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Author Topic: Legal disclaimer  (Read 3168 times)
that dev there
Hero Member

Karma: 76
Posts: 1254

I hate everyone in this community. Except for you!

« on: August 01, 2009, 06:44:45 AM »

WiiRd is a Fan site of USB Gecko and all posts of members do not represent USB Gecko or

Any use of open source software for piracy or other illegal activity is done without our consent or permission, so we cannot be held responsible.
GeckoOS, Gecko 1.8.x, Gecko 1.9.x, WiiRd or any comparable software distributed here cannot play illegal or backup software, without a hardware modification product 'modchip' which is illegal and we do not endorse users to do so.

We do not in anyway endorse or promote piracy, 'backup loaders', usb loaders, or have any involvement in them. Any open source software used for loaders or piracy, are done so without our consent or permission, and we are not held responsible.

Any Branches or Trunks of our open source software are not programmed by us, and we do not promote, host or endorse them.

Gecko OS can be used to play imports. In some countries of this world this might be illegal. Please be advised that you're responsible for legal use of your console!

Gecko OS, BootMii and the Homebrew Channel as well as any other unauthorized software from 3rd parties not officially licensed by Nintendo will all invalidate your Wii's warranty. Keep that in mind.

Cheat codes might make the games crash. In worst case crashes could occur during the game saves or loads a savegame leaving the savegame in an unusable state. If a game accidently damages your NAND flash because of a broken code rendering your Wii unusable we cannot be held liable - we can only advise to make backups of your flash (points to BootMii - however, note that BootMii invalidates your Wii's warranty).

Due to fairness to other players, online cheat codes are not to be posted here. If online codes are posted, please inform a moderator, if you find online codes in the code database please inform James0x57 by PM.

Wii and Gamecube are Trademarks of Nintendo Inc.

Due to the fact that Nintendo might get more on track we decided to more stick out the legal aim of that website: the rippers (both GC and Wii mode) are removed!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 04:48:22 AM by James0x57 » Logged

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