Title: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.1 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: biolizard89 on September 23, 2012, 08:07:49 AM GeckoTunnel is a tool which allows certain GameCube/Wii games (currently Sonic Adventure 2: Battle) to be played online.
Download GeckoTunnel 0.4.1 Beta at https://veclabs.posterous.com/pages/geckotunnel Discussion forum at http://www.fuzziqersoftware.com/forum3/viewforum.php?f=23 Testers welcome! Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.0 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: Bully@Wiiplaza on September 23, 2012, 03:10:25 PM Are there already instructions on how to support other games?
Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.0 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: biolizard89 on September 23, 2012, 07:30:14 PM Are there already instructions on how to support other games? Unfortunately not yet, but that's in the works.Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.0 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: biolizard89 on December 05, 2012, 07:09:47 AM I'll be giving a talk on GeckoTunnel at the OU Computer Science Graduate Student Association Research Conference on Dec. 7, with a live demo at the poster session after the talk. The conference is quite a bit larger than the conference I've spoken at in the past; I'm excited. Expect a surprise announcement at the conference!
Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.0 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: James0x57 on December 05, 2012, 08:11:34 PM Awesome- if there's a video of it when it happens, link us to it, please! =)
Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.0 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: biolizard89 on December 05, 2012, 10:28:41 PM Awesome- if there's a video of it when it happens, link us to it, please! =) Yep, I'll make sure to post a video of the talk on YouTube (hopefully within a couple days after the conference). :)Title: Re: VECLabs GeckoTunnel 0.4.1 Beta (Online Play is Here!) Post by: biolizard89 on December 17, 2012, 07:17:49 AM GeckoTunnel 0.4.1 Beta is released, featuring player multiplexing (unlimited simultaneous players regardless of how many players a game natively supports). See the first post in this thread for the download link.
Still working on the new script format, not much news to give there yet. |