloys for Special Costumes and Key Items
Goods (Food and stuff)
Dyes (with Dummy items)
Effect Dyes
Multiplayer Powerup Items
Drop Tables (The little slot machine roller thingy?)
NPC Weapons
Other NPC Weapons (Town NPC items)
NPC Bowguns
Bowguns (Elza's)
Stat Boosters
Weapon/Armor Materials
Spoiler for Hiden:
Sylph's String (Bowguns)
Salamander's Bone
Pirate Ring (Rogue Edge, Memento Dagger)
Noble Ring (Memento Dagger, Blood Sword, Justice)
Royal Ring (Memento Dagger, Blood Sword, Justice, Divine Beast Sword)
Sun Stone (Karma, Fang)
Gurg Sand (Gurg Edge)
Gurg Stardust (Gurg Blade)
Gurg Esoteric Writing (Gurg Blade)
Lizard Canine Tooth (Lizard Edge)
Skull (Undead Edge)
Ogre Nail (Ogre Hammer)
Gnome's Copper Ingot (Up to +3 for Armor)
Gnome's Silver Ingot(Up to +6 for Armor)
Gnome's Gold Ingot (Up to +9 for Armor)
Foreign Light
Foreign Heart
Foreign Bead/Particle
Dragon Fang
Freeze Dragon Fang (Deleted)
Holy Dragon Fang (Deleted)
Monster's Cocoon (Trident, Zero Sword)
Nebirous Splinter (Eclipse, Pikopiko Hammer)
Muruu Shell (Spiral, Sunflower)
Kraken Leg (Claw Sword, Prophet)
Atar Claw (Dragoon, Rose, Coral)
Key Items
Color Materials + Dummies
Effect Materials
Key Items/Threads
Goods -> Ones with Xs next to them aren't used in game.
Dyes - Most of the dummy items are here.
Effect Dyes
Multiplayer Powerups
Drop Tables
Spoiler for Hiden:
Weapon - Drop Table
Armor - Drop Table
Item - Drop Table
Gold - Drop Table
Expensive Weapon - Drop Table
Expensive Armor - Drop Table
Growth Item - Drop Table
Plus Weapon - Drop Table
Gold (
?) - Drop Table
Rare Weapon - Drop Table
NPC/Enemy Weapons - These can be equipped, but they have poor stats.
Player Weapons - Numbers next to the name denotes how many addresses exist for that weapon. Most weapons that can be upgraded to +5 have 7 addresses; for the initial weapon, +1-5 and a Cursed version. If there isn't a number next to it, that means it can't be upgraded any further or only has one form.
Other NPC Weapons/Objects
NPC Bowguns/Other Bowguns
Player Bowguns
Armor - Each Armor has it's initial form, and then 9 more slots after.
I just finished the game and now I have access to upgrading my gear to past +5 (+0, +1, +9 etc for other weapons).
However the RAM seems to be playing weird tricks on me.
Seeing as the swords in the original First round have a preset order that makes hacking those easy. However adjusting values for swords that go past that is now different.
The upgrade process seems to use two addresses now.
One is probably the weapon/item ID, and the other is the current quantity of it.
The block before the quantity sits at some ID value. However if you have a spread of items, like +6, +7, +8, +9 then four different IDs occurs. If one of the values goes to 00000000, the ID address goes back FFFFFFFF.
Now I'm not even sure how I would alter the number so that I have all +99 Weapons now.