Title: PokePark Wii Pikachu no Daibouken [R8AJ01] Post by: dimodimo on December 07, 2009, 04:19:33 PM (http://media.strategywiki.org/images/thumb/f/f0/Pokepark_Wii_PBA_cover.jpg/250px-Pokepark_Wii_PBA_cover.jpg)
Poke Park Wii Pikachu no Daibouken [R8AJ01] Game ID: R8AJ01 MAX berries 0237AEDE 0000270F MAX status 0237AEEE 0000FFFD Title: Re: PokePark Wii Pikachu no Daibouken [R8AJ01] Post by: Romaap on December 27, 2009, 12:56:07 PM You need an USBGecko for making codes.
You can watch a video tutorial here (http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.php/topic,508.0.html). Title: Re: PokePark Wii Pikachu no Daibouken [R8AJ01] Post by: goemon_guy on December 27, 2009, 07:19:39 PM Sadly, the USB Gecko would be needed to make codes. If you're that desperate, If you understand how to make codes, I could recommend you get a USB Gecko from GP2XStore, but if not, there would be no point.
You'll just have to wait for someone else to make codes for it. |