Title: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 17, 2011, 07:36:00 AM Street date was broken in various outlets and I'm so glad I get to play this in English now. Requesting:
EXP multiplier Infinite HP Infinite money Always max party gauge No cooldowns for skills (low priority) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Recapitator on August 17, 2011, 07:53:08 AM I for one would like a Speed Modifier code. make the character's movements faster.
Edit: in fact just port all the codes from the NTSC-J Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: panmusic on August 17, 2011, 01:39:44 PM +1
I think that the most practical and easiest route is to just port the NTSC-J ones. ;D Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Crapulecorp on August 17, 2011, 06:36:22 PM Thanks to ZiT yes we can !
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 17, 2011, 07:02:19 PM http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,8758.0.html
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Gandalf on August 17, 2011, 08:19:29 PM Hopefully i find a shop tomorrow, that sells the game... :p
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 17, 2011, 10:10:58 PM Request: Translation from JAP to pal for these codes:
EXP multiplier 040C0B08 1F44xxxx xxxx= 0002(2x)/0004(4x)/0008(8x)/0010(16x)/0020(32x)/0040(64x)/0080(128x) or basically any decimal number changed to hex AP multiplier 040C0B0C 1F65xxxx Hex is the same as above Thank you :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 17, 2011, 11:02:02 PM Request: Translation from JAP to pal for these codes: I'd like to leave credit for the port who made these codes-snip- Thank you :) edit: Btw the thread title's Game ID is wrong, its SX4P01 Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 17, 2011, 11:22:24 PM It was squall23 who originally posted them here in a different topic. I just copied them over, might make it easier to port? I dunno :)
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 18, 2011, 12:44:17 AM lol, rest assured, I didn't make them. I remember finding it from 2ch, person didn't have a name but I remember it working.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 19, 2011, 12:37:27 AM Another request:
Enemy hp x0.5 code. They have too much health and it takes forever to kill them. It would have to be MAX hp x0.5 too. And thanks for the xp multipliers too :) Edit: Also, moon jump code doesn't work for me Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 19, 2011, 10:02:25 AM Another request: Enemy hp x0.5 code. They have too much health and it takes forever to kill them. It would have to be MAX hp x0.5 too. And thanks for the xp multipliers too :) Edit: Also, moon jump code doesn't work for me On the moon jump are you using the wiimote\Nunchuk? if not try that. if you still can't get it to work i'll check it out Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 19, 2011, 11:32:28 AM Using classic controller. Thats probably why.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: arnei1 on August 19, 2011, 06:37:30 PM Is there anyway to change the values in the hp/exp/money codes etc.
At the moment they're set to "infinite/max", which value do I change if I want let's say, 10000 gold/exp? Thanks for the codes btw! Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Frezzere on August 19, 2011, 08:00:09 PM Is there a way to use any character if not request a character mod code
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 19, 2011, 11:25:59 PM Hey thomas83lin, can you port this code? This is the Japanese party gauge code.
Talent Gauge Max, which I assume means instant chain attack gauge 0417A960 D17F17F0 0417C128 60000000 0417C0E0 60000000 0417C104 60000000 Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 20, 2011, 01:15:14 AM Hey thomas83lin, can you port this code? This is the Japanese party gauge code. Talent Gauge Max, which I assume means instant chain attack gauge 0417A960 D17F17F0 0417C128 60000000 0417C0E0 60000000 0417C104 60000000 Here it is ported, its worded correctly you can check the tutorials on the talent gauge Talent Gauge Max [Thomas83Lin] 0417BD5C D17F17F0 0417D524 60000000 0417D4DC 60000000 0417D500 60000000 *Ported from Unknown* Using classic controller. Thats probably why. I added a moon jump for the classic controller, If your using a classic controller pro, then it may require a different button activator. I don't own one myself. btw don't have both Moon Jump codes on at the same timeTitle: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 20, 2011, 05:56:49 AM Hmm, that code doesn't give me instant Talent Gauge, but it does give instant cooldown for some reason, which is surprisingly not a useful cheat because it makes your party members use the same art again and again.
Here's another Japanese Talent Gauge code and another code that I'd hope to get ported. Sorry for the trouble thomas83lin. Hopefully this one works so that I don't have to request somebody make a Talent Gauge code from scratch. Talent Gauge MAX C217A940 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 Always get Mega Heat when crafting gems 0422021C 380001FE 04220308 380001FE Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Arudo on August 20, 2011, 06:42:55 AM This is the 'Max Party Gauge' code for the JP version
パーティーゲージMAX [From COdePArk DS**Wii] 0418C790 48000010 0418C7A4 60000000 0418C93C 48000010 0418C950 60000000 Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 20, 2011, 12:54:52 PM Hmm, that code doesn't give me instant Talent Gauge, but it does give instant cooldown for some reason, which is surprisingly not a useful cheat because it makes your party members use the same art again and again. Here's another Japanese Talent Gauge code and another code that I'd hope to get ported. Sorry for the trouble thomas83lin. Hopefully this one works so that I don't have to request somebody make a Talent Gauge code from scratch. Talent Gauge MAX C217A940 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 Always get Mega Heat when crafting gems 0422021C 380001FE 04220308 380001FE Ok here it is ported, i'll change the name\description of the other Talent Gauge MAX [Thomas83Lin] C217BD3C 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 *ported from Unknown* @Arudo I'll see about porting the others also soon Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 20, 2011, 02:13:16 PM Time to dig up the codelist I have during the JP days. It's massive. Most of the codes made are from 2ch and certain wiki sites.
If you want to port them, thanks! JP codes Change Items in Shop C21EC3C0 0000000C 2C000000 40820050 3DE0805D 39EFE660 A1CF0002 2C0E1004 4082001C 7D83022E 398C0001 2C0C0EA4 40820008 39800001 48000020 2C0E1080 4082001C 7D83022E 398CFFFF 2C0C0000 40820008 39800EA3 7D83032E 7C63022E 60000000 00000000 Press R to Scroll forward/ZR to scroll back, there's also (-) button I think for skipping All Shop Items are Free 041EBD40 38600000 041EBD48 48000008 Movement speed improvement C20BE204 00000002 3D803FC0 91830388 C0230388 00000000 Open an Item Box, get 99 of Items Inside C21C6504 00000002 38000063 98030006 88030006 00000000 Item Drop Chest Modifier 285CE662 00002201 0415580C 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00002202 0415580C 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 0000A200 0415580C 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00006200 0415580C 40800024 E0000000 80008000 *classic controller only* L+R + up: Super Rare Item L+R + left: Rare Item L+R + right: Normal Item L+R + down: Reset to Default (Random) 99 Seeds 42000000 90000000 08602A5C 73CA0020 212B0008 00100020 08602A60 00006300 212B0008 00010000 E0000000 80008000 Can Level Up Arts Even At No AP 0422FF10 3BC00000 04234654 48000044 All Art Books (LV 10) 42000000 90000000 046022DC B30D0020 046022E0 00016300 046022E4 B31D0040 046022E8 00026300 086022EC B40D0220 201F0008 00100020 086022F0 00036300 201F0008 00010000 086023EC B68D0720 20570008 00100020 086023F0 00236300 20570008 00010000 086026AC BC8D1320 20570008 00100020 086026B0 007B6300 20570008 00010000 E0000000 80008000 Friendship Rate C213AABC 00000004 2C000000 4180000C 1C0000xx 48000008 38000000 7C840214 60000000 00000000 xx = 02 (x 2)-64(x 100) Max Friend Coins 04261888 48000010 0426189C 60000000 Full Skill Tree 0057621D 000000FF 0057621E 000000FC Auto Reaction (Player) C217C0D8 00000006 2C1D0000 40820020 3D808057 398C4FE4 818C0000 7C1E6000 4181000C D35E0080 48000008 D01E0080 60000000 00000000 C217C0FC 00000006 2C1D0000 40820020 3D808057 398C4FE4 818C0000 7C1E6000 4181000C D35E0080 48000008 D01E0080 60000000 00000000 C217C120 00000006 2C1D0000 40820020 3D808057 398C4FE4 818C0000 7C1E6000 4181000C D35E0080 48000008 D01E0080 60000000 00000000 Gem Crafting is at 100% Rate 04220308 38000064 All Gems Crafted are Level MAX (V) 04155CB8 38600005 Gems have a 255% Rate (not sure if exact) 0415B5DC 386000FF 285CE602 00002000 0415B5DC 88630012 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00000004 0415B5DC 88630012 E0000000 80008000 Press Z - Nunchuck Press ZR - Classic Controller Do this at the Item Screen while highlighting Gems. NOTE: You can only move the cursor up and down sometimes. There's another version of the Talent Gauge MAX code but only for Player characters. Talent Gauge MAX (Main Character only) C217A940 00000005 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 4082001C 3D808057 398C4FE4 818C0000 7C1F6000 41810008 FF800090 00000000 There's more to sort out. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 20, 2011, 03:03:26 PM Change Items in Shop [Thomas83Lin]
C21EDFBC 0000000C 2C000000 40820050 3DE0805D 39EFAFE0 A1CF0002 2C0E1004 4082001C 7D83022E 398C0001 2C0C0EA4 40820008 39800001 48000020 2C0E1080 4082001C 7D83022E 398CFFFF 2C0C0000 40820008 39800EA3 7D83032E 7C63022E 60000000 00000000 *Ported from 2ch* *Classic Controller* *Hold Zl and hit Minus to go Backwards Hold Zr and hit Minus to go forward Must Highlight First Item everytime* All Shop Items are Free [Thomas83Lin] 041ED940 38600000 041ED944 48000008 *Ported from 2ch* Movement Speed Improvement [Thomas83Lin] C20BEB70 00000002 3D803FC0 91830388 C0230388 00000000 *Ported from 2ch* Open Item Box, get 99 of Items Inside [Thomas83Lin] C21C7EC8 00000002 38000063 98030006 88030006 00000000 *Ported from 2ch* I may port some more, but thats a few codes edit: Also if anyone can provide a JPN ram dump that would speed up the porting process Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hazado on August 20, 2011, 04:31:40 PM So the below code does nothing by itself.
Talent Gauge MAX [Thomas83Lin] C217BD3C 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 *ported from Unknown* If you use the above along with below, it makes the below code work. Was quite surprised to be moving very fast. Speed Up [Thomas83Lin] C2057600 00000002 3D804000 91830388 C0430388 00000000 *Ported from Zit* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 20, 2011, 04:39:39 PM The below code works by itself. in my testing
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hazado on August 20, 2011, 04:42:04 PM The below code works by itself. in my testing Never tested the below code by itself :P My bad. Ill go back and see which code is screwing it up. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Arudo on August 20, 2011, 05:40:35 PM edit: Also if anyone can provide a JPN ram dump that would speed up the porting process I might be able to get you the RAM dump once I drag my Wii back into my comp room. You need both the 80 and 90 sections right? Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 20, 2011, 05:58:03 PM edit: Also if anyone can provide a JPN ram dump that would speed up the porting process I might be able to get you the RAM dump once I drag my Wii back into my comp room. You need both the 80 and 90 sections right? Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Arudo on August 21, 2011, 02:21:39 AM All right. I'll be placing the RAM Dumps in the Hacker's Club thread unless someone who doesn't have access there wants it as well.
I'm putting the JP versions for The Last Story and Pandora's Tower as well (under the assumption they're hitting the EU market sooner or later) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 21, 2011, 03:40:52 AM Thanks that will help alot! :D
now i was able to port this code Max Party Gauge [Thomas83Lin] 0418DD44 48000010 0418DD58 60000000 0418DEF0 48000010 0418DF04 60000000 *Ported from COdePArk DS**Wii* edit: I've also ported a few others in the main thread, i've left a note on the ones not yet tested. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pienator on August 21, 2011, 09:38:08 AM Can I please request a code that makes everything give you 1/4 exp? Or a code that gives you 0 exp from quests/monsters?
Thanks. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Burnout600 on August 21, 2011, 12:05:16 PM Just wanted to say thanks for your effort on the codes, and to let you know that the untested Friendship Modifier and Max Friend Codes from the main thread did not work for me.
Thanks again. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: arnei1 on August 21, 2011, 12:33:54 PM The change items in shop code is giving me some compile error.
Getting the error when talking to a shop. ERROR: Trying to compile at 0. LR=00000000 EDIT: Also is it possible to turn off the All Shop Items are Free/Can Level Up Arts Even At No AP codes? Because even if I turn them off in the manager, they're still on in the game. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: jalaneme on August 21, 2011, 03:11:22 PM can we have a code that makes you immune to all status aliments? it's cool to be invincible but when you are constantly attacked with poison and other stuff you are immobilized most of the time.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 21, 2011, 03:20:08 PM I'm going to rewrite the ported shop code, whomever made the code doesn't look like they used safe registers, i'll also make it easier to use
edit: I changed the Hook address so it would only execute once, and reused the same register thats gets popped at the end. Change Shop Items v.2 [Thomas83Lin] C21F1ECC 0000000C 2C000000 40820050 3F60805C 637BAFE0 A37B0002 2C1B4004 4082001C A37F0000 3B7B0001 2C1B0EA3 40810028 3B600001 48000020 2C1B0005 4082001C A37F0000 3B7BFFFF 2C1B0000 40820008 3B600EA3 B37F0000 7C7B1B78 60000000 00000000 *Used 2ch's code for a reference Re-Hacked by Thomas83lin* *Classic Controller* *Hold Zr Then hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to decrease Item* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Black Knight666 on August 21, 2011, 07:09:40 PM I'm going to rewrite the ported shop code, whomever made the code doesn't look like they used safe registers, i'll also make it easier to use edit: I changed the Hook address so it would only execute once, and reused the same register thats gets popped at the end. Change Shop Items v.2 [Thomas83Lin] C21F1ECC 0000000C 2C000000 40820050 3F60805C 637BAFE0 A37B0002 2C1B4004 4082001C A37F0000 3B7B0001 2C1B0EA3 40810028 3B600001 48000020 2C1B0005 4082001C A37F0000 3B7BFFFF 2C1B0000 40820008 3B600EA3 B37F0000 7C7B1B78 60000000 00000000 *Ported from 2ch Modified by Thomas83lin* *Classic Controller* *Hold Zr Then hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to decrease Item* Hi, I was wondering, its there a way so i can use this code with de wiimote + nun chuck?? or can you mke it work that way??? Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 21, 2011, 08:39:11 PM Sure I could more than likely change the controller used.
Also in the main thread i already add v.3 Change Shop Item with faster scrolling and another code to display the item's Digit on Screen, I'd like know how they work first before changing it to Wiimote&Nuncuck Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 21, 2011, 09:05:00 PM Thanks for that new party gauge code, it finally works. Now I'd like to request an instant cooldown code for the player only. Also, does that change shop items code only give equipment items or will it also sell material items?
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 21, 2011, 09:15:26 PM Thanks for that new party gauge code, it finally works. Now I'd like to request an instant cooldown code for the player only. Also, does that change shop items code only give equipment items or will it also sell material items? yes they will sell just about everything I'll see about porting that instant cooldown for player only code, I've got acouple request i'm going to take care of first though Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Arudo on August 21, 2011, 09:47:46 PM Here's the codes from CodePark if you want to go through and Port them.
Although I'm fairly certain you've done a number of them already. http://2.pro.tok2.com/~charabox/CoPaDS/wii/SX4J01.html Translated from top - down: Master Code When Money value changes, Money maxes out AP Maxed AP Doesn't decrease, Can level up arts even with insufficient AP Item Shop - Free items All Items in Shop (includes descriptor on how to use it) Nunchuck version CCPro version Open the Item Box and all currently owned items are set to 99 Max Purity of Gems during Gem craft Rank V Gems during Gem craft MEGA HEAT during Gem craft A series of Crystal effect multipliers/changer (no idea) Slot 1-5 Crystal Purity Modifier Slot 1-5 Open all Arts Open Item Box to finish Collection Unlock all Achievements Open all Skill Trees Max Stats Open Skill Tree screen to max out Kizuna Coins Obtain Kizuna Coin to max out Earn SP to Max out Give gift to friend to max out friendship Friendship gain multiplier Character Viewer Zoom Restriction Removal Increased movement speed Press Button to Increase movement speed Nunchuck CCPro and other various versions Camera Zoom カメラズーム※6/12修正1回目 With Nunchuck and CCPro Earn EXP to max out EXP Gain Multiplier Gain AP to Max AP Gain Multiplier SP Gain Multiplier Characters in Reserve will Gain XP and max out Reserve Character XP Multiplier Characters in Reserve will Gain AP and max out Reserve Character AP Multiplier Reserve Character SP Multiplier Infinite HP Skill no cool down (all characters) Skill no cool down (main character in use only) Talent Gauge Max (all) Talent Gauge Max (main character in use only) Party Gauge Max Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: saison on August 21, 2011, 11:04:46 PM I would like to request the map speed code, except change the button to something more useless like + or 2 for people that use the Wiimote and Nunchuk?
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: arnei1 on August 22, 2011, 01:03:34 AM I'm still getting error with the Change Shop Items v.3. Only this time it's a new one (different compile numbers).
With v.2 I can get into shops, but I can't change items. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 01:44:35 AM I'm still getting error with the Change Shop Items v.3. Only this time it's a new one (different compile numbers). Sorry can't help cause, if your not hitting any buttons the code doesn't change anything, that is weird though.With v.2 I can get into shops, but I can't change items. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Burnout600 on August 22, 2011, 03:51:56 AM Quick update, sorry for before but the following codes do work.
Max Friend Coins Gem Crafting is at 100% It took getting several coins before they suddenly jumped up to 999/999. Friendship Modifier still doesn't seem to work at all (I'm assuming it's the affinity modifier between teammates or towns, but none of that is raising at a faster rate) Quick question, for the Item Box to 99 Item code is there anyway to make it where only an item highlighted with a button combination is boosted to 99? I ask because the code also makes any Key / Quest items you have go to 99 as well. Since it only removes one item whenever you turn in the quest, the other items would stay and there is a 10 page limit for those and I would imagine it would fill up quickly if people work on all quests. Thanks again for all your work, it's much appreciated. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 04:07:52 AM Thanks for the update I'll work on your request when i get some free time, also it would be appreciated if someone else could test the shop item changer v.3 and the display item value code for me.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 22, 2011, 04:35:23 AM Shop item change code works perfectly for me, haven't tried the item value code yet though, but I do have to admit, it does take awhile to get to the item that you want, lol.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 05:02:43 AM Shop item change code works perfectly for me, haven't tried the item value code yet though, but I do have to admit, it does take awhile to get to the item that you want, lol. Thanks for testing, if your using v.3 from the main thread it allows for faster scrolling in the description, if its not quick enough, i could explain how to make it scroll faster?The display item value makes the shop item changer alot more user friendly you should try it out. :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 22, 2011, 05:12:05 AM No, scrolling isn't the problem. The problem is actually the amount of time it takes to get to the item since there are so many, but it's fine the way it is. I'll try it with the item value code.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Burnout600 on August 22, 2011, 05:14:30 AM Thanks for testing, if your using v.3 from the main thread it allows for faster scrolling in the description, if its not quick enough, i could explain how to make it scroll faster? The display item value makes the shop item changer alot more user friendly you should try it out. :) All three item changer codes (V1-V3) work fine for me, but V3 is definitely easier being able to scroll 16 at a time to the item you need. Soon as I get access to the wii again I'll check the display item value code, and test the Gems Crafted are always Max Level code. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: yavian2001 on August 22, 2011, 05:43:49 AM The item display number code works for me. Ive tested the item changer v1 and v3 and they both work for me the only issue is
::Holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Up does not decrease the item number by 16...However holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Down does increase the item number by 16.:: I am using a Classic Controller Pro so that may be the issue. The "All Gems Crafted are Level MAX(V)" code makes all gems in currently in your inventory and that you receive from monster drops or mining LVL 5 gems. The "Gem Crafting is at 100% Rate" code also works but there is a trick to it. The code only activates while during a crafting session a blue flame is present...this then causes all gems in your crafting queue to shoot up to 100%. The "Friendship Rate Modifier" code I was really looking forward to but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried it with the xx value as 32, 64, and 80 with no noticeable gain in friendship increases. Thank you Thomas for your hard work on these codes. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: yavian2001 on August 22, 2011, 06:00:17 AM If your having an issue with the item changer code taking too long I have a suggestion.
Using the "Display Item Digit for Change Shop Item" code and the Colony 9 shop you can vastly speed up the scrolling process. The best armors are item numbers 837-851...start scrolling backwards from the "Nine Cap" in the head armor purchase section. The gems start at item number 3103...start scrolling foward from the first book "Bone Upper" in the skill book purchase section to reach them. The weapons are best scrolled through from the "Acrylic Driver" weapon in the weapon purchase section....backwards or forwards. The collectibles, quest items, and monster drops start at item number 1852. Keep in mind though scrolling through the items may contain spoilers for you in you are not far enough in the game...I found this out the hard way. Have fun :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pienator on August 22, 2011, 07:57:08 AM I would like to request the equivalent of
EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F440000 (makes you gain almost no xp) for reserve characters. Thanks. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 11:03:37 AM The item display number code works for me. Ive tested the item changer v1 and v3 and they both work for me the only issue is Holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Up actually doesn't do anything I didn't code that in, I'll add that in the final release.::Holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Up does not decrease the item number by 16...However holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Down does increase the item number by 16.:: I am using a Classic Controller Pro so that may be the issue. The "All Gems Crafted are Level MAX(V)" code makes all gems in currently in your inventory and that you receive from monster drops or mining LVL 5 gems. The "Gem Crafting is at 100% Rate" code also works but there is a trick to it. The code only activates while during a crafting session a blue flame is present...this then causes all gems in your crafting queue to shoot up to 100%. The "Friendship Rate Modifier" code I was really looking forward to but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried it with the xx value as 32, 64, and 80 with no noticeable gain in friendship increases. Thank you Thomas for your hard work on these codes. so the All Gems Crafted are Level MAX(V) worked correctly? Edit: Change Shop Item v.4 is done, for the Classic Controller and this time also the Wiimote&Nunchuck. I increased the Scroll Rate, and on the increased scroll rate I added away to decrease with Zl also. I think this is my final version. i'm going to take off v.1 v.2 v.3 and add v.4 to the database but v.1 v.2 v.3 will stay in the main thread. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Burnout600 on August 22, 2011, 11:06:37 AM Holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Up i actually didn't code in, I may do that, it would make the code longer though. so the All Gems Crafted are Level MAX(V) worked correctly? It seemed to work, but the items you get from monster drops or mining revert back to their original level if you turn the code off. Honestly can't say yet if the gems you craft do the same, I have so many level 1-5 gems that I lost track of the ones I crafted and ones I already had. I would like to request the equivalent of EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F440000 (makes you gain almost no xp) for reserve characters. Thanks. Did you try the v2 version of the code? 040A2C04 1EE40000 The V1 versions of AP and SP didn't give any to reserve characters but the V2 versions did. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 22, 2011, 11:37:38 AM I'd like to request a Max Talent Code for the main character/Player character only since if you use the one for the whole party, Reyn keeps using his over and over and Sharla will stay in "Cooling Off" mode forever so she wont be able to do anything in a battle.
Thanks in advance and for the awesome codes already done. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 01:48:55 PM I'd like to request a Max Talent Code for the main character/Player character only since if you use the one for the whole party, Reyn keeps using his over and over and Sharla will stay in "Cooling Off" mode forever so she wont be able to do anything in a battle. Thanks in advance and for the awesome codes already done. is this the code your talking about that you want for player only. Talent Gauge MAX [Thomas83Lin] C217BD3C 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 *ported from Unknown* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 22, 2011, 01:57:21 PM I'd like to request a Max Talent Code for the main character/Player character only since if you use the one for the whole party, Reyn keeps using his over and over and Sharla will stay in "Cooling Off" mode forever so she wont be able to do anything in a battle. Thanks in advance and for the awesome codes already done. is this the code your talking about that you want for player only. Talent Gauge MAX [Thomas83Lin] C217BD3C 00000003 C01F17FC 2C1D0001 40820008 FF800090 60000000 00000000 *ported from Unknown* Yep, it is. Since using it for the party makes it so i cant use Sharla or Reyn. Reyn is usable when controlling him yourself though,Sharla on the other hand becomes completely useless. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: arnei1 on August 22, 2011, 02:42:44 PM With the shop v.4 code I'm getting really strange numbers and "%" signs on the items, and I still cannot scroll up/down to get other items.
Maybe this has to do with me using dolphin? Also all the other codes works perfectly fine except this one. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pienator on August 22, 2011, 02:43:26 PM Holding Zl while pressing the D-pad Up i actually didn't code in, I may do that, it would make the code longer though. so the All Gems Crafted are Level MAX(V) worked correctly? It seemed to work, but the items you get from monster drops or mining revert back to their original level if you turn the code off. Honestly can't say yet if the gems you craft do the same, I have so many level 1-5 gems that I lost track of the ones I crafted and ones I already had. I would like to request the equivalent of EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F440000 (makes you gain almost no xp) for reserve characters. Thanks. Did you try the v2 version of the code? 040A2C04 1EE40000 The V1 versions of AP and SP didn't give any to reserve characters but the V2 versions did. V2 works but it gives you negative exp when you discover areas sometimes which makes everyone get 99 instantly, Riki for example joined the party at level 99, gotta keep a lot of saves for reloading and turning it off. Thanks though. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 03:21:01 PM Quick question, for the Item Box to 99 Item code is there anyway to make it where only an item highlighted with a button combination is boosted to 99? I ask because the code also makes any Key / Quest items you have go to 99 as well. Since it only removes one item whenever you turn in the quest, the other items would stay and there is a 10 page limit for those and I would imagine it would fill up quickly if people work on all quests. Here this gives you away to remove Key Items.Thanks again for all your work, it's much appreciated. Can Remove Key Items [Thomas83Lin] 041C80AC 38600000 041CF578 48000010 *Be careful with this* I'd like to request a Max Talent Code for the main character/Player character only since if you use the one for the whole party, Reyn keeps using his over and over and Sharla will stay in "Cooling Off" mode forever so she wont be able to do anything in a battle. This should only work for the Player give it atry. let me knowThanks in advance and for the awesome codes already done. Talent Gauge Max [Thomas83Lin] C210715C 00000002 3D8042C8 919F17F0 807E009C 00000000 *Player Only* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mandragore on August 22, 2011, 04:44:04 PM Hello, I have to try many cheats but they don't work and I don't understand why!
i try to execuse inf healf and infinite hp for first , second and third personne , they don't work ! can you help me? Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murmurs on August 22, 2011, 05:04:58 PM @thomas83lin
The v.4 item code for the Wiimote has an issue. "Z" is already mapped to character change so the +- 30 item part doesn't work. Can it be remapped to the "-" button? Thanks! Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 22, 2011, 05:29:43 PM I had only one character in my party when i added that, yea i get that changed.
edit: Fixed. Changed to Hold Minus Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hazado on August 22, 2011, 07:39:16 PM Friendship rate modifier works.
Need to use collectibles to raise it. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 22, 2011, 07:53:03 PM Both the Instant Cool Down and Talent Gauge Max for player only work perfectly for me.
Thanks a bunch! ;D Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Burnout600 on August 22, 2011, 10:02:20 PM Quick question, for the Item Box to 99 Item code is there anyway to make it where only an item highlighted with a button combination is boosted to 99? I ask because the code also makes any Key / Quest items you have go to 99 as well. Since it only removes one item whenever you turn in the quest, the other items would stay and there is a 10 page limit for those and I would imagine it would fill up quickly if people work on all quests. Here this gives you away to remove Key Items.Thanks again for all your work, it's much appreciated. Can Remove Key Items [Thomas83Lin] 041C80AC 38600000 041CF578 48000010 *Be careful with this* Awesome, thanks a lot for this! Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: arnei1 on August 23, 2011, 01:16:27 AM It seemed to work, but the items you get from monster drops or mining revert back to their original level if you turn the code off. Honestly can't say yet if the gems you craft do the same, I have so many level 1-5 gems that I lost track of the ones I crafted and ones I already had. Gems crafted doesn't return to their original level, they stay on 5 when you turn off the code. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 23, 2011, 10:29:29 PM I have a somewhat annoying request( i think) there is a potential story spoiler involved
I'd like to request a code that makes Shulk ALWAYS able to unequip weapons ( he cant when wielding Monado) AGAIN only click spoiler if you dont mind or at least have completed the story once.since i found some nice versions of monado but you cant unequip Monado/Monado II/Monado III, so i equipped Monado III when i had Replica Monado On Shulk and now i cant unequip it...haha Thanks in advance. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 23, 2011, 11:18:58 PM The Friendship Rate Modifier code works.
It should be renamed to "Friendship Multiplier After Gifting" though. Basically it multiplies the results of item gifting to a character. If you give a +2 gift with a x100 multiplier it becomes 200. For easy affinity increase, use the Love Source collectible item. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 23, 2011, 11:39:20 PM I have a somewhat annoying request( i think) there is a potential story spoiler involved Nice Suggestion, Needs alittle testing, Also right now it has a cool side effect of letting you equip weapons that your not apost to. Not sure yet if that is a good thing or a bad thing. so far only tested with Monado I, so let me know if it works with III. also it has the side effect on all characters atleast with Reyn. May change the title though to something elseI'd like to request a code that makes Shulk ALWAYS able to unequip weapons ( he cant when wielding Monado) AGAIN only click spoiler if you dont mind or at least have completed the story once.since i found some nice versions of monado but you cant unequip Monado/Monado II/Monado III, so i equipped Monado III when i had Replica Monado On Shulk and now i cant unequip it...haha Thanks in advance. Always Able to Equip or Remove Any Weapon [Thomas83Lin] 04204A20 48000010 (http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6416/xen002.jpg) edit: Just releaized that you can also double equip Weapons @Suiseiseki; Thanks for feedback Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Black Knight666 on August 24, 2011, 01:07:25 AM I have another request, is it possible to make a code that lets you remove the gems that are attached to the armors and weapons, the ones that cannot be removed
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 24, 2011, 01:22:56 AM First of all, thanks for all the work you put in for these codes. The camera remodeling and movement speed improvement codes make a big difference.
On that note, is it possible to have a speed mod code, x1.5, x2, x3 etc that's activated when holding the zR button on the classic controller? Would make swimming those massive seas much less tedious. Thanks :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 24, 2011, 01:49:16 AM I have another request, is it possible to make a code that lets you remove the gems that are attached to the armors and weapons, the ones that cannot be removed Always Able to Remove Gems from Armor\Weapons [Thomas83Lin] 041FC958 48000054 04204B10 60000000 04205410 38600003 just realized with the Equip any weapon code i can also equip girl clothing on Shulk.lol @Loazlebub there is like 3 different speed codes, this one by savage would be the easiest to mod to do what you want. Super Speed [savage] 285CAFE2 FFFB0004 48000000 805717EC 14000508 40000000 CC000000 00000001 48000000 805717EC 14000508 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Super fast run speed Zr On/Off Modify whats in bold, to increase the speed or decrease 40500000 would be a pretty fast value edit: On the Remove Gem Code, right now you have to change the Gem before you can remove it, i'll fix that edit2: Ok its Fixed on the Gem Code Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 24, 2011, 02:17:16 AM Thanks, Thomas. Will definitely help so I don't spend an hour swimming around The Eyrth Sea filling in the map, haha.
Yeah, I've been using the movement speed improvement code, since they run way too slow for exploring such a huge world. The Speed Up code was great, until I got into a battle, and they all attacked way too quickly, which completely broke the battle system for me. So something like this I can turn on and off when I'm in the water, or running across an enormous map is great. I was actually looking for this code to ask if you could just switch the activator to zR, but I couldn't find it in the main thread, or this one. Guess I should have thought to look at the actual geckocodes page. haha, silly me. Anyway, thanks again. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 24, 2011, 07:33:37 AM The Megajump code is funny.
First, you can literally attack in the air, so you can technically hit every enemy. Another thing, the code affects EVERYTHING attached to the B button, Chain Attack extends gets funny, vision warnings get weird and you always jump whenever you cancel your menu. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 08:09:10 AM The Megajump code is funny. First, you can literally attack in the air, so you can technically hit every enemy. Another thing, the code affects EVERYTHING attached to the B button, Chain Attack extends gets funny, vision warnings get weird and you always jump whenever you cancel your menu. I'm using the Classic controller, so i changed the Joker for that to B+ZR since you rarely use ZR,only in battle, this way your character doesnt bounce in a chain attack when pressing B haha.You use ZR in battle to give commands on who to attack though,but you dont use it together with B so i dont think it will be a problem. Here it is,sorry if i modified it without permission. Moon Jump (B+ZR Button) [Thomas83Lin] 285CAFE2 FFBB0044 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 4A100000 00000494 14000000 41000000 E0000000 80008000 *Ported from Zit* *Classic Controller* *Don't have on both moon Jumps codes at the same time* And thanks for the Equip/unequip anything code im going to check if it works with the other weapons too, it probably will. EDIT: The Equip/Unequip code also works for, Monado III ,so i guess it works for anything actually.Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 08:54:10 AM I have a somewhat annoying request( i think) there is a potential story spoiler involved Nice Suggestion, Needs alittle testing, Also right now it has a cool side effect of letting you equip weapons that your not apost to. Not sure yet if that is a good thing or a bad thing. so far only tested with Monado I, so let me know if it works with III. also it has the side effect on all characters atleast with Reyn. May change the title though to something elseI'd like to request a code that makes Shulk ALWAYS able to unequip weapons ( he cant when wielding Monado) AGAIN only click spoiler if you dont mind or at least have completed the story once.since i found some nice versions of monado but you cant unequip Monado/Monado II/Monado III, so i equipped Monado III when i had Replica Monado On Shulk and now i cant unequip it...haha Thanks in advance. Always Able to Equip or Remove Any Weapon [Thomas83Lin] 04204A20 48000010 (http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6416/xen002.jpg) edit: Just releaized that you can also double equip Weapons @Suiseiseki; Thanks for feedback Ok, so as i said in previous post, it works on III, but it makes you unable to use arts when you activate Monado, it basically lets you activate it,but when you want to choose an art in activated state the cursor keeps jumping back to the middle art(activate monado). You can although equip another weapon and then switch the code off again, need to reboot for that though. I use Shulk alot so its kinda problematic for me. EDIT: Now i turned the code off and i still cant use the monado properly, need to investigate a bit more EDIT2:Now i have NO CODES on whatsoever and the problem still persists,i dont know what to do now. i can reload a save though luckily. I think its ONE of these codes or a combination of the two with maybe sme other codes: Always Able to Equip or Remove Any Weapon [Thomas83Lin] 04204A20 48000010 Always Able to Remove Gems from Armor\Weapons [Thomas83Lin] 041FC958 48000054 04204B10 60000000 04205410 38600003 im trying to find that out right now.. EDIT3: Found out that completing the story and starting a New Game + doesnt fix it.. EDIT4:Found out what i think is the problem, if you equip ANY WEAPON other than those meant for Shulk,Like the Junk Sword/Monado/Debug Sword or any other sword where Shulks icon lights up when selecting it it sortof locks into the "unable to use Monado arts" glitch,you can use the "Activate Monado" Art but then the cursor only allows you to deactivate it. Is there a way to go around that?, since wearing heavy armor and the like on Shulk doesnt pose any problem for me,its only the weapon that makes Monado arts glitch. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 24, 2011, 10:00:37 AM yea let me know i'll try to figure it out this afternoon
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 24, 2011, 11:42:43 AM Well that's a weird bug or glitch.
Use the Debug Sword instead. Fully usable and it's Monado III. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 12:11:27 PM Well that's a weird bug or glitch. Use the Debug Sword instead. Fully usable and it's Monado III. Yeah, it is a nice alternative that also lets u use the Junk Sword's Talent art, found out that New Game + lets you Switch Weapons on shulk, and that theres a couple of alternatives to "Replica Monado" that boost certain stats, i loaded my last save and am testing from there Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 02:38:07 PM Also while playing around with the equip/unequip any gem code, i found out that Quick Step gems make you run faster outside of battle too, ONLY run,easier to get around,but you can only make yourself run 25% faster max.
So i was wondering if i could request also a code for only running faster, not doing everything faster. This isnt urgent though, and also i dont want to bother anyone who already is busy working on other codes, i would do it myself but i dont have the means to make codes sadly , i can only test and leech. I would gladly have helped otherwise, so sorry for another selfish request. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 24, 2011, 03:15:11 PM Well, the other alternative is to make a "Gem Value Modifier" code.
Basically, you alter the stat value of a finished gem (like 255% speed) I think there's a code similar to this on the Code Park Wii JP site. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 03:39:42 PM Well, the other alternative is to make a "Gem Value Modifier" code. Basically, you alter the stat value of a finished gem (like 255% speed) I think there's a code similar to this on the Code Park Wii JP site. I see, well i hope that code gets ported, i only know a little bit of porting and its not nearly enough, since i cant even see the differences between ASM codes or any other actually haha. also 25% speed is already a great deal better. So i dont think it has to be that much of a difference. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ludamister on August 24, 2011, 04:34:17 PM I'm not sure if anyone has bothered looking into this idea but I couldn't find it elsewhere.
The affinity coins that you get per level so that you can do Skill Links....could someone make an amplifier for that? All the skills have their own cost and I don't know for sure how many affinity coins I could possibly get by the time I hit max level but it surely can't be enough to get all the skills that I'd like to share between all of my characters. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hazado on August 24, 2011, 04:46:30 PM I'm not sure if anyone has bothered looking into this idea but I couldn't find it elsewhere. The affinity coins that you get per level so that you can do Skill Links....could someone make an amplifier for that? All the skills have their own cost and I don't know for sure how many affinity coins I could possibly get by the time I hit max level but it surely can't be enough to get all the skills that I'd like to share between all of my characters. Already done, Works once you gain a new affinity coin Max Friend Coins [Thomas83Lin] 042639D4 48000010 042639E8 60000000 *Ported from 2ch* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 24, 2011, 06:21:59 PM Super Speed [savage] 285CAFE2 FFFB0004 48000000 805717EC 14000508 40000000 CC000000 00000001 48000000 805717EC 14000508 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Super fast run speed Zr On/Off Modify whats in bold, to increase the speed or decrease 40500000 would be a pretty fast value It seems this code causes my game to crash when loading a new area, or loading my save file. I thought it might be due to having it on with the Movement Speed Improvement code, but after turning that off, and reloading the game twice, it crashed. So I tried having just the Super Speed code on by itself, and the same thing. No issues after disabling the code, though. Not a big deal, I can suffer the slow swim. Sucks my game crashed after speeding my way through and filling the entire map. haha. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: OneUp on August 24, 2011, 10:22:01 PM I was trying to make a button activated version of thomas83lin's speed up code since the other one crashes even when it's switched on or off.
Speed Up [Thomas83Lin] C2057600 00000002 3D804000 91830388 C0430388 00000000 *Ported from Zit* However, my assembly is rusty and I can't figure out how to reverse the effects of this code. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 24, 2011, 10:41:46 PM I was trying to make a button activated version of thomas83lin's speed up code since the other one crashes even when it's switched on or off. Speed Up [Thomas83Lin] C2057600 00000002 3D804000 91830388 C0430388 00000000 *Ported from Zit* However, my assembly is rusty and I can't figure out how to reverse the effects of this code. I hope you manage to solve the issue. I may have said I could handle the long swim around Eryth Sea to fill in the map, but I gave up, haha. I know it's a sea and all, but that area is way too big. That'd be a great code if we could turn it off, so the characters don't attack so fast in battle. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: savage on August 24, 2011, 10:43:31 PM ill have to take a look at it... it doesnt crash for me ill remove it and rework it, thanks for the info
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 24, 2011, 10:48:31 PM Thanks, Savage.
I always got it to crash when reloading a save. When testing it out, I'd load my save, then immediately reload, and it seemed to work fine. Then I got into a battle, and collected the treasure, saved and reloaded, and then it would crash, and the screen would be black. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 24, 2011, 11:10:21 PM ill have to take a look at it... it doesnt crash for me ill remove it and rework it, thanks for the info Savage your code is fine, you just need to include the range check, DE000000 80008180 after each pointer.@Rikkado Just got home i'll start working on the glitch. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 24, 2011, 11:21:14 PM ill have to take a look at it... it doesnt crash for me ill remove it and rework it, thanks for the info Savage your code is fine, you just need to include the range check, DE000000 80008180 after each pointer.@Rikkado Just got home i'll start working on the glitch. Alright,thanks a bunch, and ive gone through some more stuff, its only happened when equipping anything other than a weaon meant for shulk, dunbans monado also causes this haha. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 25, 2011, 12:02:07 AM Let's see if they can be ported.
Always FEVER status during Gem Crafting 0422021C 380001FE 04220308 380001FE Crystal Effect Modifier 1 42000000 90000000 025FEF5E 0000wwxx 025FEF60 0000yyzz E0000000 80008000 2 42000000 90000000 025FEF7A 0000wwxx 025FEF7C 0000yyzz E0000000 80008000 3 42000000 90000000 025FEF96 0000wwxx 025FEF98 0000yyzz E0000000 80008000 4 42000000 90000000 025FEFB2 0000wwxx 025FEFB4 0000yyzz E0000000 80008000 5 42000000 90000000 025FEFCE 0000wwxx 025FEFD0 0000yyzz E0000000 80008000 ww (1), xx (2), yy ( 3), zz (4): The Effect List Modifier Digits range from 00 to 62 (98 effects) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: savage on August 25, 2011, 02:46:49 AM Give this a try
Super run speed [savage] 285CAF82 00004000 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 41000000 CC000000 00000001 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Wiimote - C On/Off Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Loazlebub on August 25, 2011, 03:00:12 AM Give this a try Super run speed [savage] 285CAF82 00004000 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 41000000 CC000000 00000001 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Wiimote - C On/Off Thanks, Savage. I'll test it right now. Edit: After a quick test, none of the usual methods that caused a crash are doing so this time. So the code seems to work, now. Shall let you know if I experience any issues with it as I continue to play. Thanks, a lot. This code will really help with the exploration. :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 25, 2011, 03:20:22 AM ill have to take a look at it... it doesnt crash for me ill remove it and rework it, thanks for the info Savage your code is fine, you just need to include the range check, DE000000 80008180 after each pointer.@Rikkado Just got home i'll start working on the glitch. Alright,thanks a bunch, and ive gone through some more stuff, its only happened when equipping anything other than a weaon meant for shulk, dunbans monado also causes this haha. it took me awhile to fix this one, Always Able to Equip or Remove Any Weapon [Thomas83Lin] 04204A20 48000010 040A21B4 60000000 it was the extra arts added when switching to a different characters weapon that caused the problem. The game would add them the first time when switching weapons but never remove them when you switched back, then it had a check on it, which in turn causes you never to be able to select any and then it saves the corruption. This will not fix a previous corruption but will keep it from taking place. So let me know if it fixes your problem Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: OneUp on August 25, 2011, 04:15:48 AM Hey Savage, I'm not sure about others, but I play with the camera a good bit (using c), so I was wondering if you think it might be a good idea to switch it to 2 maybe? As far as I know 2 doesn't do anything besides zoom on the affinity chart.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: savage on August 25, 2011, 04:34:01 AM change it to what ever you want.. i just like C
285CAF82 00000100 = 2 button 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 41000000 CC000000 00000001 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000508 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 25, 2011, 05:56:24 AM Anyone find the friendship multiplier code not working when gifting collectables? I have it set to 100, but i could give 50 items or so and not raise the affections whatsoever. In fact, nothing seems to be raising friendship levels for some reason :P
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Suiseiseki on August 25, 2011, 06:29:47 AM It has to be an item that gives positive response to a character (so you can't give just any gift you can get your hands on).
Or just get Love Source. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 25, 2011, 06:33:53 AM well obviously, ive been using items that give 1 or 2 hearts each time.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 25, 2011, 06:48:28 AM ill have to take a look at it... it doesnt crash for me ill remove it and rework it, thanks for the info Savage your code is fine, you just need to include the range check, DE000000 80008180 after each pointer.@Rikkado Just got home i'll start working on the glitch. Alright,thanks a bunch, and ive gone through some more stuff, its only happened when equipping anything other than a weaon meant for shulk, dunbans monado also causes this haha. it took me awhile to fix this one, Always Able to Equip or Remove Any Weapon [Thomas83Lin] 04204A20 48000010 040A21B4 60000000 it was the extra arts added when switching to a different characters weapon that caused the problem. The game would add them the first time when switching weapons but never remove them when you switched back, then it had a check on it, which in turn causes you never to be able to select any and then it saves the corruption. This will not fix a previous corruption but will keep it from taking place. So let me know if it fixes your problem Yup it works, the problem doesnt occur anymore,thanks a bunch! Its kinda funny that they arent wielding the weapon right, but i guess thats inevitable,since it wasnt meant for each other haha. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: cloud101090 on August 25, 2011, 02:48:20 PM Request for infinite Item / Collectible Usage...
Like Money / AP Codes that doesn't decrease when we buy something... Thanks in advance ;D Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: PhysisZX on August 25, 2011, 03:43:59 PM Request for infinite Item / Collectible Usage... In a pinch, you could use the 'Change Shop Items v.4' code and the 'Display Item Digit for Change Shop Item' code together,Like Money / AP Codes that doesn't decrease when we buy something... Thanks in advance ;D and find the item(s) you need. The 'All Shop Items are Free' code could be used in conjunction if you are low on funds. If I may, I'd like to request a code that unlocks the 4th and 5th skill tree for each character. I recently spent around two hours finishing Colony 9 quests in order to raise affinity which is required to unlock a special quest which results in a character (in this case, Shulk) gaining a new skill tree. I also thank all users who have invested their time into porting and creating codes for this wonderful game. It has been quite a while since I've seen this much content in a Wii game. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ludamister on August 25, 2011, 04:56:18 PM In a pinch, you could the 'Change Shop Items v.4' code and the 'Display Item Digit for Change Shop Item' code together,
and find the item(s) you need. The 'All Shop Items are Free' code could be used in conjunction if you are low on funds. If I may, I'd like to request a code that unlocks the 4th and 5th skill tree for each character. I recently spent around two hours finishing Colony 9 quests in order to raise affinity which is required to unlock a special quest which results in a character (in this case, Shulk) gaining a new skill tree. I also thank all users who have invested their time into porting and creating codes for this wonderful game. It has been quite a while since I've seen this much content in a Wii game. [/quote] I didn't know there were more skill trees. This gets me excited. I only have Colony 6 on 2 affinity stars at the moment. It sure does take a lot of effort. I have 2 concerns for anyone that would like to help. #1: I can't seem to complete a quest that I was given in Colony 6 to defeat the boss lizard monster that appears in the Mag Mell Ruins in Tephra Cave....Unknowingly, I defeated WAY early on before receiving this quest. Now, I just can't seem to make him spawn at all and so I can't complete this quest. Anyone got any suggestions or possibly can make a code to assist me? Perhaps a monster spawn activator code? #2: Forgive me but I'm not quite adept at understanding programming and all the different types of talk here. I understand for the multiplier codes that you have to fill in the values of XXXX but I don't know exactly the hexadecimal conversions to do it. If perhaps someone could link me to a website or a guide that can do the conversions or explain how it do it manually so that I can do it. I just want to try different rates such as 2x to about 10x to see where I'll be happy receiving the extra boost in SP and AP but not to the point where it'll make me feel that I'm just ultimately bypassing the challenges of the game itself. I hope I'm not asking for too much. I know I may not have many posts or so on this site so it may appear that I am just a leech (I think that's the word people use) but I'm an avid fan of this game and, more importantly, of the hacking scene for the Wii and I'm an active member on other Wii hacking websites. All I can say is I'm SOOO glad this game got released for PAL. I beat the JAP game but all I could do was the story mode quests. Now that I can actually understand the game, I want to complete as much as possible! Thanks Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: PhysisZX on August 25, 2011, 05:25:17 PM In regards to your concerns Ludamister:
#1 - I've read on other forums that a way to make enemies respawn is to save and reload the data. You may have to load and retry several times before it appears, but eventually the enemy will spawn. You should also be aware of the time, as the monster may only appear during a specific time of day. #2 - The digits were posted earlier in this thread: xxxx= 0002(2x)/0004(4x)/0008(8x)/0010(16x)/0020(32x)/0040(64x)/0080(128x) If you require digits other than those listed above, you could search for a hex converter, or simply use your PC's Calculator program and switch it to "Programmer Mode". _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In reference to my previous post, I looked again at previous pages in the thread, and found a post by Arudo (on page 3) that displayed that an "Unlock All Skill Trees" code already exists for the JP version. Quote Here's the codes from CodePark if you want to go through and Port them. Although I'm fairly certain you've done a number of them already. http://2.pro.tok2.com/~charabox/CoPaDS/wii/SX4J01.html Translated from top - down: [...] Open all Skill Trees In that case, I request that the JP version of the "Open all Skill Trees" code be ported, please. I have translated it from the address in the above quote and will post it below. Add ※ 6 / 15 release hidden character skill tree 0057621D 000000FF 0057621E 000000FC ※ If you have not already clear line of code 2 "000000FC" to "000000FD" in Please use a substitute. [From Codepark DS Wii] Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ludamister on August 25, 2011, 06:06:12 PM PhysisZX: Thanks for that. Truth is, it's a bit of a hassle for me to navigate through and through the forum pages on my iPhone. I tried using the search function but that didn't help. I suppose I'll have to just suck it up and search next time.
I'll try to change the times and such but I've genuinely remembered encountering this monster before back in the JAP version and I believe it was at night. When I encountered it this time, it was during the day. I'm hoping I'll be able to get it to spawn to complete this quest. I hate seeing it there, knowing that I can easily accomplish it with ease, but am unable to. What exactly have you completed/accomplished in the game so far, if you don't mind me asking? As far as story line goes, I have to fight the Leone Telethia. Can't quite beat it yet so I'm grinding. Only got 2 affinity stars with Colony 6. Only great thing I have going is that my party affinity is great among Shulk, Reyn and Sharla and I'm working on the others now. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 25, 2011, 11:15:55 PM I can't get change shop items v4 to work with my classic controller (dolphin) I get into the shop, and all the items have this "corrupted text" look. I try to press zl+d pad and nothing happens.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ludamister on August 26, 2011, 03:35:43 AM I can't get change shop items v4 to work with my classic controller (dolphin) I get into the shop, and all the items have this "corrupted text" look. I try to press zl+d pad and nothing happens. Don't hold me to this but you may have to check to what kind of controller your emulator is using. There is the older Classic Controller and then there is the Classic Controller Pro, respectively known as CC and CCP. I'm not sure if the memory values are different between the two but they may have an impact. I use a CCP. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Xenom on August 26, 2011, 06:29:47 AM So experimenting a little (I know nothing about this as you will soon see!), is it possible to modify these codes to use fractions? x0.5 rather than x1-x50
I'm trying to REDUCE the exp multiplier and had a bit of success by using: 040C1550 1F45xxxx - although it was semi-successful, I have the feeling that I'm going about this all the wrong way (shifting bits?) 1F = multiply instruction? 44 = offset in memory to multiply with? xxxx = unsigned 16-bit integer? Preferably I'd like to reduce the EXP modifier to 0.75 or there abouts so that I can do the quests without destroying difficulty so soon. I'm sure others would be interested also. Would prefer if EXP skills remained intact with the code active. Original codes: Code: $EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F44xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $AP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1554 1F65xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $SP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1558 1F86xxxx **Ported from Unknown* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: cwilsons on August 26, 2011, 02:20:06 PM I can't get change shop items v4 to work with my classic controller (dolphin) I get into the shop, and all the items have this "corrupted text" look. I try to press zl+d pad and nothing happens. I would like to echo this request for a "Change Shop Items" code compatible with the dolphin emulator. To go to Ludamister's suggestion; the controller emulation selected within dolphin, Wiimote+Nunchuck or Classic controllers, has no effect on the code- the visual glitches remain, and the code has no effect on the shop items (using any combination of button presses, let alone the ones outlined by the cheat). Many individuals are looking to emulate this game due to it's limited release, so I don't imagine these requests will be uncommon. Save games are easily transferable between emulation versions- so compatibility across versions shouldn't be much of an issue, if it is at all. [Edit] I should add that I've tried each of the "Change Shop Items" versions without success. Versions 1 & 3 crash dolphin upon selecting "Buy" from the shop menu. Version 2 & 4 don't crash dolphin, but are ineffectual and create visual glitches in the shop menu. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Frezzere on August 26, 2011, 08:57:37 PM What values can i edit to make this code have no talent gauge
Talent Gauge Max [Thomas83Lin] C210715C 00000002 3D8042C8 919F17F0 807E009C 00000000 *Player Only* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 26, 2011, 09:09:19 PM What values can i edit to make this code have no talent gauge Whats in Bold.Talent Gauge Max [Thomas83Lin] C210715C 00000002 3D8042C8 919F17F0 807E009C 00000000 *Player Only* @Everyone with Dolphin, Dolphin has problems with the C2 codetype when it contains branching, so here is Dolphin Compatible Versions, with everyone else using a Wii Don't use these they are not as safe as the Originals. these will be the only codes that i myself will re-work for dolphin. $Change Shop Items v.4 Wiimote (Dolphin)[Thomas83Lin] 06003200 00000090 2C000000 40820088 3F60805C 637BAF80 A37B0002 2C1B1008 40820018 A37F0000 3B7BFFE2 2C1B0000 4081005C 4800005C 2C1B1004 40820018 A37F0000 3B7B001E 2C1B0EA3 40810044 4800001C 2C1B4004 4082001C A37F0000 3B7B0001 2C1B0EA3 40810028 3B600001 48000020 2C1B4008 4082001C A37F0000 3B7BFFFF 2C1B0000 40820008 3B600EA3 B37F0000 7C7B1B78 041F1ECC 4BE11334 04003290 481EEC40 041566D4 4BEACBC0 06003294 0000000C 2C030000 41820008 80030000 00000000 040032A0 48153438 060032A4 0000000C 2C040000 41820008 80040000 00000000 040032B0 481534D4 04156780 4BEACB24 *Dolphin Compatible* *Used 2ch's code for a reference Re-Hacked by Thomas83lin* *Wiimote&NunChuck* *Hold C hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to Decrease Item by 1* *Hold Minus hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to Decrease Item by 30* *Also Fixed Some Freezes on Glitch Items* $Display Item Digit for Change Shop Item (Dolphin)[Thomas83Lin] 060032B4 00000010 2C000000 40820008 A07F0000 7C651B78 040032C4 481EEDC0 041F2080 4BE11234 *Dolphin Compatible* *Displays the Items Digit on the Items Price for the Change Shop Item Code* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Frezzere on August 26, 2011, 10:52:35 PM Thanks
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: cwilsons on August 26, 2011, 11:06:44 PM Thomas83lin: Just wanted to say thanks for the shop item code. It really speaks to your generous nature that you'd devote time working in a less familiar format to help out a minority in the community. Thanks buddy, I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: MechaCloud on August 27, 2011, 02:48:25 AM Not sure if anyone has ported these codes yet but i thought i'd try it out my first time doing anything like this, beginner's luck i guess because they worked for me, sorry if someone beat me to it and i just didn't read all the way through the posts. Enjoy.
JAP versions - I got these off earlier posts on this thread as I thought they would be useful Always get Mega Heat when crafting gems 0422021C 380001FE 04220308 380001FE Item Drop Chest Modifier 285CE662 00002201 0415580C 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00002202 0415580C 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 0000A200 0415580C 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00006200 0415580C 40800024 E0000000 80008000 *classic controller only* L+R + up: Super Rare Item L+R + left: Rare Item L+R + right: Normal Item L+R + down: Reset to Default (Random) PAL versions Always get Mega Heat when crafting gems[ported by MechaCloud] 04222074 380001FE 04222160 380001FE Item Drop Chest Modifier[ported by MechaCloud] 285CAFE2 00002201 041562D8 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00002202 041562D8 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 0000A200 041562D8 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00006200 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 *classic controller only* L+R + up: Super Rare Item L+R + left: Rare Item L+R + right: Normal Item L+R + down: Reset to Default (Random) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: cloud101090 on August 27, 2011, 03:10:15 AM @Thomas83Lin
Please can you make this code compatible for dolphin too? ;D Friendship Multiplier After Gifting [Thomas83Lin] C213B480 00000004 //Dolphin doesn't support 2C000000 4180000C 1C0000XX 48000008 38000000 7C840214 60000000 00000000 *Ported from 2ch* *xx = 02 (x 2)-64(x 100)* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on August 27, 2011, 07:43:35 AM I have somewhat of an odd question. Is there some easy way for us to check what item is what digit from the game files itself? This idea came to me when I remembered that Skiller made an item change code for MH3 and he had pretty much the entire list of items in English which probably took a long time to type up. There must be some (hopefully easy) way for us to see that list of items with Xenoblade as well so that we don't need to search for the item we need every single time with the item changer code.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pienator on August 27, 2011, 10:01:09 AM I request a code that turns your game into a New Game+ game unlocking the lvl 120 boss and the like.
Thank you. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 27, 2011, 12:31:13 PM I request a code that turns your game into a New Game+ game unlocking the lvl 120 boss and the like. Thank you. I have yet to find level 120 bosses in new game + haha Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: PhysisZX on August 27, 2011, 01:13:50 PM PhysisZX: Well, I'm further in the game than you, so I'd rather not spoil you with any details.What exactly have you completed/accomplished in the game so far, if you don't mind me asking? As far as story line goes, I have to fight the Leone Telethia. Can't quite beat it yet so I'm grinding. Only got 2 affinity stars with Colony 6. Only great thing I have going is that my party affinity is great among Shulk, Reyn and Sharla and I'm working on the others now. You'll throughly enjoy what happens in the story though. If you're interested in raising party affinity, I believe this may assist you, but be cautious of spoilers: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/960564-xenoblade-chronicles/60138724 (http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/960564-xenoblade-chronicles/60138724) However, the arduous task of raising town affinity (for the secret skill trees, anyway) is quite time-consuming, so the only workaround for that would be that code from my previous post. I'm currently trying to port it from the list of JP version codes. Open All Skill Trees 0057621D 000000FF 0057621E 000000FC [From Codepark DS Wii] Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: shanidar on August 27, 2011, 04:39:39 PM Umm... don't really know if I'm allowed to post this here... but oh well... Since I use Classic Controller with Dolphin, I modified the Change Shop Items Code a little to work with it.
So... umm.. here it is: +$Change Shop Items v.4 Classic Controller (Dolphin) 06003200 00000090 2C000000 40820088 3F60805C 637BAFE0 A37B0002 2C1B0081 40820018 A37F0000 3B7BFFE2 2C1B0000 4081005C 4800005C 2C1B4080 40820018 A37F0000 3B7B001E 2C1B0EA3 40810044 4800001C 2C1B4004 4082001C A37F0000 3B7B0001 2C1B0EA3 40810028 3B600001 48000020 2C1B0005 4082001C A37F0000 3B7BFFFF 2C1B0000 40820008 3B600EA3 B37F0000 7C7B1B78 041F1ECC 4BE11334 04003290 481EEC40 041566D4 4BEACBC0 06003294 0000000C 2C030000 41820008 80030000 00000000 040032A0 48153438 060032A4 0000000C 2C040000 41820008 80040000 00000000 040032B0 481534D4 04156780 4BEACB24 *Dolphin Compatible* **Ported from 2ch Modified by Thomas83lin and a little bit by shanidar* **Classic Controller* **Hold Zr hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to Decrease Items by 1* **Hold Zl hit D-Pad Down to Increase or D-Pad UP to Decrease Items by 30* **Also Fixed Some Freezes on Glitch Items* I just modified some 2-3 numbers from the original WiiMote code... so basically all the credit goes to Thomas83lin ^_^. Hope it helps. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Trozette on August 28, 2011, 07:00:46 AM I don't know if this is even possible but, if so, someone please make the movement speed increaser compatible with dolphin.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 28, 2011, 08:53:12 AM @Thomas83Lin Please can you make this code compatible for dolphin too? ;D Friendship Multiplier After Gifting [Thomas83Lin] C213B480 00000004 //Dolphin doesn't support 2C000000 4180000C 1C0000XX 48000008 38000000 7C840214 60000000 00000000 *Ported from 2ch* *xx = 02 (x 2)-64(x 100)* This would explain why the code didn't work for me.. :D Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: shanidar on August 28, 2011, 02:24:28 PM I don't know if this is even possible but, if so, someone please make the movement speed increaser compatible with dolphin. Hmm... I'm using Dolphin too for this game (just because it looks so much better xD), but the movement speed increase code works for me. I'm using this one: $Movement Speed Improvement [Thomas83Lin] C20BEB70 00000002 3D803FC0 91830388 C0230388 00000000 As for the friendship multiplier, I can't get it to work with Dolphin either(tried converting it to AR, but it gives me an error when I try to gift something), but I somehow managed to port the Max friendship code from COdePArk (or however that site is called). $Aquire MAX Friendship by gifting 1 item [shanidar] 0413B498 60000000 **Ported from COdePark* *Dolphin Compatibles* Hope it helps ^_^. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Trozette on August 28, 2011, 02:41:22 PM Hmm... I'm using Dolphin too for this game (just because it looks so much better xD), but the movement speed increase code works for me. I'm using this one: $Movement Speed Improvement [Thomas83Lin] C20BEB70 00000002 3D803FC0 91830388 C0230388 00000000 Yeah, I use dolphin for the same reason, I tested some codes here ( xp multiplier as an example) just to see if they worked on dolphin, every single multiplier worked. The movement speed, however, did not. I get the following error when trying to use the one by Thomas83lin: "Action Replay Error: Master Code and Write To CCXXXXXX not implemented ($Movement Speed Improvement)" :/ Am I doing something wrong? Using r7676 by the way. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: shanidar on August 28, 2011, 02:55:50 PM I'm using the same revision too, 7676 x64, but I've never gotten that Action Replay Error. Do you input the codes in the AR section or what ? If yes, just use the Gecko Codes tab in the game Properties screen, download all the codes and just tick the one you want. If it doesn't work, then I really don't know, sorry :(.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Trozette on August 28, 2011, 03:11:47 PM I'm using the same revision too, 7676 x64, but I've never gotten that Action Replay Error. Do you input the codes in the AR section or what ? If yes, just use the Gecko Codes tab in the game Properties screen, download all the codes and just tick the one you want. If it doesn't work, then I really don't know, sorry :(. Well, the only difference is you are using x64 while I use x32. This doesn't make much sense, though, well, at least now I know the problem isn't with the code itself, I tried with another version but the same error still appears. Thanks for helping, gonna try some other versions before giving up, movement speed increase would help alot with exploration.Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: makotech222 on August 30, 2011, 02:57:10 AM I noticed you made a HP modifier percent code! thank you! I'm not 100% sure on the digit values though. I want to use -50% for the enemies (i dont mind if it applies to party either)
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on August 30, 2011, 03:02:21 AM I noticed you made a HP modifier percent code! thank you! I'm not 100% sure on the digit values though. I want to use -50% for the enemies (i dont mind if it applies to party either) *xxxx= Positive 1-7FFF Negative FFFF-FF9D [-99%=FF9D] [+99%=0063]**Sometimes going to high like say 7FFF can sometimes cancel the effect i recommend 6000 or lower* -50% should be FFCE edit: Noticed a typo in the description FF9D=-99% not FFFD fixed. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Arudo on August 30, 2011, 11:55:01 PM All right. That's enough. I've split off the topic in regards to the off-topic piracy and dolphin chatter.
As far as dolphin is concerned, it's nice that ThomasLin is even considering modifying his codes so that it works for it, however we as a whole do not support dolphin due to its limited support for retail games. Any further requests for codes being ported to dolphin will be up to thomaslin's discretion, but in general will be frowned upon. Instead of asking us to write most of our codes twice, you should ask the Dolphin devs to use our code handler Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on August 31, 2011, 03:08:53 PM Could i request a code that (if possible) that every weapon becomes 3-slotted and armor piece becomes 1-slotted, i pick some items up that are slotted, while they are unlotted finding them using shop item changer codes, this is more or less for cosmetic reasons, since i relatively like the skins of some items wich are hard to find with a slot alot more than most slotted skins, so i can sort off make really nice looking outfits.
Thanks in advance if this is possible, thanks for the trouble if it isn't. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 01, 2011, 01:28:39 AM Could i request a code that (if possible) that every weapon becomes 3-slotted and armor piece becomes 1-slotted, i pick some items up that are slotted, while they are unlotted finding them using shop item changer codes, this is more or less for cosmetic reasons, since i relatively like the skins of some items wich are hard to find with a slot alot more than most slotted skins, so i can sort off make really nice looking outfits. Thanks in advance if this is possible, thanks for the trouble if it isn't. Backup your save before trying, test it and let me know how it works, it is permanent for the selected weapons Max Gem Slots for All Selected Equipment [Thomas83Lin] C22069EC 00000002 38800001 98940030 7E84A378 00000000 C22061B8 00000002 38800003 98930030 7E649B78 00000000 EDIT: updated code, changed to a safer hook Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on September 01, 2011, 01:34:43 AM Thanks alot. though i wont be able to try it out. Going on camp for today and tomorrow.ill try it when i get back.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 01, 2011, 02:13:04 AM Thats ok, i'll wait, i've tested it fairly well but would still like your feedback when you get a chance.
edit: And heres one that i think was requested awhile back. New Game+ [Thomas83Lin] 00572A26 000000FD 005729F5 000000FC *Allows Shulk to switch Weapons* Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mugwhump on September 02, 2011, 08:45:27 AM So experimenting a little (I know nothing about this as you will soon see!), is it possible to modify these codes to use fractions? x0.5 rather than x1-x50 I'm trying to REDUCE the exp multiplier and had a bit of success by using: 040C1550 1F45xxxx - although it was semi-successful, I have the feeling that I'm going about this all the wrong way (shifting bits?) 1F = multiply instruction? 44 = offset in memory to multiply with? xxxx = unsigned 16-bit integer? Preferably I'd like to reduce the EXP modifier to 0.75 or there abouts so that I can do the quests without destroying difficulty so soon. I'm sure others would be interested also. Would prefer if EXP skills remained intact with the code active. Original codes: Code: $EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F44xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $AP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1554 1F65xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $SP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1558 1F86xxxx **Ported from Unknown* I too am extremely interested in this, and I know quite a few other people who would be too. Unfortunately my USB Gecko broke. :-\ Exactly how successful was your attempt? What value did you use? I'm pretty sure it's just standard integer multiplication. We need some float multiplication. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 02, 2011, 04:44:58 PM I'm trying to REDUCE the exp multiplier and had a bit of success by using: 040C1550 1F45xxxx - although it was semi-successful, I have the feeling that I'm going about this all the wrong way (shifting bits?) 1F = multiply instruction? 44 = offset in memory to multiply with? xxxx = unsigned 16-bit integer? 0x1F44XXXX = mulli r26,r4,0xXXXX. The 1F doesn't neatly map to "mulli"; the first 6 bits, 0x1C, are the op code for mulli. The next five bits are the first register operand, the next five bits are the second register operand, and the last 16 bits are the immediate. You could get by using right-shifts to divide by powers of 2, but that will only get you .5, .25, .125, etc. Not very practical. You could use fixed point multiplies but that's pretty difficult for other people to customize. I too am extremely interested in this, and I know quite a few other people who would be too. Unfortunately my USB Gecko broke. :-\ Exactly how successful was your attempt? What value did you use? I'm pretty sure it's just standard integer multiplication. We need some float multiplication. Quote Original codes: $EXP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1550 1F44xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $AP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1554 1F65xxxx **Ported from Unknown* $SP multiplier [Thomas83Lin] 040C1558 1F86xxxx **Ported from Unknown* This code will do all three. I don't have this game and can't test it, but I'm reasonably sure it will work. This code uses the red zone. The red zone is addressed by using "negative stack frames", i.e. -8(r1) and -4(r1). It allows you to avoid creating a stack frame if you don't need to, but you must be careful because the USB Gecko debugger will over-write this area if you step through it. Hence why it's a "red" zone. Some important things to note about the PowerPC architecture. 1) Double-precision instructions can take single-precision operands, but the result is double-precision. That is why I can fmuls and then fctiwz and then stfd. 2) Single-precision instructions can take double-precision operands, but produce single-precision results. That is why I can lfd and then fsubs. hook 800C1558: 7CDC3378 mr r28,r6 # multipliers bl _SKIP_DATA .float 1.0 # EXP .float 1.0 # AP .float 1.0 # SP _SKIP_DATA: # load fregs lfd f12,-32360(r2) # load magic float into f12, -32360(r2) varies for each game and region stfd f12,-8(r1) # store magic float onto stack to create the 0x43300000 xoris r26,r4,0x8000 # load flipped-int stw r26,-4(r1) # store flipped-int to stack lfd f11,-8(r1) # load flipped-int into f11 fsubs f11,f11,f12 # normalize f11 xoris r27,r5,0x8000 stw r27,-4(r1) lfd f10,-8(r1) fsubs f10,f10,f12 xoris r28,r6,0x8000 stw r28,-4(r1) lfd f9,-8(r1) fsubs f9,f9,f12 # f11/f10/f9 have EXP/AP/SP mflr r12 lfs f12,0(r12) # load EXP mul fmuls f11,f11,f12 # scale EXP lfs f12,4(r12) # load AP mul fmuls f10,f10,f12 # scale AP lfs f12,8(r12) # load SP mul fmuls f9,f9,f12 # scale SP # store scaled versions fctiwz f11,f11 # convert from double to int stfd f11,-8(r1) # store conversion lwz r26,-4(r1) # load conversion fctiwz f10,f10 stfd f10,-8(r1) lwz r27,-4(r1) fctiwz f9,f9 stfd f9,-8(r1) lwz r28,-4(r1) EXP/AP/SP float multiplier [dcx2] C20C1558 00000012 48000011 3F800000 3F800000 3F800000 C9828198 D981FFF8 6C9A8000 9341FFFC C961FFF8 ED6B6028 6CBB8000 9361FFFC C941FFF8 ED4A6028 6CDC8000 9381FFFC C921FFF8 ED296028 7D8802A6 C18C0000 ED6B0332 C18C0004 ED4A0332 C18C0008 ED290332 FD60581E D961FFF8 8341FFFC FD40501E D941FFF8 8361FFFC FD20481E D921FFF8 8381FFFC 60000000 00000000 modified base on Thomas83lin/Unknown's work. The three 3F800000's at the beginning are the EXP, AP, and SP multipliers in single-precision floating-point format. 3F800000 = 1.0, 3F000000 = 0.5, 3F400000 = 0.75, 3FC00000 = 1.5 etc EXP only multiplier [dcx2] C20C1550 00000008 48000009 3F800000 C9828198 D981FFF8 6C9A8000 9341FFFC C961FFF8 ED6B6028 7D8802A6 C18C0000 ED6B0332 FD60581E D961FFF8 8341FFFC 60000000 00000000 Again with the 3F800000 = 1.0, 3F000000 = 0.5, 3F400000 = 0.75, 3FC00000 = 1.5 etc Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 02, 2011, 05:14:03 PM Nice work, i was going to mod the percentage when wearing a Exp gem, but that works better. i tested the code seems to be working well.
edit: Just posted some party modifier's in the main thread, Its still a work in progress but its something for now. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: MechaCloud on September 02, 2011, 11:21:23 PM some more amazing codes guys good work keep it up =)
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mugwhump on September 03, 2011, 01:09:37 AM Thank you, dcx2. You are a wonderful person.
When you go to heaven, you'll probably get 8 extra virgins for this. Which would give you 80 virgins. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: squall23 on September 03, 2011, 05:26:26 AM Has anybody found out if each quest gives a permanent set amount of affinity for the cities or is it changeable? If it is changeable, would it be hard to do? Hopefully something along the lines of a multiplier?
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rikkado on September 03, 2011, 06:13:05 AM The max gem slots for all selected equipment code works perfectly fine for me.
Thanks a bunch!! Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Black Knight666 on September 03, 2011, 08:20:43 PM can you make a code that let you change the color of the armor???
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: lxThunderxl on September 04, 2011, 12:27:01 PM hey guys,
i got a problem with the following code for Xenoblade Chronicles, because i tought it would make my char run faster: Quickness (ALL Characters) [Thomas83Lin] C217A0BC 00000004 2C1D0000 40820010 3B40270F B35F166E 48000008 AB5F166E 60000000 00000000 but instead of makeing them faster the AGI of the party members ( these that fight) was decreased. now for the first 2 its on 1 and for the 3rd its on 31... so i wanted to know if there is maybe a code to increase the AGI ( already searched on geckcodes.org) i hope you can help me, because its verry annoying if the chars fail with hitting enemies Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 04, 2011, 02:57:36 PM That code is for Agility, thats how zit worded it, and i keep the original name when porting it,
Quickness (ALL Characters) [Thomas83Lin] C217A0BC 00000004 2C1D0000 40820010 3B40270F B35F166E 48000008 AB5F166E 60000000 00000000 *Ported from Zit* this value 270F=9999d I'm thinking maybe you already had high Agility so it went negative, try re-enabling the code while lowering this Value to something like 1387 edit: Removed my ported Zit Max Stat codes from the database they by themselves could mess your stats up later in the game as you leveled up. They are still in the main thread contained in a spoiler though. I've fixed this in my combined re-hack v.2 version. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: lxThunderxl on September 04, 2011, 03:28:22 PM thank you very much .. worked perfect :D
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 04, 2011, 05:24:13 PM According to some posters on the Gamefaqs forums, there's a problem with the exp code in that it doesn't affect any party members who aren't in your active party, they still gain exp normally, potentially massively skewing their levels in the long run. I would test this but I'm not far enough to have any other party members.
I'd also like to know what the multiplier for 25% of normal growth is. I'm substantially overlevelled from quests and my characters are going to need an exp diet to reach a more reasonable level. Though, monster exp isn't really the problem, it's that quests provide far too much exp if you do a lot of them. If it could be done, what this game really needs is a "reduce quest exp 90%" code that leaves other forms of exp untouched. Otherwise quests would still be by far the best way to level, it would just take longer. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 04, 2011, 05:33:10 PM I'd also like to know what the multiplier for 25% of normal growth is. 0.25 = 3E800000 (you can use http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?arsenal=3 to get any value) therefore 25% EXP [dcx2] C20C1550 00000008 48000009 3E800000 C9828198 D981FFF8 6C9A8000 9341FFFC C961FFF8 ED6B6028 7D8802A6 C18C0000 ED6B0332 FD60581E D961FFF8 8341FFFC 60000000 00000000 based on Thomas83lin/Unknown's code Note that I don't actually have this game, so I can't find a new hook to fulfill the rest of your request. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 04, 2011, 05:51:14 PM Here just made a code for the reserve characters
Max Exp on Gain for Reserve Characters [Thomas8Lin] 040A304C 60000000 No Exp Gain [Thomas83Lin] 040A3044 60000000 040C1550 3B400000 040A2C04 3AE00000 *Based on Unknowns code* @dcx2 i believe the EXP multiplier v2 codes i ported effect the Reserve characters aswell. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 04, 2011, 06:59:46 PM Quartered Exp definitely works for active party members, I tested monster kills and quest exp and both are reduced appropriately. This should definitely help my level get back in line.
I do think though that quest exp is the main reason it gets out of whack, if a modifier could be found for that specifically it would be awesome. Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mugwhump on September 04, 2011, 08:33:35 PM dcx2, do you know if that code will round the results up or down? Because often killing monsters only nets you 1 SP, so it would suck if that got rounded down. :p
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 04, 2011, 09:15:52 PM I don't think the game will let the number get reduced to zero. It already scales exp / AP / SP based on your level relative to the monsters, but it won't let it drop below 1. Even with the quarter code on, I still get at least 1 exp.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 04, 2011, 09:58:16 PM My code uses fctiwz, which will round fractional parts to 0. So if you only get 1 SP and you have a 0.99 multiplier for SP, you will get 0 SP unless the game detects 0 and bumps it up to 1 some other way.
I made a v2 for the EXP multiplier and posted it to the main thread. Thanks Thomas83lin! Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 05, 2011, 01:13:07 AM Just tested the EXP/AP/SP Multiplier v2 and its working good on both Active and Reserve players.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hehehe on September 05, 2011, 12:28:02 PM Hello,
I actually use this code ported by [MechaCloud] : Quote Item Drop Chest Modifier 285CAFE2 00002201 041562D8 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00002202 041562D8 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 0000A200 041562D8 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00006200 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 *classic controller only* L+R + up: Super Rare Item L+R + left: Rare Item L+R + right: Normal Item L+R + down: Reset to Default (Random) Is it possible to have this code for a wiimote (because it's for a classic here) please ? Title: [Request]Xenoblade Chronicles Post by: Half-Amazing on September 05, 2011, 01:08:26 PM Hello community I was wondering if it was possible to request all items in shop for Xenoblade since there is a change item code.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 05, 2011, 01:58:07 PM For our new members who have yet to read the stickies before posting...
1) Do not make multiple threads for a single game. 2) We don't generally make codes for Dolphin on this forum, for two reasons. a) Dolphin has practically zero support for retail discs. We frown on all backup-loading solutions. In particular, because this game is only available in the PAL region, many people think it's okay to pirate it. You're biting the hand that feeds you; if the publisher saw that there was a huge market for importing this game, it would do much to convince them to release the game and others like it in this region as well. b) Dolphin doesn't fully support all Gecko code types. Some hackers may take the time to port codes to Dolphin, but that is the exception and not the rule. It's not our responsibility to Dolphin-ize our codes, it should be the Dolphin developers' responsibility to support all the Gecko code types; they only have to add support for the code types once, and then it lasts forever and for all games, while we have to tediously and repeatedly modify many of our codes again and again. So instead of asking us to port codes to Dolphin you should make an account on Dolphin's forums and ask them to support all the Gecko code types. Or maybe buy the game and use Gecko OS to play it region-free, so you can support the developers who made it possible, and maybe encourage the publisher to bring the game to this region next time when it has phenomenal sales in Europe. EDIT: 3) Do not post codes without credit. Hehehe, please edit your post and include the hacker who made that code. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 06, 2011, 12:09:32 AM I was thinking of other things that might make the game better, and another common complaint is that on NG+, you keep all of your levels which makes 99% of the game a total joke. Would it be possible to make a code that delevels you to level 1 upon starting a new game plus? (you'd want to keep other things, like arts and skills, just not your base level).
This seems like it might be somewhat complex with regards to the other character's starting levels. If they all joined at level 1 that would screw up the ones who join late. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 06, 2011, 01:17:39 AM well there is already the new game+ code and all skill tress, not counting max skill points, you could almost achieve this with already made codes and just starting a new game, arts is just about the only thing missing, unless i'm forgetting something
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 06, 2011, 06:37:17 PM I actually use this code ported by [MechaCloud] : Quote Item Drop Chest Modifier 285CAFE2 00002201 041562D8 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00002202 041562D8 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 0000A200 041562D8 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CAFE2 00006200 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 *classic controller only* L+R + up: Super Rare Item L+R + left: Rare Item L+R + right: Normal Item L+R + down: Reset to Default (Random) Is it possible to have this code for a wiimote (because it's for a classic here) please ? Thanks for adding credit. ;D What button combination would you like? The Wiimote activator address for this game is 285CAF82, as can be seen from Thomas83lin's Moon Jump code. Moon Jump (B Button) [Thomas83Lin] 285CAF82 FBFF0400 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 4A100000 00000494 14000000 41000000 E0000000 80008000 (BTW, this code can be optimized, see spoiler) 285CAF82 FBFF0400 48000000 805717EC DE000000 80008180 14000494 41000000 E0000000 80008000 So the new code would be Item Drop Chest Modifier (original by MechaCloud) 285CAF82 0000WWWW 041562D8 3B800003 E0000000 80008000 285CAF82 0000XXXX 041562D8 3B800002 E0000000 80008000 285CAF82 0000YYYY 041562D8 3B800001 E0000000 80008000 285CAF82 0000ZZZZ 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 Use http://www.geckocodes.org/index.php?arsenal=2 to figure out values for W, X, Y, and Z. This code can also be optimized by using "if code +1 to end-if". Item Drop Chest Modifier CC [MechaCloud] 285CAFE2 00002201 041562D8 3B800003 285CAFE3 00002202 041562D8 3B800002 285CAFE3 0000A200 041562D8 3B800001 285CAFE3 00006200 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 Item Drop Chest Modifier WiiMote (original by MechaCloud) 285CAF82 0000WWWW 041562D8 3B800003 285CAF83 0000XXXX 041562D8 3B800002 285CAF83 0000YYYY 041562D8 3B800001 285CAF83 0000ZZZZ 041562D8 40800024 E0000000 80008000 Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 06, 2011, 07:03:35 PM @dcx2 the Moon Jump was a port from Zit.
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 07, 2011, 01:39:33 AM well there is already the new game+ code and all skill tress, not counting max skill points, you could almost achieve this with already made codes and just starting a new game, arts is just about the only thing missing, unless i'm forgetting something It also carries over items, party member affinities, and affinity coins. Also, even if you had all the skill trees unlocked, it wouldn't carry over your progress towards earning the skills.Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Hehehe on September 07, 2011, 11:18:08 AM Thank you dcx2, it works.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 10, 2011, 02:45:54 AM Just tested the EXP/AP/SP Multiplier v2 and its working good on both Active and Reserve players. Actually, I don't think it is. I had Reyn out of my party for a couple hours, and he's now 2 levels up on everyone else. If anything he should be lower.I'm using the 25% exp code on the previous page, I'm not sure if that's using the most up-to-date version of your exp code. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on September 10, 2011, 03:04:14 AM I dunno i tested it fairly well, only thing i noticed is different characters got different amounts of exp in the same battle, but i was guessing that was normal depending on what level\Exp they already had.
Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 10, 2011, 03:15:23 AM I'm using the 25% exp code on the previous page, I'm not sure if that's using the most up-to-date version of your exp code. The v2 codes are here. http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,8758.msg73796.html#msg73796A 25% v2 code would be like so 25% EXP v2 [dcx2] C20A2C04 00000008 48000009 3E800000 C9828198 D981FFF8 6C978000 92E1FFFC C961FFF8 ED6B6028 7D8802A6 C18C0000 ED6B0332 FD60581E D961FFF8 82E1FFFC 60000000 00000000 modified base on Thomas83lin/Unknown's work Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: winters on September 10, 2011, 07:46:47 AM I tried using the Party Slot Modifier codes but it seems that whenever the game forces a party change the characters disappear (understandable).
However, when if I use the cheat again to get the characters back they end up getting reset. I lose all progress for the character. Not sure if this happens only to characters that have yet to join the party or to all characters. I want to start a new game but I don't like rushing through it so I have all the characters available. Is there a fix for this? The game should retain the character in memory even before they join the party (as they retain their levels are stuff in new game+). EDIT: Seems to be working properly with new game+ enabled. Tested by adding a character -> equipping it -> remove via cheat -> re-adding the character. EDIT again: Assuming it's working properly, it seems I still need a level modifier or someway to delevel the character since they come at some pretty ridiculous levels. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Riccalder on September 11, 2011, 01:01:29 AM Played around with the v2 code for a few hours and it seems to work without a hitch. Thanks for all your hard work.
I wonder if it would be possible to multiple enemy / player damage in a similar way? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mugwhump on September 11, 2011, 03:01:31 AM Played around with the v2 code for a few hours and it seems to work without a hitch. Thanks for all your hard work. I'd be interested in that.I wonder if it would be possible to multiple enemy / player damage in a similar way? Also, a multiplier for gold obtained. Get way too much of that. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Black Knight666 on September 12, 2011, 06:39:16 PM can someone port a code or make it, that unlocks all arts of the monado for shulk???
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: khalis on September 13, 2011, 04:11:39 PM hey guys i need help plz :(
i played xenoblade since 20 hours and fight with xoda... so.. but i cant beat him.. and i used now the infinite hp cheat but.. if i go to the inventory menu and go through the categories, do the wii a reboot aber i select 1 special categorie.. :/ its the categorie jewels... the same bug i got if i try to sockel some gems in a sword or something. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: winters on September 14, 2011, 06:57:06 AM Xord? That boss is annoying but just go upstairs build up your party gauge before fighting.
You only need to do 50% of his hp in damage before the fight ends, you can do this easily by going into chain attack and toppling him as soon as the battle starts. If your really having trouble you can try to build up your talent gauge before battle too. Or you can just use the infinite party/talent gauge cheats here :P Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: xJayT on September 17, 2011, 01:02:31 AM Any chance we'll see a code to reset or modify level?
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: aufgreifen on September 20, 2011, 09:14:18 AM Hi,
first off, I'd like to thank you again for all these codes - I'm seldom here, but it's awesome as always :) @dcx2: Could it be that your code "EXP/AP/SP Multiplier v2" is rather an "EXP/SP/AP Multiplier v2"? I tried to change the third block and I think AP got changed (not SP like in the description). EDIT: Modifying the second block had an impact on SP, so the description should be the other way round. Nevertheless, awesome, especially since TP are really getting rare later on :D Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on September 20, 2011, 02:44:41 PM @aufgreifen
I don't have this game, so I have no way to test. I was able to make that code based on someone else's code. So it's entirely possible that it's wrong. I'll take your word for it and change the one in the main thread. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Black Knight666 on September 21, 2011, 07:30:27 PM can someone try to port this code
its from COdePArk DS**Wii it's supposed to unlock al arts アーツ書全開※6/14追加(unlock all arts) 42000000 90000000 046022DC B30D0020 046022E0 00016300 046022E4 B31D0040 046022E8 00026300 086022EC B40D0220 201F0008 00100020 086022F0 00036300 201F0008 00010000 086023EC B68D0720 20570008 00100020 086023F0 00236300 20570008 00010000 086026AC BC8D1320 20570008 00100020 086026B0 007B6300 20570008 00010000 E0000000 80008000 Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ranadiel on September 21, 2011, 08:12:47 PM Could someone make (or point me to) a code for unlocking arts? I think because I used the New Game+ code too early, my Fiora never learned Final Cross when she was supposed to, and it is really bugging me.
Edit: Wow I'm paying attention, there is a request for a port of the code I wanted right above me. Also apparently I missed another skill, Monado Whirlwind or something like that. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Blu Cup on September 22, 2011, 12:12:37 AM Anyone know if it's possible to disable visions during battle via codes?
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Vague Rant on October 20, 2011, 06:33:38 PM Quote Unlock Certain Command Options [Thomas83Lin] 005729E8 000F00FF *Check quest* *Check affinity* *Keep track of collectables* *View list of Heart-to-Hearts* *Set and Level up Arts* *Manage Skill Trees and set up Skill Links* *Unlocks Command Bar from very beginning* Unlock All Command Options (Temp) [Thomas83Lin] 041029D8 38000000 041029DC 980300CF 041029E0 48000030 005729EE 000000FF *Keep track of collectables* *View list of Heart-to-Hearts* *Set and Level up Arts* *Manage Skill Trees and set up Skill Links* *Unlocks Command Bar from very beginning* *Gem Crafting Anywhere* *Can Save Even if the game says you can't* These two don't seem to work in New Game+ (or at least the "Unlocks Command Bar from very beginning" part). It's made a little more complicated by the lack of tutorials--on the first playthrough you can take your time, but in a NG+ the enemies run at you immediately. It's possible to escape by moonjumping, but the menu never becomes available. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: aufgreifen on October 24, 2011, 11:23:17 AM Hi,
I've got some questions... sorry if stupid - in that case, feel free to slap xD 1. Is there a code which unlocks the max. ("master") level for all arts or something? Because I find it really hard to get all these books... :/ 2. Also I'd like to know, is there a way to get all collectible items or something via code? Or is this covered by change shop items or chest modifier in some way? Because finding the Sirius Anemone took me HOURS (I am a person with a lot of bad luck indeed - I collected about 70 of each other item at colony 6 until finally finding ONE of those effing Anemones... no kidding) 3. Or in general, is there a code (or would it be possible) to map a button to just set a quest to "finished"? EDIT: 4. One last question, is there a way to gain infinite item slots? Some information would be very nice. Thanks in advance! :) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Kaizeru on October 24, 2011, 06:02:51 PM After hours of compiling data I have finally got a list of all the Material's onto a notepad, I might do the Collectables but not for a few days at least, I started numbering them half way through the list but it was taking far to long, so I did 1 number every 10 items.
Stiff Hair 2152 Broken Antenna Small Shell Small Scale Filthy Wing Perforated Oar Muddy Pelt Bunnit Paw Tough Bunnit Wood 2160 Catapile Syrup Sweet Nectar Rock Krabble Shell Raw Piranhax Meat Sharp Antol Jaw Vang Tooth Yolkless Flamii Egg Medicinal Brog Oil Ancient Armor Iron Krabble Shell 2170 Fresh Sardi Meat Special Bunnit Iron Fresh Armu Milk Tokilos Wing Lucky Skeeter Wing Krabble Artwork Maternal Armu Milk Quality Antol Jaw Vang Hair Clip Laughing Brog Bag 2180 Quality Maril Shell Quality Rhana Claw Wet Hair Old Insect Leg Rough Skin Small Claw Bunnic Paw Tatty Bunniv Wood Heavy Bunniv Iron 2190 Caterpile Poison Black Nectar Moving Lizard TailBlue Vang Wing Croaking Brog Bag Insect Jaw Molush Mucus Broken Pincer Arachno Ear Arachno Silk 2200 Brog Smelling Salts Krabble Stone Giant Queen Jaw Broken Part S Broken Part M Broken Part L Genuine Plug Genuine Frame Genuine Shaft Genuine Plate 2210 Genuine Chamber Genuine Crank Smelly Hide Fleecy Fur Cracked Bill Small Insect Leg Strong Insect Leg Slimy Tongue Warn Out Weapon Rusty Part M 2220 Rusty Part S Rusty Part L Small Dorsal Fin Thick Armu Milk Ardun Horn Spotted Volff Hide Fertile Flamii Egg Bunnit Sapling Bunnit Scrap Iron Sharp Hox Spur 2230 Sticky Webb Fibre Living Antol Eye Giant King Jaw Vang Third Molar Flier Straw Glowing Wisp Fluid Thick Nectar Ornate Lizard Claw Brog Leg Meat Ponio Neck Meat 2240 Tirkin Crest Tirkin Tail Feather Generic Shaft Generic Blade Generic Plug Generic Crank Piranhax Roe Fatty Sardi Meat Light Rain Element Generic Unit 2250 Quality Web Fibre Perfect Queen Jaw Clear Torta Soup Tatty Insect Wing Red Wing Slender Horn Serrated Insect Leg Small Oar Flier Wing Bitter Wisp Fluid 2260 Red Rhogul Wing 100th Hox Spur Crystal Antol Eye Thunder Element Small Upa Light Flier Allure Scale Wisp Glow Stick Strong Hox Horn Antol Pheromones Hard Pincer 2270 Shed Lizard Claw Rich Krabble Egg Black Vang Fang Cracket Part S Cracket Part M Cracket Part L Upgraded Frame Upgraded Spindle Upgraded Shaft Upgraded Plunger 2280 Stick Mucus Cracked Claw Ordinary Hide Smelly Antenna Shoddy Weapon Rainstorm Element Tornado Element Glowing Upa Seed Rhogul Zxe Crest Vang Milk Tooth 2290 Twin Flamii Eggs Quadwing Bag Bunnia Scent Wood Bunnia Ham Potent Brog Poison White Brog Liver Fancy Volff Hide Catapile Vinegar Igna Hide Jacket Igna Stone Pot 2300 Guardian's Wing Gongol Snack Stash Queen Cocoon Upa Death Stone Element Fragment Catapile Silk Andos Fire Armour Diamond Brog Eye Immortal Moss Tokilos King Egg 2310 Demon Web Fibre Lucky Arachno Box Vang Star Wing Gogol Horn Black Queen Fibre Arachno Sickle Ardun Elder Beard Ancient Sardi Meat Lizard Moon Jewel Tirkin Elder Medal 2320 Bunniv Club Quadwing Treasure Flamii Waterfall Orb Wisp Sun Bead Hox Daylight Spur Silver Rhogul Wing Demonic Everflame Ocean Elixir of Life Bionis Ether Infinite Telethis Pen 2330 Telethia Compass Glacier Element Lucky Fang Sky Jewel Quirky Liver Peachy Leg Joint Thin Blood Floppy Crest Cloudy Eyeball Sweaty Cloth 2340 Worn Muscle Fibre Musky Nectar Decrepit Wing Piranhax Belly Meat Rich Sardi Meat Bloody Brog Sweat Eks Iron Heart 2347 All-Seeing Eye Tasty Ansel Wing Feris Blood 2350 Magic Stone Upa Ember Hode Camouflage Hode Plank Fancy Orluga Mask Orluga Grass Skirt Green Eluca Juice Royal Apis Nectar Delicious Vang Tail Iron Antol Fibre 2360 Telethia Feather Telethia Pouch Drizzle Element Dust Element 2364 Old Dragon Spine Jagged Tail Slimy Epithelium Rotten Meat Juice Wild Meat 2369 Scratched jewel 2370 Chipped Talon 2371 Refined Ponytail 2372 Large Hoof 2373 Sturdy Armour 2374 Lexos beard 2375 Hiln Coin Purse 2376 Dense Ansel Meat 2377 Ekidno Jaw Gristle 2378 Juicy Laia Fish 2379 Glossy Grady Fan 2380 Pagul Hot Pot 2381 Silver Eks Plate 2382 Murky Eluca Water 2383 Shiny Kromar Hide 2384 Slick Kromar Stone 2385 Hode Ponytail 2386 Luxury Hode Wood 2387 Orluga Slacks 2388 Aqueous Andos Oil 2389 Skyray Flesh 2390 Squall Element 2391 Ghost Mask 2392 Assassin Mask 2393 Protection Mask 2394 Used Cylinder 2395 New Cylinder 2396 Old Remote Device 2397 Andos Plate 2398 Andos Antenna 2399 Astas Remote Unit 2400 Rufus Control Unit 2401 Tyrea's Mask 2402 Telethia Membrane 2403 Black Fog Deposits 2404 Lightning Element 2405 Refined Horn 2406 Hard Backbone 2407 Salt-Roasted Bird 2408 Fine-Quality Belt 2409 Iron Lump 2410 Dirty Snow Wing 2411 Old Dragon Fang 2412 Ories Horn 2413 Frozen Aries Meat 2414 Golden Eks Heart 2415 Moramora Meat Pie 2416 Ansel Fish Pie 2417 Slobos Ice rock 2418 Apis Gold Nugget 2419 Aged Chilkin Hair2420 Lucky Chilkin Ring 2421 Silver Lexos Heart 2422 Taos Phoenix Egg 2423 Pagul Cold Pie 2424 Soya Paste Shell 2425 Antol Fire Pouch Tasty Vang Feather Feris Aged Ale Hox Flint Antol Sleeping Bag 2430 Mumkhar's Razor Snow Element Fire Element Dull Stone Yellow Slobos Rock Lexos Dragon Elixir Element Chunk Corona Element Gigawatt Element Regal Pterix Wing 2440 Giant Sauros Fang Mammut Horn Royal Kromar Pike Grady Colour Roe Tude Jewel Shell Thick Rhana Hide Telethia Mirror Telethia Ring Telethia Tear Lexos God Elixir 2450 Normal Part S Normal Part M Normal Part L Quality Jet Quality core Quality Unit Quality Fuse Plunger Quality Shaft Quality Plate 2460 Quality Plug Quality Frame Quality Crank Mumkhar's Claws Precision Core Refined Part S Refined Part M Refined Part L Quality Thruster Quality Lens 2470 Old Part S Old Part M Twisted Leg Fatty Fish Belly Succulent Meat Squishy Cartilage Gooey Gunge Dated Plug Dated Crank Dated Frame 2480 Dated Plate Pretty Flamii Leg Piranhax Fishmeal Pterix Energy Egg Ponio Hoof Seal Krabble Back Moss Krabble Detergent Royal Volff hide Electric Upa Tears Silver Antol Fibre 2490 Flier Bloom Scale Wisp Bliss Ring Tough Part S Tough Part M Tough Part L Reinforced Jet Reinforced Thruster Reinforced Lens Reinforced Plate Reinforced Crank 2500 Reinforced Frame Reinforced Plug Reinforced Plunger Reinforced Unit Fine Part SFine Part M Fine Part L Advanced Frame Advanced Plug Advanced Jet 2510 Reinforced Core Bloodstained Face New Part S New Part M New Part L Advanced Core Advanced Lens Advanced Thruster Advanced Plate Advanced Crank 2520 Advanced Chamber Gadolt's Gun Turret Leader's Plate Active Cells Nutritious Microbes Giant Protein Wing of Light Quality Selua Cell Flexible Selua Cell Steel Selua Cell 2530 Hot Selua Cell Telethia Tome Telethia Stem Cell Telethia Light Wing Telethia Letter Telthia Tear Jewel Element Essence Glowing Retina Dark Claw Sharp Ear 2540 Tough Tendon Gale Element Desert Element Flood Element Inferno Element Bolt Element Blizzard Element Ageshu Meat Cut Crimson Egel Eye Deinos Tongue 2550 Laia Intestine Steel Obart Claw Long Barg Ear Balgas Lung Adam's Apple Alcar's Inferno Eye Dickson's Amulet Heavy Hoof Firm Skin Pure-White Fang 2560 Poisonous Needle Lead Carapace Grey Shell Quality Pelt Quality Horn Quality Skin Quality Beak Quality Insect Jaw Quality Scale Quality Roe 2570 Mana Fragment Fossilised Bone Mana Chunk Warrior Race's Seal Azure Flamii Wing Libertas Glyph Ratio Glyph Experia Glyph Scienti Glyph Esse Glyph 2580 Dialek Glyph Spathi Glyph Creare Glyph Natura Glyph Veritas Glyph Thick Shell 2587 Orthlus's Liver 2634 Stone 2641-2645 Wild Beast's Bone 2646 Stone 2647-2663 Edit: I also Have a slight problem, I don't know which code done it but for some reason I can't upgrade Shaulks Monado skills, I have passed that story point in the game where it said I could but I never have been able to, any chance we could get a code to unlock all Monado skill levels? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kannon on October 27, 2011, 05:51:06 AM Using Kaizeru's list i have put together a limited list of the items needed for the Colony 6 rebuild quests
it doesn't have all the items but hopefully it can help people to finish the quests or finish the rest of the list HOUSING 1: 2x Spotted Volf Hide 2x Steel Silk 2: 4x Bunnia Scent Wood 2293 1x Fossil Monkey 3: 1x Eks Iron Heart 2347 4x Sturdy Armor 2374 2x Oil Branch 4: 5x Ponio Hoof Seal 2485 3x Royal Volff Hide 2488 3x Warning Lamp 2x Retro Diode 5: 2x Vang Star Wing 2313 3x Gogol Horn 2314 2x Red Frontier 2x Black Styrene 3x Rainbow Zirconia COMMERCE 1: 2x Igna Hide Jacket 2299 2x Amblygon Turtle 2: 3x Hode Plank 2354 2x Ready Coil 3: 3x Shiny Kromar Hide 2384 2x Slick Kromar Stone 2385 2x Blue Ladybird 4: 5x Piranhax Fishmeal 2483 8x Silver Antol Fibre 2490 3x Sour Turnip 2x Mossy Panel 5: 1x Ocean Elixir of Life 2328 4x Ancient Sardi Meat 2318 2x Art Core Coil 1x Fortune Feather 4x Hill Firefly NATURE 1: 2x Sharp Hox Spur 2230 2x Dark Grape 2: 2x Quadwing Bag 2292 3x Empress Beetle 3: 3x Jagged Tail 2366 2x Despair Clover 2x Ice Cabbage 4: 3x Caterpile Silk 3x Hox Daylight Spur 2325 3x Oil Oyster 3x White Plum 5: 3x Ardun Elder Beard 2317 1x Tokilos King Egg 2310 2x Lewisia Silver 2x Black Liver Bean 2x Black Beetle SPECIAL 1: 1x Light Rain Element 2249 1x Kneecap Rock 2: 2x Dust Element 2364 3x Sea Berry 3: 2x Squall Element 2391 2x Snow element 2432 3x Lemonade Sky 4: 3x Flexible Selua Cell 2529 3x Steel Selua Cell 2530 2x Rainbow Slug 2x Azure Hollyhock 5: 2x Inferno Element 2545 2x Bolt Element 2546 3x Blue Light Amp 2x Angel Engine X 3x Rabbit Diode Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Kaizeru on October 27, 2011, 05:28:32 PM Good job on the list, if no one has finished the item numbers on the list by the end of tomorrow I can get the numbers of the collectables when I get back from work (will be working till 00:30 tonight and have no such opportunity as I start at 10 the next day).
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kannon on October 28, 2011, 12:22:12 AM Sounds good. if i knew how to go through the list id give it a go but im also at work
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Kaizeru on October 28, 2011, 01:55:49 AM Sounds good. if i knew how to go through the list id give it a go but im also at work Its really easy, just load up the Change Shop Item v4 code along with the Display Item Digit for Change Shop Item code, as you go through the list write down the item name and the digit that appears in the money side (though with big lists like the Materials I would recommend only doing it once per 10 items), I use my flat screen for my PC monitor aswell as my Wii TV so when I write the list I am writing blind so if you find any mistakes that would be why. Also seeing as this would be a big help, would it be ok for me to add the item digits to the thread with the codes? or have Thomas do that? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: aufgreifen on October 28, 2011, 11:14:48 AM Wait, stupid questions incoming :D
First off, the list does just go on and on and on, right? I mean, the gaps you left are totally linear and no gaps inbetween? Then I could do this really quickly (Excel ftw :D ) EDIT: Tried it out. Problem is, there are probably some counting errors in your list between 2180 and 2190, 2500-2510 and 2580-2587, because there the auto-number list differs from yours (2190 on your list is 2189 on auto, 2510 on yours is 2508 auto and 2587 is 2584 auto). OR are there "blind IDs" in between? But then, correct numbering would not be possible for me as of now... And another one about the Change Shop Item code. Do shop items really change to ANYTHING? Like the master skill books or rare collectible items? And what happens when you unload this code? Will the shop be back to normal again? (Ok, these are three questions, but they're connected to each other :) ). Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Kaizeru on October 28, 2011, 09:55:52 PM Stiff Hair 2152 Broken Antenna Small Shell Small Scale Filthy Wing Perforated Oar Muddy Pelt Bunnit Paw Tough Bunnit Wood 2160 Catapile Syrup Sweet Nectar Rock Krabble Shell Raw Piranhax Meat Sharp Antol Jaw Vang Tooth Yolkless Flamii Egg Medicinal Brog Oil Ancient Armor Iron Krabble Shell 2170 Fresh Sardi Meat Special Bunnit Iron Fresh Armu Milk Tokilos Wing Lucky Skeeter Wing Krabble Artwork Maternal Armu Milk Quality Antol Jaw Vang Hair Clip Laughing Brog Bag 2180 Quality Maril Shell Quality Rhana Claw Wet Hair Old Insect Leg Rough Skin Small Claw Bunnic Paw Tatty Bunniv Wood Heavy Bunniv Iron 2189 Caterpile Poison 2190 Black Nectar 2191 Moving Lizard Tail 2192 Blue Vang Wing 2193 Croaking Brog Bag 2194 Insect Jaw 2195 Molush Mucus 2196 Broken Pincer 2197 Arachno Ear 2198 Arachno Silk 2199 Brog Smelling Salts 2200 Krabble Stone 2201 Giant Queen Jaw 2202 Broken Part S 2203 Broken Part M 2204 Broken Part L 2205 Genuine Plug 2206 Genuine Frame 2207 Genuine Shaft 2208 Genuine Plate 2209 Genuine Chamber 2210 Genuine Crank Smelly Hide Fleecy Fur Cracked Bill Small Insect Leg Strong Insect Leg Slimy Tongue Warn Out Weapon Rusty Part M Rusty Part S 2220 Rusty Part L Small Dorsal Fin Thick Armu Milk Ardun Horn Spotted Volff Hide Fertile Flamii Egg Bunnit Sapling Bunnit Scrap Iron Sharp Hox Spur 2229 Sticky Webb Fibre 2230 Living Antol Eye Giant King Jaw Vang Third Molar Flier Straw Glowing Wisp Fluid Thick Nectar Ornate Lizard Claw Brog Leg Meat Ponio Neck Meat 2239 Tirkin Crest 2240 Tirkin Tail Feather Generic Shaft Generic Blade Generic Plug Generic Crank Piranhax Roe Fatty Sardi Meat Light Rain Element Generic Unit 2249 Quality Web Fibre 2250 Perfect Queen Jaw Clear Torta Soup Tatty Insect Wing Red Wing Slender Horn Serrated Insect Leg Small Oar Flier Wing Bitter Wisp Fluid 2259 Red Rhogul Wing 2260 100th Hox Spur Crystal Antol Eye Thunder Element Small Upa Light Flier Allure Scale Wisp Glow Stick Strong Hox Horn Antol Pheromones Hard Pincer 2269 Shed Lizard Claw 2270 Krabble Fixed Part Rich Krabble Egg Black Vang Fang Cracket Part S Cracket Part M Cracket Part L Upgraded Frame Upgraded Spindle Upgraded Shaft Upgraded Plunger 2280 Stick Mucus 2281 Cracked Claw Ordinary Hide Smelly Antenna Shoddy Weapon Rainstorm Element Tornado Element Glowing Upa Seed Rhogul Zxe Crest Vang Milk Tooth 2290 Twin Flamii Eggs 2291 Quadwing Bag Bunnia Scent Wood Bunnia Ham Potent Brog Poison White Brog Liver Fancy Volff Hide Catapile Vinegar Igna Hide Jacket Igna Stone Pot 2300 Guardian's Wing 2301 Gongol Snack Stash Queen Cocoon Upa Death Stone Element Fragment Catapile Silk Andos Fire Armour Diamond Brog Eye Immortal Moss Tokilos King Egg 2310 Demon Web Fibre 2211 Lucky Arachno Box Vang Star Wing Gogol Horn Black Queen Fibre Arachno Sickle Ardun Elder Beard Ancient Sardi Meat Lizard Moon Jewel Tirkin Elder Medal 2320 Bunniv Club Quadwing Treasure Flamii Waterfall Orb Wisp Sun Bead Hox Daylight Spur Silver Rhogul Wing Demonic Everflame Ocean Elixir of Life Bionis Ether Infinite Telethis Pen 2330 Telethia Compass Glacier Element Lucky Fang Sky Jewel Quirky Liver Peachy Leg Joint Thin Blood Floppy Crest Cloudy Eyeball Sweaty Cloth 2340 Worn Muscle Fibre Musky Nectar Decrepit Wing Piranhax Belly Meat Rich Sardi Meat Bloody Brog Sweat Eks Iron Heart 2347 All-Seeing Eye Tasty Ansel Wing Feris Blood 2350 Magic Stone Upa Ember Hode Camouflage Hode Plank Fancy Orluga Mask Orluga Grass Skirt Green Eluca Juice Royal Apis Nectar Delicious Vang Tail Iron Antol Fibre 2360 Telethia Feather Telethia Pouch Drizzle Element Dust Element 2364 Old Dragon Spine Jagged Tail Slimy Epithelium Rotten Meat Juice Wild Meat 2369 Scratched jewel 2370 Chipped Talon 2371 Refined Ponytail 2372 Large Hoof 2373 Sturdy Armour 2374 Lexos beard 2375 Hiln Coin Purse 2376 Dense Ansel Meat 2377 Ekidno Jaw Gristle 2378 Juicy Laia Fish 2379 Glossy Grady Fan 2380 Pagul Hot Pot 2381 Silver Eks Plate 2382 Murky Eluca Water 2383 Shiny Kromar Hide 2384 Slick Kromar Stone 2385 Hode Ponytail 2386 Luxury Hode Wood 2387 Orluga Slacks 2388 Aqueous Andos Oil 2389 Skyray Flesh 2390 Squall Element 2391 Ghost Mask 2392 Assassin Mask 2393 Protection Mask 2394 Used Cylinder 2395 New Cylinder 2396 Old Remote Device 2397 Andos Plate 2398 Andos Antenna 2399 Astas Remote Unit 2400 Rufus Control Unit 2401 Tyrea's Mask 2402 Telethia Membrane 2403 Black Fog Deposits 2404 Lightning Element 2405 Refined Horn 2406 Hard Backbone 2407 Salt-Roasted Bird 2408 Fine-Quality Belt 2409 Iron Lump 2410 Dirty Snow Wing 2411 Old Dragon Fang 2412 Ories Horn 2413 Frozen Aries Meat 2414 Golden Eks Heart 2415 Moramora Meat Pie 2416 Ansel Fish Pie 2417 Slobos Ice rock 2418 Apis Gold Nugget 2419 Aged Chilkin Hair2420 Lucky Chilkin Ring 2421 Silver Lexos Heart 2422 Taos Phoenix Egg 2423 Pagul Cold Pie 2424 Soya Paste Shell 2425 Antol Fire Pouch Tasty Vang Feather Feris Aged Ale Hox Flint Antol Sleeping Bag 2430 Mumkhar's Razor Snow Element Fire Element Dull Stone Yellow Slobos Rock Lexos Dragon Elixir Element Chunk Corona Element Gigawatt Element Regal Pterix Wing 2440 Giant Sauros Fang Mammut Horn Royal Kromar Pike Grady Colour Roe Tude Jewel Shell Thick Rhana Hide Telethia Mirror Telethia Ring Telethia Tear Lexos God Elixir 2450 Normal Part S Normal Part M Normal Part L Quality Jet Quality core Quality Unit Quality Fuse Quality Plunger Quality Shaft Quality Plate 2460 Quality Plug Quality Frame Quality Crank Mumkhar's Claws Precision Core Refined Part S Refined Part M Refined Part L Quality Thruster Quality Lens 2470 Old Part S Old Part M Twisted Leg Fatty Fish Belly Succulent Meat Squishy Cartilage Gooey Gunge Dated Plug Dated Crank Dated Frame 2480 Dated Plate Pretty Flamii Leg Piranhax Fishmeal Pterix Energy Egg Ponio Hoof Seal Krabble Back Moss Krabble Detergent Royal Volff hide Electric Upa Tears Silver Antol Fibre 2490 Flier Bloom Scale Wisp Bliss Ring Tough Part S Tough Part M Tough Part L Reinforced Jet Reinforced Thruster Reinforced Lens Reinforced Plate Reinforced Crank 2500 Reinforced Frame Reinforced Plug Reinforced Plunger Reinforced Unit Fine Part S Fine Part M Fine Part L Advanced Frame Advanced Plug Advanced Jet 2510 Reinforced Core Bloodstained Face New Part S New Part M New Part L Advanced Core Advanced Lens Advanced Thruster Advanced Plate Advanced Crank 2520 Advanced Chamber Gadolt's Gun Turret Leader's Plate Active Cells Nutritious Microbes Giant Protein Wing of Light Quality Selua Cell Flexible Selua Cell Steel Selua Cell 2530 Hot Selua Cell Telethia Tome Telethia Stem Cell Telethia Light Wing Telethia Letter Telthia Tear Jewel Element Essence Glowing Retina Dark Claw Sharp Ear 2540 Tough Tendon Gale Element Desert Element Flood Element Inferno Element Bolt Element Blizzard Element Ageshu Meat Cut Crimson Egel Eye Deinos Tongue 2550 Laia Intestine Steel Obart Claw Long Barg Ear Balgas Lung Adam's Apple Alcar's Inferno Eye Dickson's Amulet Heavy Hoof Firm Skin Pure-White Fang 2560 Poisonous Needle Lead Carapace Grey Shell Quality Pelt Quality Horn Quality Skin Quality Beak Quality Insect Jaw Quality Scale Quality Roe 2570 Mana Fragment Fossilised Bone Mana Chunk Warrior Race's Seal Azure Flamii Wing Libertas Glyph Ratio Glyph Experia Glyph Scienti Glyph Esse Glyph 2580 Dialek Glyph Spathi Glyph Tempus Glyph Creare Glyph Natura Glyph Veritas Glyph Thick Shell 2587 Orthlus's Liver 2634 Stone 2641-2645 Wild Beast's Bone 2646 Stone 2647-2663 After more extensive searching I have found out that I missed 2 item's on the list (took forever) but now I can say the list is assuredly completed *mutters about the Krabble Fixed Part and Tempus Glyph* I also missed pressing enter on one of the lines so 2 items were taken up by 1 line, anyways there are no spaces between the items (except where it is noted at the end of the list, I will proceed to make the list of collectable items needed for the reconstruction of C6. Quote from: aufgreifen And another one about the Change Shop Item code. Do shop items really change to ANYTHING? Like the master skill books or rare collectible items? And what happens when you unload this code? Will the shop be back to normal again? (Ok, these are three questions, but they're connected to each other Smiley ). Yes, Masters Skill Books are available, all items every single one is in the shop, though to sift through it all is a titanic task, that game has thousands of items (and alot of spaces between said items, you can buy any armour, any weapon, any Gem, every single item that the game has to offer is in the shop, though be wary, I have tried scrolling through these items and it can sometimes reset your Wii, I do not know why or how this happens it just does, I can safely get from the training books (in colony 9, its the best place for using the item mod code, its to complicated to explain why but take it from me that C9 is the best place) to the materials and the collectables, though I would advise caution, if you go under the collectables (2151 to 18** (not sure what the last item number is)) that is one of the places I have found to reset my Wii and be aware, this is not the only place either, its happened at other places but my memory isn't what it used to be so I don't really remember. As to the shop resetting if you switch off the code, don't worry it resets the item on the list every time you buy something (it gets quite annoying actually when you try to buy all the items needed for colony 6), i.e. if you start with Bone Upper (the first item in the Arts Manuals at C9) the item ID is 2939, you want to buy say for instance Stiff Hair (ID 2152) the moment you finish paying the the item it will change the item back to Bone Upper, making you scroll all the way down again to the next item on your shopping list (which is one of the reasons I use the arts manuals to go the materials, only 400 to 800 items between you and the materials). Additionally I would mention that it is not only the shop items that you can change, but the items on the trade menu, allowing you to get the achievements with ease. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: aufgreifen on October 29, 2011, 10:50:03 AM After more extensive searching I have found out that I missed 2 item's on the list (took forever) but now I can say the list is assuredly completed *mutters about the Krabble Fixed Part and Tempus Glyph* I also missed pressing enter on one of the lines so 2 items were taken up by 1 line, anyways there are no spaces between the items (except where it is noted at the end of the list, I will proceed to make the list of collectable items needed for the reconstruction of C6. Ok, this seems to fit, since I noticed 2 items missing. Here's the fully numbered list... though I still don't have any idea what could be done with this :) I attached the corresponding excel sheet below. Should work with Open Office as well in case. Stiff Hair 2152 Broken Antenna 2153 Small Shell 2154 Small Scale 2155 Filthy Wing 2156 Perforated Oar 2157 Muddy Pelt 2158 Bunnit Paw 2159 Tough Bunnit Wood 2160 Catapile Syrup 2161 Sweet Nectar 2162 Rock Krabble Shell 2163 Raw Piranhax Meat 2164 Sharp Antol Jaw 2165 Vang Tooth 2166 Yolkless Flamii Egg 2167 Medicinal Brog Oil 2168 Ancient Armor 2169 Iron Krabble Shell 2170 Fresh Sardi Meat 2171 Special Bunnit Iron 2172 Fresh Armu Milk 2173 Tokilos Wing 2174 Lucky Skeeter Wing 2175 Krabble Artwork 2176 Maternal Armu Milk 2177 Quality Antol Jaw 2178 Vang Hair Clip 2179 Laughing Brog Bag 2180 Quality Maril Shell 2181 Quality Rhana Claw 2182 Wet Hair 2183 Old Insect Leg 2184 Rough Skin 2185 Small Claw 2186 Bunnic Paw 2187 Tatty Bunniv Wood 2188 Heavy Bunniv Iron 2189 Caterpile Poison 2190 Black Nectar 2191 Moving Lizard Tail 2192 Blue Vang Wing 2193 Croaking Brog Bag 2194 Insect Jaw 2195 Molush Mucus 2196 Broken Pincer 2197 Arachno Ear 2198 Arachno Silk 2199 Brog Smelling Salts 2200 Krabble Stone 2201 Giant Queen Jaw 2202 Broken Part S 2203 Broken Part M 2204 Broken Part L 2205 Genuine Plug 2206 Genuine Frame 2207 Genuine Shaft 2208 Genuine Plate 2209 Genuine Chamber 2210 Genuine Crank 2211 Smelly Hide 2212 Fleecy Fur 2213 Cracked Bill 2214 Small Insect Leg 2215 Strong Insect Leg 2216 Slimy Tongue 2217 Warn Out Weapon 2218 Rusty Part M 2219 Rusty Part S 2220 Rusty Part L 2221 Small Dorsal Fin 2222 Thick Armu Milk 2223 Ardun Horn 2224 Spotted Volff Hide 2225 Fertile Flamii Egg 2226 Bunnit Sapling 2227 Bunnit Scrap Iron 2228 Sharp Hox Spur 2229 Sticky Webb Fibre 2230 Living Antol Eye 2231 Giant King Jaw 2232 Vang Third Molar 2233 Flier Straw 2234 Glowing Wisp Fluid 2235 Thick Nectar 2236 Ornate Lizard Claw 2237 Brog Leg Meat 2238 Ponio Neck Meat 2239 Tirkin Crest 2240 Tirkin Tail Feather 2241 Generic Shaft 2242 Generic Blade 2243 Generic Plug 2244 Generic Crank 2245 Piranhax Roe 2246 Fatty Sardi Meat 2247 Light Rain Element 2248 Generic Unit 2249 Quality Web Fibre 2250 Perfect Queen Jaw 2251 Clear Torta Soup 2252 Tatty Insect Wing 2253 Red Wing 2254 Slender Horn 2255 Serrated Insect Leg 2256 Small Oar 2257 Flier Wing 2258 Bitter Wisp Fluid 2259 Red Rhogul Wing 2260 100th Hox Spur 2261 Crystal Antol Eye 2262 Thunder Element 2263 Small Upa Light 2264 Flier Allure Scale 2265 Wisp Glow Stick 2266 Strong Hox Horn 2267 Antol Pheromones 2268 Hard Pincer 2269 Shed Lizard Claw 2270 Krabble Fixed Part 2271 Rich Krabble Egg 2272 Black Vang Fang 2273 Cracket Part S 2274 Cracket Part M 2275 Cracket Part L 2276 Upgraded Frame 2277 Upgraded Spindle 2278 Upgraded Shaft 2279 Upgraded Plunger 2280 Stick Mucus 2281 Cracked Claw 2282 Ordinary Hide 2283 Smelly Antenna 2284 Shoddy Weapon 2285 Rainstorm Element 2286 Tornado Element 2287 Glowing Upa Seed 2288 Rhogul Zxe Crest 2289 Vang Milk Tooth 2290 Twin Flamii Eggs 2291 Quadwing Bag 2292 Bunnia Scent Wood 2293 Bunnia Ham 2294 Potent Brog Poison 2295 White Brog Liver 2296 Fancy Volff Hide 2297 Catapile Vinegar 2298 Igna Hide Jacket 2299 Igna Stone Pot 2300 Guardian's Wing 2301 Gongol Snack Stash 2302 Queen Cocoon 2303 Upa Death Stone 2304 Element Fragment 2305 Catapile Silk 2306 Andos Fire Armour 2307 Diamond Brog Eye 2308 Immortal Moss 2309 Tokilos King Egg 2310 Demon Web Fibre 2311 Lucky Arachno Box 2312 Vang Star Wing 2313 Gogol Horn 2314 Black Queen Fibre 2315 Arachno Sickle 2316 Ardun Elder Beard 2317 Ancient Sardi Meat 2318 Lizard Moon Jewel 2319 Tirkin Elder Medal 2320 Bunniv Club 2321 Quadwing Treasure 2322 Flamii Waterfall Orb 2323 Wisp Sun Bead 2324 Hox Daylight Spur 2325 Silver Rhogul Wing 2326 Demonic Everflame 2327 Ocean Elixir of Life 2328 Bionis Ether 2329 Infinite Telethis Pen 2330 Telethia Compass 2331 Glacier Element 2332 Lucky Fang 2333 Sky Jewel 2334 Quirky Liver 2335 Peachy Leg Joint 2336 Thin Blood 2337 Floppy Crest 2338 Cloudy Eyeball 2339 Sweaty Cloth 2340 Worn Muscle Fibre 2341 Musky Nectar 2342 Decrepit Wing 2343 Piranhax Belly Meat 2344 Rich Sardi Meat 2345 Bloody Brog Sweat 2346 Eks Iron Heart 2347 All-Seeing Eye 2348 Tasty Ansel Wing 2349 Feris Blood 2350 Magic Stone 2351 Upa Ember 2352 Hode Camouflage 2353 Hode Plank 2354 Fancy Orluga Mask 2355 Orluga Grass Skirt 2356 Green Eluca Juice 2357 Royal Apis Nectar 2358 Delicious Vang Tail 2359 Iron Antol Fibre 2360 Telethia Feather 2361 Telethia Pouch 2362 Drizzle Element 2363 Dust Element 2364 Old Dragon Spine 2365 Jagged Tail 2366 Slimy Epithelium 2367 Rotten Meat 2368 Juice Wild Meat 2369 Scratched jewel 2370 Chipped Talon 2371 Refined Ponytail 2372 Large Hoof 2373 Sturdy Armour 2374 Lexos beard 2375 Hiln Coin Purse 2376 Dense Ansel Meat 2377 Ekidno Jaw Gristle 2378 Juicy Laia Fish 2379 Glossy Grady Fan 2380 Pagul Hot Pot 2381 Silver Eks Plate 2382 Murky Eluca Water 2383 Shiny Kromar Hide 2384 Slick Kromar Stone 2385 Hode Ponytail 2386 Luxury Hode Wood 2387 Orluga Slacks 2388 Aqueous Andos Oil 2389 Skyray Flesh 2390 Squall Element 2391 Ghost Mask 2392 Assassin Mask 2393 Protection Mask 2394 Used Cylinder 2395 New Cylinder 2396 Old Remote Device 2397 Andos Plate 2398 Andos Antenna 2399 Astas Remote Unit 2400 Rufus Control Unit 2401 Tyrea's Mask 2402 Telethia Membrane 2403 Black Fog Deposits 2404 Lightning Element 2405 Refined Horn 2406 Hard Backbone 2407 Salt-Roasted Bird 2408 Fine-Quality Belt 2409 Iron Lump 2410 Dirty Snow Wing 2411 Old Dragon Fang 2412 Ories Horn 2413 Frozen Aries Meat 2414 Golden Eks Heart 2415 Moramora Meat Pie 2416 Ansel Fish Pie 2417 Slobos Ice rock 2418 Apis Gold Nugget 2419 Aged Chilkin Hair 2420 Lucky Chilkin Ring 2421 Silver Lexos Heart 2422 Taos Phoenix Egg 2423 Pagul Cold Pie 2424 Soya Paste Shell 2425 Antol Fire Pouch 2426 Tasty Vang Feather 2427 Feris Aged Ale 2428 Hox Flint 2429 Antol Sleeping Bag 2430 Mumkhar's Razor 2431 Snow Element 2432 Fire Element 2433 Dull Stone 2434 Yellow Slobos Rock 2435 Lexos Dragon Elixir 2436 Element Chunk 2437 Corona Element 2438 Gigawatt Element 2439 Regal Pterix Wing 2440 Giant Sauros Fang 2441 Mammut Horn 2442 Royal Kromar Pike 2443 Grady Colour Roe 2444 Tude Jewel Shell 2445 Thick Rhana Hide 2446 Telethia Mirror 2447 Telethia Ring 2448 Telethia Tear 2449 Lexos God Elixir 2450 Normal Part S 2451 Normal Part M 2452 Normal Part L 2453 Quality Jet 2454 Quality core 2455 Quality Unit 2456 Quality Fuse 2457 Quality Plunger 2458 Quality Shaft 2459 Quality Plate 2460 Quality Plug 2461 Quality Frame 2462 Quality Crank 2463 Mumkhar's Claws 2464 Precision Core 2465 Refined Part S 2466 Refined Part M 2467 Refined Part L 2468 Quality Thruster 2469 Quality Lens 2470 Old Part S 2471 Old Part M 2472 Twisted Leg 2473 Fatty Fish Belly 2474 Succulent Meat 2475 Squishy Cartilage 2476 Gooey Gunge 2477 Dated Plug 2478 Dated Crank 2479 Dated Frame 2480 Dated Plate 2481 Pretty Flamii Leg 2482 Piranhax Fishmeal 2483 Pterix Energy Egg 2484 Ponio Hoof Seal 2485 Krabble Back Moss 2486 Krabble Detergent 2487 Royal Volff hide 2488 Electric Upa Tears 2489 Silver Antol Fibre 2490 Flier Bloom Scale 2491 Wisp Bliss Ring 2492 Tough Part S 2493 Tough Part M 2494 Tough Part L 2495 Reinforced Jet 2496 Reinforced Thruster 2497 Reinforced Lens 2498 Reinforced Plate 2499 Reinforced Crank 2500 Reinforced Frame 2501 Reinforced Plug 2502 Reinforced Plunger 2503 Reinforced Unit 2504 Fine Part S 2505 Fine Part M 2506 Fine Part L 2507 Advanced Frame 2508 Advanced Plug 2509 Advanced Jet 2510 Reinforced Core 2511 Bloodstained Face 2512 New Part S 2513 New Part M 2514 New Part L 2515 Advanced Core 2516 Advanced Lens 2517 Advanced Thruster 2518 Advanced Plate 2519 Advanced Crank 2520 Advanced Chamber 2521 Gadolt's Gun Turret 2522 Leader's Plate 2523 Active Cells 2524 Nutritious Microbes 2525 Giant Protein 2526 Wing of Light 2527 Quality Selua Cell 2528 Flexible Selua Cell 2529 Steel Selua Cell 2530 Hot Selua Cell 2531 Telethia Tome 2532 Telethia Stem Cell 2533 Telethia Light Wing 2534 Telethia Letter 2535 Telthia Tear Jewel 2536 Element Essence 2537 Glowing Retina 2538 Dark Claw 2539 Sharp Ear 2540 Tough Tendon 2541 Gale Element 2542 Desert Element 2543 Flood Element 2544 Inferno Element 2545 Bolt Element 2546 Blizzard Element 2547 Ageshu Meat Cut 2548 Crimson Egel Eye 2549 Deinos Tongue 2550 Laia Intestine 2551 Steel Obart Claw 2552 Long Barg Ear 2553 Balgas Lung 2554 Adam's Apple 2555 Alcar's Inferno Eye 2556 Dickson's Amulet 2557 Heavy Hoof 2558 Firm Skin 2559 Pure-White Fang 2560 Poisonous Needle 2561 Lead Carapace 2562 Grey Shell 2563 Quality Pelt 2564 Quality Horn 2565 Quality Skin 2566 Quality Beak 2567 Quality Insect Jaw 2568 Quality Scale 2569 Quality Roe 2570 Mana Fragment 2571 Fossilised Bone 2572 Mana Chunk 2573 Warrior Race's Seal 2574 Azure Flamii Wing 2575 Libertas Glyph 2576 Ratio Glyph 2577 Experia Glyph 2578 Scienti Glyph 2579 Esse Glyph 2580 Dialek Glyph 2581 Spathi Glyph 2582 Tempus Glyph 2583 Creare Glyph 2584 Natura Glyph 2585 Veritas Glyph 2586 Thick Shell 2587 Orthlus's Liver 2634 Stone 2641 Stone 2642 Stone 2643 Stone 2644 Stone 2645 Wild Beast's Bone 2646 Stone 2647 Stone 2648 Stone 2649 Stone 2650 Stone 2651 Stone 2652 Stone 2653 Stone 2654 Stone 2655 Stone 2656 Stone 2657 Stone 2658 Stone 2659 Stone 2660 Stone 2661 Stone 2662 Stone 2663 http://www.xup.in/dl,42320619/xb1.xls/ (Uploaded at xup.in because the forums tell me "error: cannot access upload path") Yes, Masters Skill Books are available, all items every single one is in the shop, though to sift through it all is a titanic task, that game has thousands of items (and alot of spaces between said items, you can buy any armour, any weapon, any Gem, every single item that the game has to offer is in the shop, though be wary, I have tried scrolling through these items and it can sometimes reset your Wii, I do not know why or how this happens it just does, I can safely get from the training books (in colony 9, its the best place for using the item mod code, its to complicated to explain why but take it from me that C9 is the best place) to the materials and the collectables, though I would advise caution, if you go under the collectables (2151 to 18** (not sure what the last item number is)) that is one of the places I have found to reset my Wii and be aware, this is not the only place either, its happened at other places but my memory isn't what it used to be so I don't really remember. As to the shop resetting if you switch off the code, don't worry it resets the item on the list every time you buy something (it gets quite annoying actually when you try to buy all the items needed for colony 6), i.e. if you start with Bone Upper (the first item in the Arts Manuals at C9) the item ID is 2939, you want to buy say for instance Stiff Hair (ID 2152) the moment you finish paying the the item it will change the item back to Bone Upper, making you scroll all the way down again to the next item on your shopping list (which is one of the reasons I use the arts manuals to go the materials, only 400 to 800 items between you and the materials). Additionally I would mention that it is not only the shop items that you can change, but the items on the trade menu, allowing you to get the achievements with ease. Thank you for all the input! This is very interesting stuff to know about this. I think, if my Wii would just reset I'd freak out xD But now that I'm warned I'll just make sure to save more each time after getting a desired item :p I'm not so interested in achievements, but I have too much bad luck to gain very rare items or skill books, so I'd just love to skip on those hours of useless running around, so this way might just provide a solution :) Resetting occurs with just the code or in combination with the digit code? And what would be better: To ALWAYS go to C9 (which you say would be the preferred way) or to go to a shop/trader who has an item which is close to the one I want to have? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murdiaries on October 29, 2011, 04:20:31 PM Hi everyone!
I've tried Thomas83Lin's code to unlock all areas, except I couldn't revisit the red locked out zones with it. As it is terribly exhausting to replay the New Game + for a few quests, anyone has a code to re-enable all areas? Thanks guys! Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Kaizeru on October 29, 2011, 07:36:26 PM After more extensive searching I have found out that I missed 2 item's on the list (took forever) but now I can say the list is assuredly completed *mutters about the Krabble Fixed Part and Tempus Glyph* I also missed pressing enter on one of the lines so 2 items were taken up by 1 line, anyways there are no spaces between the items (except where it is noted at the end of the list, I will proceed to make the list of collectable items needed for the reconstruction of C6. Ok, this seems to fit, since I noticed 2 items missing. Here's the fully numbered list... though I still don't have any idea what could be done with this :) I attached the corresponding excel sheet below. Should work with Open Office as well in case. Stiff Hair 2152 Broken Antenna 2153 Small Shell 2154 Small Scale 2155 Filthy Wing 2156 Perforated Oar 2157 Muddy Pelt 2158 Bunnit Paw 2159 Tough Bunnit Wood 2160 Catapile Syrup 2161 Sweet Nectar 2162 Rock Krabble Shell 2163 Raw Piranhax Meat 2164 Sharp Antol Jaw 2165 Vang Tooth 2166 Yolkless Flamii Egg 2167 Medicinal Brog Oil 2168 Ancient Armor 2169 Iron Krabble Shell 2170 Fresh Sardi Meat 2171 Special Bunnit Iron 2172 Fresh Armu Milk 2173 Tokilos Wing 2174 Lucky Skeeter Wing 2175 Krabble Artwork 2176 Maternal Armu Milk 2177 Quality Antol Jaw 2178 Vang Hair Clip 2179 Laughing Brog Bag 2180 Quality Maril Shell 2181 Quality Rhana Claw 2182 Wet Hair 2183 Old Insect Leg 2184 Rough Skin 2185 Small Claw 2186 Bunnic Paw 2187 Tatty Bunniv Wood 2188 Heavy Bunniv Iron 2189 Caterpile Poison 2190 Black Nectar 2191 Moving Lizard Tail 2192 Blue Vang Wing 2193 Croaking Brog Bag 2194 Insect Jaw 2195 Molush Mucus 2196 Broken Pincer 2197 Arachno Ear 2198 Arachno Silk 2199 Brog Smelling Salts 2200 Krabble Stone 2201 Giant Queen Jaw 2202 Broken Part S 2203 Broken Part M 2204 Broken Part L 2205 Genuine Plug 2206 Genuine Frame 2207 Genuine Shaft 2208 Genuine Plate 2209 Genuine Chamber 2210 Genuine Crank 2211 Smelly Hide 2212 Fleecy Fur 2213 Cracked Bill 2214 Small Insect Leg 2215 Strong Insect Leg 2216 Slimy Tongue 2217 Warn Out Weapon 2218 Rusty Part M 2219 Rusty Part S 2220 Rusty Part L 2221 Small Dorsal Fin 2222 Thick Armu Milk 2223 Ardun Horn 2224 Spotted Volff Hide 2225 Fertile Flamii Egg 2226 Bunnit Sapling 2227 Bunnit Scrap Iron 2228 Sharp Hox Spur 2229 Sticky Webb Fibre 2230 Living Antol Eye 2231 Giant King Jaw 2232 Vang Third Molar 2233 Flier Straw 2234 Glowing Wisp Fluid 2235 Thick Nectar 2236 Ornate Lizard Claw 2237 Brog Leg Meat 2238 Ponio Neck Meat 2239 Tirkin Crest 2240 Tirkin Tail Feather 2241 Generic Shaft 2242 Generic Blade 2243 Generic Plug 2244 Generic Crank 2245 Piranhax Roe 2246 Fatty Sardi Meat 2247 Light Rain Element 2248 Generic Unit 2249 Quality Web Fibre 2250 Perfect Queen Jaw 2251 Clear Torta Soup 2252 Tatty Insect Wing 2253 Red Wing 2254 Slender Horn 2255 Serrated Insect Leg 2256 Small Oar 2257 Flier Wing 2258 Bitter Wisp Fluid 2259 Red Rhogul Wing 2260 100th Hox Spur 2261 Crystal Antol Eye 2262 Thunder Element 2263 Small Upa Light 2264 Flier Allure Scale 2265 Wisp Glow Stick 2266 Strong Hox Horn 2267 Antol Pheromones 2268 Hard Pincer 2269 Shed Lizard Claw 2270 Krabble Fixed Part 2271 Rich Krabble Egg 2272 Black Vang Fang 2273 Cracket Part S 2274 Cracket Part M 2275 Cracket Part L 2276 Upgraded Frame 2277 Upgraded Spindle 2278 Upgraded Shaft 2279 Upgraded Plunger 2280 Stick Mucus 2281 Cracked Claw 2282 Ordinary Hide 2283 Smelly Antenna 2284 Shoddy Weapon 2285 Rainstorm Element 2286 Tornado Element 2287 Glowing Upa Seed 2288 Rhogul Zxe Crest 2289 Vang Milk Tooth 2290 Twin Flamii Eggs 2291 Quadwing Bag 2292 Bunnia Scent Wood 2293 Bunnia Ham 2294 Potent Brog Poison 2295 White Brog Liver 2296 Fancy Volff Hide 2297 Catapile Vinegar 2298 Igna Hide Jacket 2299 Igna Stone Pot 2300 Guardian's Wing 2301 Gongol Snack Stash 2302 Queen Cocoon 2303 Upa Death Stone 2304 Element Fragment 2305 Catapile Silk 2306 Andos Fire Armour 2307 Diamond Brog Eye 2308 Immortal Moss 2309 Tokilos King Egg 2310 Demon Web Fibre 2311 Lucky Arachno Box 2312 Vang Star Wing 2313 Gogol Horn 2314 Black Queen Fibre 2315 Arachno Sickle 2316 Ardun Elder Beard 2317 Ancient Sardi Meat 2318 Lizard Moon Jewel 2319 Tirkin Elder Medal 2320 Bunniv Club 2321 Quadwing Treasure 2322 Flamii Waterfall Orb 2323 Wisp Sun Bead 2324 Hox Daylight Spur 2325 Silver Rhogul Wing 2326 Demonic Everflame 2327 Ocean Elixir of Life 2328 Bionis Ether 2329 Infinite Telethis Pen 2330 Telethia Compass 2331 Glacier Element 2332 Lucky Fang 2333 Sky Jewel 2334 Quirky Liver 2335 Peachy Leg Joint 2336 Thin Blood 2337 Floppy Crest 2338 Cloudy Eyeball 2339 Sweaty Cloth 2340 Worn Muscle Fibre 2341 Musky Nectar 2342 Decrepit Wing 2343 Piranhax Belly Meat 2344 Rich Sardi Meat 2345 Bloody Brog Sweat 2346 Eks Iron Heart 2347 All-Seeing Eye 2348 Tasty Ansel Wing 2349 Feris Blood 2350 Magic Stone 2351 Upa Ember 2352 Hode Camouflage 2353 Hode Plank 2354 Fancy Orluga Mask 2355 Orluga Grass Skirt 2356 Green Eluca Juice 2357 Royal Apis Nectar 2358 Delicious Vang Tail 2359 Iron Antol Fibre 2360 Telethia Feather 2361 Telethia Pouch 2362 Drizzle Element 2363 Dust Element 2364 Old Dragon Spine 2365 Jagged Tail 2366 Slimy Epithelium 2367 Rotten Meat 2368 Juice Wild Meat 2369 Scratched jewel 2370 Chipped Talon 2371 Refined Ponytail 2372 Large Hoof 2373 Sturdy Armour 2374 Lexos beard 2375 Hiln Coin Purse 2376 Dense Ansel Meat 2377 Ekidno Jaw Gristle 2378 Juicy Laia Fish 2379 Glossy Grady Fan 2380 Pagul Hot Pot 2381 Silver Eks Plate 2382 Murky Eluca Water 2383 Shiny Kromar Hide 2384 Slick Kromar Stone 2385 Hode Ponytail 2386 Luxury Hode Wood 2387 Orluga Slacks 2388 Aqueous Andos Oil 2389 Skyray Flesh 2390 Squall Element 2391 Ghost Mask 2392 Assassin Mask 2393 Protection Mask 2394 Used Cylinder 2395 New Cylinder 2396 Old Remote Device 2397 Andos Plate 2398 Andos Antenna 2399 Astas Remote Unit 2400 Rufus Control Unit 2401 Tyrea's Mask 2402 Telethia Membrane 2403 Black Fog Deposits 2404 Lightning Element 2405 Refined Horn 2406 Hard Backbone 2407 Salt-Roasted Bird 2408 Fine-Quality Belt 2409 Iron Lump 2410 Dirty Snow Wing 2411 Old Dragon Fang 2412 Ories Horn 2413 Frozen Aries Meat 2414 Golden Eks Heart 2415 Moramora Meat Pie 2416 Ansel Fish Pie 2417 Slobos Ice rock 2418 Apis Gold Nugget 2419 Aged Chilkin Hair 2420 Lucky Chilkin Ring 2421 Silver Lexos Heart 2422 Taos Phoenix Egg 2423 Pagul Cold Pie 2424 Soya Paste Shell 2425 Antol Fire Pouch 2426 Tasty Vang Feather 2427 Feris Aged Ale 2428 Hox Flint 2429 Antol Sleeping Bag 2430 Mumkhar's Razor 2431 Snow Element 2432 Fire Element 2433 Dull Stone 2434 Yellow Slobos Rock 2435 Lexos Dragon Elixir 2436 Element Chunk 2437 Corona Element 2438 Gigawatt Element 2439 Regal Pterix Wing 2440 Giant Sauros Fang 2441 Mammut Horn 2442 Royal Kromar Pike 2443 Grady Colour Roe 2444 Tude Jewel Shell 2445 Thick Rhana Hide 2446 Telethia Mirror 2447 Telethia Ring 2448 Telethia Tear 2449 Lexos God Elixir 2450 Normal Part S 2451 Normal Part M 2452 Normal Part L 2453 Quality Jet 2454 Quality core 2455 Quality Unit 2456 Quality Fuse 2457 Quality Plunger 2458 Quality Shaft 2459 Quality Plate 2460 Quality Plug 2461 Quality Frame 2462 Quality Crank 2463 Mumkhar's Claws 2464 Precision Core 2465 Refined Part S 2466 Refined Part M 2467 Refined Part L 2468 Quality Thruster 2469 Quality Lens 2470 Old Part S 2471 Old Part M 2472 Twisted Leg 2473 Fatty Fish Belly 2474 Succulent Meat 2475 Squishy Cartilage 2476 Gooey Gunge 2477 Dated Plug 2478 Dated Crank 2479 Dated Frame 2480 Dated Plate 2481 Pretty Flamii Leg 2482 Piranhax Fishmeal 2483 Pterix Energy Egg 2484 Ponio Hoof Seal 2485 Krabble Back Moss 2486 Krabble Detergent 2487 Royal Volff hide 2488 Electric Upa Tears 2489 Silver Antol Fibre 2490 Flier Bloom Scale 2491 Wisp Bliss Ring 2492 Tough Part S 2493 Tough Part M 2494 Tough Part L 2495 Reinforced Jet 2496 Reinforced Thruster 2497 Reinforced Lens 2498 Reinforced Plate 2499 Reinforced Crank 2500 Reinforced Frame 2501 Reinforced Plug 2502 Reinforced Plunger 2503 Reinforced Unit 2504 Fine Part S 2505 Fine Part M 2506 Fine Part L 2507 Advanced Frame 2508 Advanced Plug 2509 Advanced Jet 2510 Reinforced Core 2511 Bloodstained Face 2512 New Part S 2513 New Part M 2514 New Part L 2515 Advanced Core 2516 Advanced Lens 2517 Advanced Thruster 2518 Advanced Plate 2519 Advanced Crank 2520 Advanced Chamber 2521 Gadolt's Gun Turret 2522 Leader's Plate 2523 Active Cells 2524 Nutritious Microbes 2525 Giant Protein 2526 Wing of Light 2527 Quality Selua Cell 2528 Flexible Selua Cell 2529 Steel Selua Cell 2530 Hot Selua Cell 2531 Telethia Tome 2532 Telethia Stem Cell 2533 Telethia Light Wing 2534 Telethia Letter 2535 Telthia Tear Jewel 2536 Element Essence 2537 Glowing Retina 2538 Dark Claw 2539 Sharp Ear 2540 Tough Tendon 2541 Gale Element 2542 Desert Element 2543 Flood Element 2544 Inferno Element 2545 Bolt Element 2546 Blizzard Element 2547 Ageshu Meat Cut 2548 Crimson Egel Eye 2549 Deinos Tongue 2550 Laia Intestine 2551 Steel Obart Claw 2552 Long Barg Ear 2553 Balgas Lung 2554 Adam's Apple 2555 Alcar's Inferno Eye 2556 Dickson's Amulet 2557 Heavy Hoof 2558 Firm Skin 2559 Pure-White Fang 2560 Poisonous Needle 2561 Lead Carapace 2562 Grey Shell 2563 Quality Pelt 2564 Quality Horn 2565 Quality Skin 2566 Quality Beak 2567 Quality Insect Jaw 2568 Quality Scale 2569 Quality Roe 2570 Mana Fragment 2571 Fossilised Bone 2572 Mana Chunk 2573 Warrior Race's Seal 2574 Azure Flamii Wing 2575 Libertas Glyph 2576 Ratio Glyph 2577 Experia Glyph 2578 Scienti Glyph 2579 Esse Glyph 2580 Dialek Glyph 2581 Spathi Glyph 2582 Tempus Glyph 2583 Creare Glyph 2584 Natura Glyph 2585 Veritas Glyph 2586 Thick Shell 2587 Orthlus's Liver 2634 Stone 2641 Stone 2642 Stone 2643 Stone 2644 Stone 2645 Wild Beast's Bone 2646 Stone 2647 Stone 2648 Stone 2649 Stone 2650 Stone 2651 Stone 2652 Stone 2653 Stone 2654 Stone 2655 Stone 2656 Stone 2657 Stone 2658 Stone 2659 Stone 2660 Stone 2661 Stone 2662 Stone 2663 http://www.xup.in/dl,42320619/xb1.xls/ (Uploaded at xup.in because the forums tell me "error: cannot access upload path") Yes, Masters Skill Books are available, all items every single one is in the shop, though to sift through it all is a titanic task, that game has thousands of items (and alot of spaces between said items, you can buy any armour, any weapon, any Gem, every single item that the game has to offer is in the shop, though be wary, I have tried scrolling through these items and it can sometimes reset your Wii, I do not know why or how this happens it just does, I can safely get from the training books (in colony 9, its the best place for using the item mod code, its to complicated to explain why but take it from me that C9 is the best place) to the materials and the collectables, though I would advise caution, if you go under the collectables (2151 to 18** (not sure what the last item number is)) that is one of the places I have found to reset my Wii and be aware, this is not the only place either, its happened at other places but my memory isn't what it used to be so I don't really remember. As to the shop resetting if you switch off the code, don't worry it resets the item on the list every time you buy something (it gets quite annoying actually when you try to buy all the items needed for colony 6), i.e. if you start with Bone Upper (the first item in the Arts Manuals at C9) the item ID is 2939, you want to buy say for instance Stiff Hair (ID 2152) the moment you finish paying the the item it will change the item back to Bone Upper, making you scroll all the way down again to the next item on your shopping list (which is one of the reasons I use the arts manuals to go the materials, only 400 to 800 items between you and the materials). Additionally I would mention that it is not only the shop items that you can change, but the items on the trade menu, allowing you to get the achievements with ease. Thank you for all the input! This is very interesting stuff to know about this. I think, if my Wii would just reset I'd freak out xD But now that I'm warned I'll just make sure to save more each time after getting a desired item :p I'm not so interested in achievements, but I have too much bad luck to gain very rare items or skill books, so I'd just love to skip on those hours of useless running around, so this way might just provide a solution :) Resetting occurs with just the code or in combination with the digit code? And what would be better: To ALWAYS go to C9 (which you say would be the preferred way) or to go to a shop/trader who has an item which is close to the one I want to have? Allow me to explain why C9 is the best place, say your scrolling through the items (like the 2939 manual I mentioned before) it has exactly enough manuals to fill up one page, now the thing is every other shop that I have been to that sells manuals has more then one page its best to use C9 because when you cant see the item your changing, it stops changing the item i.e say you have 9 items per page (that fits in) and there are 10 (or more) manuals that means for every 10 moving from a higher number (which is up on the Wiimote) you would only increase the item count by 1 or 30 depending on if your just using skip 1 or skip 30 but if you can see the first item in the list all the time it keeps changing it, I don't know if I can explain it better then that but that's the reason I always use C9 as the manuals exactly fit into 1 page. As to the resetting, it happens with both the item code on its own and the 2 combined, though as to saving I would just do it every 10 items, its way to much effort to save every time you buy a new item. BTW I recently (read about 20 mins ago) resubscribed to WoW so much of my spare time will be poured into that and as such I really can't be bothered to make that other list of collectables, in reality its much easier just to buy all the collectables so you can fill the collectapedia as soon as you enter a new area (its what I did). Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Apokolypse on November 02, 2011, 11:04:41 AM I have a question/request regarding the Landmark/Location code. I used the code in hopes of unlocking the entire map, as in, filling it out. I did not plan on actually using the landmarks to skip around. Now the code unlocks every location and landmark perfectly. My only issue is..it does not fill out the map, it still stays incomplete with only the names and symbols on there. Normally in the game, when you find every location and landmark on a map, it completes it, however with that code..it does not complete and no matter what I do, will not. So now I'm stuck with fragmented maps for the rest of the game. My question is..is there a code someone can make to fill in the maps? Or is there a way to do it after using the code we already have?
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: moosehunter on November 05, 2011, 06:12:01 AM Would it be possible to have a code to reset your level stats to 1? I'm sure a lot of people would find that useful for a new game +.
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: theredsuns on November 07, 2011, 05:15:07 AM Is there any way to change "Increase All Stats v.2" to only work on the first character in party, or does anyone have time to make one that does? I would prefer to not max the characters levels to 99 and level up naturally(so I disable that portion of the code). I want to only have Shulk with max stats, but after leveling a few times I need to reactivate the code to fix the negative stats and with other members in the party it maxes them as well.
C20C6D0C 00000007 807E0018 3980270F B183166C B183166E B1831670 B183167E B1831682 B1831688 39800064 998316A5 3D80461C 618C3C00 91831660 00000000 040C1580 60000000 Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pringles on December 10, 2011, 07:37:43 PM Would it be possible to have a code to reset your level stats to 1? I'm sure a lot of people would find that useful for a new game +. I was wondering about that too. I was looking for a code to possibly REDUCE the Experience gained when you kill a monster. [Edit] Nvm, the code for reducing EXP upon a kill is: Code: 040C1550 1F45FE0C This basically makes you multiply the EXP obtained by 500%, and then it will be subtracted from your current total amount. However, as good as this sounds, the moment you are about to "delevel", it actually raises your level to 99. So I'm guessing that reducing the total exp won't work. There has to be a code to change the level itself then, it seems. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Gandalf on December 11, 2011, 08:03:12 PM I have a question/request regarding the Landmark/Location code. I used the code in hopes of unlocking the entire map, as in, filling it out. I did not plan on actually using the landmarks to skip around. Now the code unlocks every location and landmark perfectly. My only issue is..it does not fill out the map, it still stays incomplete with only the names and symbols on there. Normally in the game, when you find every location and landmark on a map, it completes it, however with that code..it does not complete and no matter what I do, will not. So now I'm stuck with fragmented maps for the rest of the game. My question is..is there a code someone can make to fill in the maps? Or is there a way to do it after using the code we already have? You're interested in a code which makes all maps completely visible (as in completely explored)? Because that would be the code which I'm also very interested in. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: heylisten1010 on December 24, 2011, 08:58:34 AM Adding to Colony 6 item collectible number codes (kannon's post):
Red Frontier - 2134 Black Liver Bean - 1887 I read on some message boards that these are some of the more annoyingly rare & random drops. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Amadeus-93 on December 30, 2011, 11:15:22 AM is that possible to have a code that disables the code
"Increase All Stats v.2" for all the characters that he did the old stats before you use the code? because the last boss fight in 4 stroke ... that kill the game. >:D :'( :'( Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rayquaza on April 08, 2012, 09:11:46 AM I just found this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86GCaqZuxY&feature=player_embedded
Is there any way to come to this with a cheat? It might be quite hard, but it is within the game, so it should work. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on April 11, 2012, 03:36:55 AM I just found this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86GCaqZuxY&feature=player_embedded Still needs alittle testing so backup your gamesave for now. works for both Pal and UsaIs there any way to come to this with a cheat? It might be quite hard, but it is within the game, so it should work. Colony 9 Level Swapper [Thomas83Lin] C2087504 00000003 3D80xxxx 618Cxxxx 806DA828 91830E28 60000000 00000000 *Replace X's with level digit* *Colony 9 Beta=30313032* *Bionis Left Shoulder=30383031* *Junk=32343031* *fallen hand=31363032* *Use Skip travel to Colony 9 Central Plaza to enable* *(recommend not to save) while in these levels If you do just re-enable code to get out* Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rayquaza on April 11, 2012, 07:15:05 AM Nice codes, but the last map, you called ??, is available during the main story. It's the fallen hand of the Mechonis.
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on April 11, 2012, 11:53:26 AM Ok do you also know the name of the one called junk. is it available during the game?
edit: I may make a complete list, of all the areas in the game if there is interest in that. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Rayquaza on April 11, 2012, 12:39:25 PM The Junks is a star fighter from the Machina race, who live on the fallen hand.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71R0tzAQDW8 The map, the code show, is unavailable during normal gameplay. You can see the evil Telethias in the background. In the game, the whole thing was just a cutscene. Maybe, Monolith wanted to make a battle against them on the fighter? http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Junks Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ferrarez on April 18, 2012, 10:05:20 PM I want to make a Request:
There's a ways to create a code for Xenoblade, to make the enemies give less(the half will be good) XP, or to the quests no give XP, or something like that, because this game has so much side quests, and i love do all of then, but you get to much overpowered and the game game gets boring, i love do battle in areas but the monster get weak to fast in this way, and even the storie's bosses are easy if i do to much quest in the area, i love grinding like old hard RPG. i know that already exist a code that reduce XP to Zero, but is too much works reset the Wii all the time that i am doing a quest and i whem not doing. Thanks for reading and sorry for the bad english :) Title: Re: [Request] Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: dcx2 on April 18, 2012, 10:20:15 PM The v2 EXP multiplier codes are here. http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,8758.msg73796.html#msg73796
A 50% EXP only v2 code would be like so 50% EXP v2 [dcx2] C20A2C04 00000008 48000009 3F000000 C9828198 D981FFF8 6C978000 92E1FFFC C961FFF8 ED6B6028 7D8802A6 C18C0000 ED6B0332 FD60581E D961FFF8 82E1FFFC 60000000 00000000 modified base on Thomas83lin/Unknown's work Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Ferrarez on April 19, 2012, 02:28:21 AM Really Thanks dcx2 and Thomas83lin for the great Help :D
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Dertreumer on April 22, 2012, 06:53:51 PM Hey there! Is it possible to create a code which makes that any weapon can damage Mechon?
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: mra484 on April 28, 2012, 11:41:28 PM I haven't been able to find a code for reducing your level to 1 for a new game +, and people were asking about it a while ago so I figured I would post what I made.
Code: Shulk lv down 00CE43CF 00000001 04CE437C 00000000 04CE4380 00000000 02CE43E8 00000012 02CE43EC 0000001A 02CE43EA 0000000F 04CE43DB 00436600 Reyn lv down 00CE81A3 00000001 04CE8150 00000000 04CE8154 00000000 02CE81BC 0000002A 02CE81C0 0000000A 02CE81BE 0000000C 04CE81AF 0043BE00 Fiora lv down 00CEBF77 00000001 04CEBF24 00000000 04CEBF28 00000000 02CEBF90 00000011 02CEBF94 0000001B 02CEBF92 00000012 04CEBF83 00435E00 Dunban lv down 00CEFD4B 0000001B 04CEFCF8 00004ECB 04CEFCFC 0000000A 02CEFD64 0000010B 02CEFD68 000000A9 02CEFD66 0000004D 04CEFD57 004527C0 Sharla lv down 00CF3B1F 0000000A 04CF3ACC 00000000 04CF3AD0 00001200 02CF3B38 0000004E 02CF3B3C 00000057 02CF3B3A 0000001C 04CF3B2B 00446DC0 Riki lv down 00CF78F3 00000016 04CF78A0 00000000 04CF78A4 0000C000 02CF790C 000000AD 02CF7910 000000A6 02CF790E 00000038 04CF78FF 00456FA0 Melia lv down 00CFB6C7 00000017 04CFB674 00000000 04CFB678 0000A000 02CFB6E0 00000080 02CFB6E4 000000F8 02CFB6E2 0000002F 04CFB6D3 0044C460 Seventh lv down 00CFF49B 00000028 04CFF448 00000000 04CFF44C 0005FC61 02CFF4B4 00000183 02CFF4B8 00000133 02CFF4B6 0000005E 04CFF4A7 00457E62 This can be used at any time to bring someone down to level 1, or whatever their initial level is, but it only really needs to be on when you load the new game+ for the first time. Obviously, it should be shut off the first chance you get. In case anybody wants to edit the code for their own use, the first line is the level, the second and third line are exp, but only the third line is taken into account when calculating the level, the fourth line is strength, the fifth line is ether, the sixth line is agility and the last line is hp. There were two problems when using this code. First, the game doesn't automatically adjust anyone's level when they first enter your party, so the level they join at is about the level I was at when they joined. The second problem is that anybody other than Shulk and Reyn have their max affinity coins recalculated when they enter the party for the first time. I'm sure it uses a counter somewhere for how many unique monsters have been killed, but I wasn't able to find it so their coin count needs to be manually edited after they join, or at your leisure, using the following codes. Code: Dunban coins 02cf2336 00000xxx Sharla coins 02cf610a 00000xxx Riki coins 02cf9ede 00000xxx Melia coins 02cfdcb2 00000xxx Seventh coins 02d01a86 00000xxx When I did a playthrough with these codes, I found it was still a little too easy, so I made codes for reducing arts levels and skill trees to their starting values as well. You will still keep whatever arts books and skill trees you had already unlocked. Code: set all ap to 0 08ce4384 00000000 20083dd4 00000000 Shulk sp point reset 08ce69be 00000000 10050004 00000000 Shulk skill reset 08ce6177 00000000 00040020 00000000 08ce621b 00000000 00050020 00000000 08ce62df 00000000 00050020 00000000 08ce63a3 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CE6467 00000000 00050020 00000000 Shulk skill link remove 08ce652b 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08ce654b 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08ce656b 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08ce658b 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08ce65ab 00000000 000600c4 00000000 Shulk arts level reset 08CE2CE8 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Reyn sp point reset 08cea792 00000000 10050004 00000000 Reyn skill reset 08ce9f4b 00000000 00040020 00000000 08ce9fef 00000000 00050020 00000000 08cea0b3 00000000 00050020 00000000 08cea177 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CEa23b 00000000 00050020 00000000 Reyn skill link remove 08ceA2ff 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08cea31f 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08cea33f 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08cea35f 00000000 000600c4 00000000 08cea37f 00000000 000600c4 00000000 Reyn arts level reset 08ce6abc 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Fiora sp reset 08CEE566 00000000 10050004 00000000 Fiora skill reset 08CEDD1F 00000000 00040020 00000000 08CEDDC3 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CEDE87 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CEDF4B 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CEE00F 00000000 00050020 00000000 Fiora arts level reset 08CEA890 00000001 00040002 00000000 Dunban sp reset 08CF233A 00000000 10050004 00000000 Dunban skill reset 08CF1AF3 00000000 00040020 00000000 08CF1B97 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF1C5B 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF1D1F 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF1DE3 00000000 00050020 00000000 Dunban arts level reset 08CEE664 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Sharla sp reset 08CF610e 00000000 10050004 00000000 Sharla skill reset 08CF58C7 00000000 00040020 00000000 08CF596B 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF5A2F 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF5AF3 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF5BB7 00000000 00050020 00000000 Sharla arts level reset 08CF2438 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Riki sp reset 08CF9EE2 00000000 10050004 00000000 Riki skill reset 08CF969B 00000000 00040020 00000000 08CF973F 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF9803 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF98C7 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CF998B 00000000 00050020 00000000 Riki arts level reset 08CF620C 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Melia sp reset 08CFDCB6 00000000 10050004 00000000 Melia skill reset 08CFD46F 00000000 00040020 00000000 08CFD513 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CFD5D7 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CFD69B 00000000 00050020 00000000 08CFD75F 00000000 00050020 00000000 Melia arts level reset 08CF9FE0 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Seventh sp reset 08D01A8A 00000000 10050004 00000000 Seventh skill reset 08D01243 00000000 00040020 00000000 08D012E7 00000000 00050020 00000000 08D013AB 00000000 00050020 00000000 08D0146F 00000000 00050020 00000000 08D01533 00000000 00050020 00000000 Seventh arts level reset 08CFDDB4 00000001 000f0002 00000000 Again, these only need to be on when you first load the new game+ and should be turned off before doing anything significant. The game needs to be saved and reloaded in order for the skill effects to be removed anyway. Linked skills won't be removed just by forgetting the skills, so I made a code to unlink Shulk and Reyn's skills since the game doesn't allow you to do so until a certain point. I would just remove the other characters' linked skills manually as they join the party. It's a little late for this kind of code, but hopefully someone will get as much fun out of it as I have. Sorry about the long lists, I'm sure the codes could be condensed more, but I wouldn't know how. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murdiaries on May 01, 2012, 11:22:12 AM I just found this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86GCaqZuxY&feature=player_embedded Still needs alittle testing so backup your gamesave for now. works for both Pal and UsaIs there any way to come to this with a cheat? It might be quite hard, but it is within the game, so it should work. Colony 9 Level Swapper [Thomas83Lin] C2087504 00000003 3D80xxxx 618Cxxxx 806DA828 91830E28 60000000 00000000 *Replace X's with level digit* *Colony 9 Beta=30313032* *Bionis Left Shoulder=30383031* *Junk=32343031* *fallen hand=31363032* *Use Skip travel to Colony 9 Central Plaza to enable* *(recommend not to save) while in these levels If you do just re-enable code to get out* Hi Thomaslin! Do you have any code to access the Colony 9 Ending map? Thanks! :) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on May 01, 2012, 01:14:18 PM after some Googling i believe your talking about the colony 9 beta, if its different see if you can find a video link, so i can see it.
if it is colony 9 beta I'll need to rename it. Thanks Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murdiaries on May 01, 2012, 09:33:50 PM That's the very one, I'm sorry to have bothered you. :)
Answering to your previous question, yes. I'd really love reading a map code reference to access all the areas of this truly wonderful game! (Any chance of a walk-trough-walls code?) Thanks again, Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on May 02, 2012, 12:42:03 AM That's the very one, I'm sorry to have bothered you. Smiley Most had names few didn't, so a couple of the names may be wrong, i didn't check every one of these to see if they all worked, but here is the list, some of these may require using a different landmark while others may require using with a moon jump code to get to. Answering to your previous answer, yes. I'd really love reading a map code reference to access all the areas of this truly wonderful game! Thanks again, Colony 9-30313031 Tephra Cave-30323031 Bionis' Leg-30333031 Colony 6-30343031 Ether Mine-30343032 Satorl Marsh-30353031 Bionis ' Interior-32313031 Makna Forest-30363031 Frontier Village-30373031 Eryth Sea-31303031 Alcamoth-31313031 High Entia Tomb-30393031 Prison Island-31323031 Valak Mountain-31333031 Sword Valley-31343031 Galahad Fortress-31353031 Fallen Arm-31363031 Mechonis Field-31373031 Central Factory-32303031 Agniratha-31393031 Mechonis Core-32333031 Prison Island 2-31323032 Memory Space-32323031 Junks-32343031 Colony 9 beta-30313032 Bionis Left Shoulder-30383031 Fallen hand-31363032 Mechonis Field 2-31383031 -doesn't seem to work. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murdiaries on May 02, 2012, 04:31:50 PM Works great, excellent job!
After experimenting those in my near-end save, I've tried entering in Ether Mine, where the path is locked out by rocks. Moonjumps only allowed me to temporarly see trough the caves and the Ether reactor is indeed there. Perhaps even the enemies, items and crystals are there as well but without a walk-trough-walls code it's not possible to confirm it. Any chance to see that code or forcing the teleport on locked out landmarks? Thanks again, Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: genxevo on May 15, 2012, 12:09:11 PM Is there anyway to fix the bug that doesn't allow to activate the Monado?
I've tried to change the max talent gauge to zero and that kinda worked where i could actually see if filling up, but still won't allow activation. Is there something i could edit in the save file or something? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Eyden on May 23, 2012, 09:57:53 AM I have a problem, I don't know which code done it but for some reason I can't upgrade Shulks Monado arts, I have passed that story point in the game where it said I could but I never have been able to, any chance we could get a code to unlock all Monado art levels?
Mfg Title: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] - GC Controller challenge Post by: Ruffy on May 26, 2012, 02:09:52 PM First off, sorry if this should have been posted in the existing Xenoblade Chronicles thread, but I figured it may be better if this has its own thread because it's not your usuall request thread of some code, that can be made via a USB gecko.
As you all know Nintendo didn't include Gamecube controller support in this game, which is a shame, because imo the GC controller is superior to the Classic Controller/Pro. Making a GC controller hack of a game that runs in Wii mode is no easy task. You can't get it done with a USB gecko alone. You need an IDA, a lot of good assembly knowledge and whatever else is needed. -snip- Good luck to everyone :) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Otto on May 29, 2012, 08:41:06 AM Has anyone else had any problems with the EXP/AP/SP Multiplier v2 code? (http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,8758.msg73796.html#msg73796)
Activated it in Valak Mountain at Lv54 with 0.1 EXP and 0.2 AP/SP, works perfectly most of the time. When Fiora rejoined, she came in at 62 (everyone else being just before 55), about 48k EXP (her starting EXP is supposed to be around 390k), and about 500 AP to spend (which I'm guessing came from landmarks). That wasn't even the worst part: Dunban somehow ended up at level 99 with 100461976 EXP and 99,999,999 AP. Skill points were completely unaffected for either character and the other five were completely normal. If it makes any difference, Dunban was in the 4th slot in my party during the unwinnable fight in Galahad Fortress. That brings me to my next problem: I'm trying to revert those two back to 55 using codes from this awesome New Game+ at Level 1 hack (http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,8757.msg80281.html#msg80281), but I can't change the HP values no matter how I muck around with the last line. Actually, I can change them, but only to some sort of overloaded value that usually gives negative/0/9999+ HP and causes HP Up gems to reduce max HP. Every other value works fine, although the EXP values listed there should be in the second line instead of the third. Short version: - EXP/AP/SP Multiplier v2 seems to have a problem with new characters first joining, or possibly just Fiora rejoining Any ideas? If it matters, this is NSTC. edit: solved the HP thing, works like this: Code: Shulk's HP 04CE43DC xxxxxxxx Reyn's HP 04CE81B0 xxxxxxxx Fiora's HP 04CEBF84 xxxxxxxx Dunban's HP 04CEFD58 xxxxxxxx Sharla's HP 04CF3B2C xxxxxxxx Riki's HP 04CF7900 xxxxxxxx Melia's HP 04CFB6D4 xxxxxxxx Seventh's HP 04CFF4A8 xxxxxxxx With the x's being 32-bit hex (http://babbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu/IEEE-754/index.xhtml). Pretty weird that this works and the original didn't since most of it was still in the right place, but whatever. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Missing Number on June 10, 2012, 08:00:02 PM i saw this posted way back in the thread ages ago and noticed nobody came up with a translated version of it
from the japanese version Gems have a 255% Rate (not sure if exact) 0415B5DC 386000FF 285CE602 00002000 0415B5DC 88630012 E0000000 80008000 285CE662 00000004 0415B5DC 88630012 E0000000 80008000 Press Z - Nunchuck Press ZR - Classic Controller Do this at the Item Screen while highlighting Gems. NOTE: You can only move the cursor up and down sometimes. .......... i did notice however there was something that sounded similar from the PAL version HP UP% Increase\Decrease Modifier when wearing any HP UP Gem [Thomas83Lin] 0417B6B8 3800xxxx *Check Main Thread for xxxx* Strength UP% Increase\Decrease Modifier when wearing any Strength UP Gem [Thomas83Lin] 0417B550 3800xxxx *Can't See the Effect* *Check Main Thread for xxxx* so i was wondering if someone could do this? i'd like to see some gems activate at 100% and do things like 1000 spike damage, just as an example also a 2nd request the same for the team's skills, like when i equip a -5 weight from dunban, its like -50, or 10% agility being 100%, just as an example Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Thomas83Lin on June 10, 2012, 09:54:39 PM Here you go its Ported from the JPN ram dump but hasn't been tested at all
Gems have a 255% Rate (not sure if exact) 0415C620 386000FF 285CAF82 00002000 0415C620 88630012 E0000000 80008000 285CAF82 00000004 0415C620 88630012 E0000000 80008000 *Ported from ?* Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Missing Number on June 10, 2012, 10:21:16 PM aw lame just realized it meant 255% in gem crafting
i was hoping it'd be 255% in effect some gems when crafted have a different value in effect, 255% DID seem like a bit too much, but i'd kill for atleast double the usual value... also 3rd request, you know how there is a limit to each value the gems increase? ie. First Attack %150 = limit, no matter how many you have, it will always cap @ 150 i want the limit to be broken (please and thankyou) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: darkshaos on July 12, 2012, 08:27:51 PM Hi is there a way to undo this code?
New Game+ [Thomas83Lin] 00572A26 000000FD 005729F5 000000FC I used it before getting the monado and I don´t want to loose it Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: NikraDK on July 14, 2012, 08:37:04 PM Hi is there a way to undo this code? New Game+ [Thomas83Lin] 00572A26 000000FD 005729F5 000000FC I used it before getting the monado and I don´t want to loose it Try this one. It should work: 00572A26 00000000 005729F5 000000FF Start the game with the code on. then save and quit. Now restart the game without the code. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: NikraDK on July 14, 2012, 08:41:29 PM I made another code, but I haven't posted enough to post it on the proper board, so I post it here.
Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] (PAL) Time Played Modifier 04663DA8 00XXX000 XXX = Hours (000-3E8) 3E8 = 999:59 (Time will stop after that) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: murdiaries on September 18, 2012, 09:10:53 AM Any chance of a Walk Through Walls code? Thanks :)
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Pringles on October 20, 2013, 01:48:21 PM Has anyone gotten Homs Fiora to work with the character change code? If so - How?
Everything I try results in the same thing - Game freezing up the moment I leave the Menu screen. I did what the instructions said too (Add correct weapon, then move to main party, make sure the weapon is still correct, then exit menu, but nada). Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kronosx on November 25, 2013, 12:56:27 AM Finally, I found it lol
Remove Hp Cap 04667860 46F3CFFF actually increase the Hp Cap around 31-32K lol, Now it's Reyn Time! the effect can't be seen in the character stats only in the battle and the Hp only show 4 digits, but the code works Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Nameless Mofo on February 18, 2014, 01:47:00 AM OK I'm really hoping the coders here can help with this request. I have searched every place I can think of and found zilch.
I'm looking for a code to let you sell normally un-sellable items. Meaning, the replica monado's, the empress staff, gadolt's rifle, etc. There are already codes in the database here to allow unique item gems to be removed, and also to change the number of slots on an item. I'm really hoping a "make any item sellable" code would be an easy one for those more skilled in the code-making art. I also have codes I made myself that I can post in trade if anyone's interested. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your replies. Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kronosx on November 23, 2014, 11:52:25 AM Try this
No Gem Effects Limits & no weapon-armor restriction 225717EC 00000000 4A000000 9021A7C4 18000000 00017FFF 2060002C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 finally is possible reach Unbeatable 100%; Haste 200%; Strength Up 500 and equip gem weapons in armor and viceversa Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Missing Number on November 23, 2014, 10:21:04 PM Try this No Gem Effects Limits & no weapon-armor restriction 225717EC 00000000 4A000000 9021A7C4 18000000 00017FFF 2060002C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 finally is possible reach Unbeatable 100%; Haste 200%; Strength Up 500 and equip gem weapons in armor and viceversa how is this supposed to work? cuz it isn't working at all for me Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kronosx on December 06, 2014, 04:16:51 AM the code removes the equipped gem effect limit, normally you can reach only Hp 50%, with this code and some Hp Gems equipped you can reach HP 350%, also you can equip weapon gems like Haste in the armors
Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Missing Number on December 07, 2014, 03:15:00 AM the code does not work for me, i am playing this on my wii in english, im not sure if that has anything to do with it but...
only effect it has is it screws up the names of gems, like one gem is called SLJS or something and another is just VI another one has no name and another one is cut off maybe the code only works for your version, or for dolphin or whatever? Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: kronosx on December 07, 2014, 04:36:05 AM mmm.. your right im play with the spanish version in the wii and the code work ok
in dolphin also works well http://fotos.subefotos.com/73e7a5a16c54504dc3cd6359e164f98fo.png the offset in the english version is different, try this, im tested the code in dolphin and works fine No Gem Effects Limits & no Weapon-armor Restriction (English) 225717EC 00000000 4A000000 90219BE4 18000000 00017FFF 2060002C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 (http://www.subirimagenes.com/imagedata.php?url=http://s2.subirimagenes.com/imagen/9193255sx4p012.png) Title: Re: Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01] Post by: Missing Number on December 07, 2014, 06:04:25 AM appears to work beautifully ! ;D
now only each gem had 200% effect >:D |