As far as cheats are concerned, the only "GameShark" like device for the Wii is the USB Gecko, although it has been discontinued. You would need one of those if you were looking to create codes for Wii games. However, if you are only looking to run already existing cheat codes on Wii games, all that you would basically need is an SD card, and a homebrew program called
GeckoOS. On the 4.2 System Menu, GeckoOS can (possibly) be run through any of the following...
Bannerbomb - GeckoOS may not work properly through this.
Smash StackIndiana PwnsHomebrew Channel - Probably the most convenient way to run homebrew applications like GeckoOS. However, it requires that you install unofficial software onto your Wii console, and also requires either Bannerbomb, Smash Stack, or Indiana Pwns to install on the 4.2 System Menu.
All of the software that I have listed on this post is legally available for free. The only things that you may possibly need to buy is an SD card, and a USB Gecko if you want to create your own codes.
4.2 System Menu would delete all older versions of the Homebrew Channel when a user updated their Wii console. These older versions used the Title ID known as "HAXX." The newest version uses the Title ID "JODI," which the 4.2 System Menu does not look for. Anyway, when installing things like the Homebrew Channel, you would probably want to keep things like that in mind, and view sites like this one when/if newer System Menus are released. You can read more about the 4.2 System Menu at Nintendo's site as well...
| Nintendo - Customer Service | Wii - Wii System Menu and Feature UpdatesIt is not recommended to try and downgrade from 4.2. It is possible, but if done incorrectly, can cause your Wii console to become bricked. With a patched/downgraded
IOS36, it should be possible to use all of the features of GeckoOS. It should also be possible to get cheats working, while still remaining on the 4.2 System Menu.