I see a lot of poor saps with little help from people because they do not know how to ask a proper question. I know that some people dont understand terms, or grasp the issue, which is why they ask for help. Here are some tips on how to GET help by asking a proper question:
Use proper english PLEASE. Stop abbreviating games. Not all of use know what SSBMSFx4CPIT is...
Post in the proper areas. Read the rules on what is and is not allowed to be discussed (no piracy!!)
Describe the problem to the best you can understand. Explain your setup, here is an example:
Proper way to ask a question
I have an NTSC Wii running a 3.4 firmware with a WiiKey modchip and backup copy of Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess. When I tried to load Twilight Princess hack 0.1 to install the Homebrew channel, it does not seem to work. Any advice?
How not to ask a question:
My TP hack doesnt work with my modchip.
How not to ask a question, and be promptly ignored.
OMFG Teh TP haxx dun werk HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The more information you give us, the more we can help. I know searching forums for information can be tedious, especially when they become mostly retarded questions asked poorly. Always try to search for an solution BEFORE asking again and again, please. We can tell when you don't look for information, since we tend to answer the same questions over and over and over again! Chances are likely someone has a similar issue, and asking again will just make people pissed off at you, especially if you ask a question like you have an I.Q. that can modestly be declared "Below Average".
For those of you that do help, please don't reply with "Use the search" or something smartass, give people something to search, give them a term or keyword, show them where to go to to get the information that they need. We are a community here, and although I may be a very harsh person, I help everyone I can, when I can, as do many of you. Its nice to see a community willing to aid each other, however we cant help you if you cant ask a proper question.